Title: Communicating with Confidence
1Communicating with Confidence Impact
- Claire Jones
- Inspiria Consulting
- 30 April 2009
2Communication is what the other person
understands about what has been said
3'Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to
go from here? asked Alice'That depends a good
deal on where you want to get to,' said the
Cat. 'I don't much care where----' said
Alice. 'Then it doesn't matter which way you
go,' said the Cat. '----so long as I get
somewhere,' Alice added as an explanation. 'Oh,
you're sure to do that,' said the Cat, 'if you
only walk enough.'
4Step 1
- What do I want to achieve from this
communication? - Are my goals specific enough?
- are you giving them enough (or too much) detail?
- What might the objections be?
5Communication is what the other person
understands about what has been said
6Whats said
Whats heard
7Filters language structure
- Motivation
- Level
- Direction
- Source
- Reason
- Aspect
- Working traits
- Scale
- Attention direction
- Stress response
- Style
- Convincer
8Language structure
- Motivation
- Level
- Direction
- Source
- Reason
- Aspect
- Working traits
- Scale
- Attention direction
- Stress response
- Style
- Convincer
9Direction (the carrot or the stick)
- Towards
- Key words include attain, have, include, achieve,
get - Energised by and focused on the goal
- Good at managing priorities
- Can have trouble recognising what should be
- Away from
- Key words include avoid, get rid of, exclude,
steer clear of - Energised by threats and deadlines
- Good at pinpointing obstacles
- Can have trouble maintaining focus as easily
10Direction questions
- Whats important about x?
- Why bother about y?
- What does z give you?
- Listen to the structure of the answer
- Ask the question 2 or 3 times
11Language structure
- Motivation
- Level
- Direction
- Source
- Reason
- Aspect
- Working traits
- Scope
- Attention direction
- Stress response
- Style
- Convincer
12Aspect (evolution, revolution or stability)
- Same
- Key words include similar, identical, stable, in
common, maintain - Want their situation to stay the same
- When change is happening, focus on the process
- Difference
- Key words include switch, new, transform, change,
brand new - Love change, needing drastic change regularly
- When change is happening, focus on the
13Aspect questions
- Whats the relationship between x and y? (eg your
job, your organisation) - A difference person will tell you about the
changes while a same person will talk about
14Language structure
- Motivation
- Level
- Direction
- Source
- Reason
- Aspect
- Working traits
- Scale
- Attention direction
- Stress response
- Style
- Convincer
15Scale (the wood for the trees)
- General
- Overview, summary
- Simple sentences with few details
- Random order
- Big picture
- Specific
- Lots of detail
- Lots of adverbs and adjectives
- Speak in sequences
- Seem aware only of the steps immediately before
and after the one they are on
16Scope questions
- Any question listen to the structure of the
answer - Structured or random
- Long or short
- Their response to being interrupted
17Language structure
- Motivation
- Level
- Direction
- Source
- Reason
- Aspect
- Working traits
- Scale
- Attention direction
- Stress response
- Style
- Convincer
18Convincer (clinching the deal)
- Number of examples
- Need to have the information a certain number of
times - Automatic
- Take a small amount of info and decide
immediately - Jump to conclusions
- Consistent
- Never completely convinced!
- Go through the whole process again and again
- Period of time
- Gather information until they reach a trigger
- May wait before final decision with no further
19Convincer questions
- How many times do they need to demo x before you
are convinced? - Numbers people will give you a number
- If the question puzzles them, this eliminates
numbers people. Other typical answers - Automatic I can tell right away
- Consistent you have to judge each piece of
work - Time over a couple of months
20Step 2
- What filters might people have?
21Step 3
- How can I phrase my message to make it easier for
the audience to hear? - remember, the meaning of communication is what is
22Step 4
- Experiment - and see what happens!
- Person 1
- Towards
- Difference
- General
- Automatic Convincer
- Person 2
- Away from
- Same
- Specific
- Number Convincer
What would you have to consider if the person, or
the culture of the group, is like person 1 or
person 2?
24What else?
- Being clear about your outcome
- Understanding the position of the other person or
group - Understanding motivation
- Modelling great communicators
- Who am I when I am communicating?
- Influencing to achieve your outcome
25- Todays notes and additional materials can be
found at - www.inspiria.co.uk/workshops
- claire_at_inspiria.co.uk
- Thank you
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