Title: Double Coordination in Small Groups
1Double Coordination in Small Groups
- Luigi Mittone, Matteo Ploner, Ivan Soraperra
- Computable and Experimental Economics Laboratory
University of Trento, Italy - IAREP/SABE - World Meeting 2008
- Roma 4 September 2008
2The Experimental Approach to Innovation a New
Research Field for the CEEL
- Two work in progress projects
- A nation wide field study on coordination in
non-profit firms knowledge sharing and
dissemination within organizations (U-Know
Project financed by the EU) - Coordination and innovation within the network
externalities frame
3Motivations and Related Literature (1)
- Coordination has been studied exclusively in
single groups (BoS, WLG, Minimum Game, etc.). - Many interesting situations in which two groups
of people must coordinate their actions on two
levels - two groups of stakeholders in a firm,
- two departments of the same firm,
- consumers and producers of goods with network
externalities, etc.
4Motivations and Related Literature (2)
- A crossroad between two streams of literature
coordination failures and network externalities - Network externalities considered within the
problem of introducing a new product - Coordination failures in large groups the weak
link coordination game
5Technology Adoption and Network Externalities
- Katz and Shapiro (AmEcRew 1985, JourPolEc 1986)
- Liebowitz and Margolis (JourEcPersp 1994)
6Katz and Shapiro (1986) p.822-823
7Katz and Shapiro (1986)
8Network Externalities
- Network consumption externalities require that at
least one specific attribute, using the
Lancasters Theory of Consumption terminology, is
almost perfectly homogeneous - Supply side competition is therefore restricted
to the other attributes (first of all price) - The common attribute works as an entry barrier
for the newcomers.
9Network Externalities
- Network externalities as a public good
- Need for coordination to produce a Pareto
efficient solution. - The specific case when the consumers must
coordinate themselves to switch from a
traditional product (already characterized by
network externalities) to an innovative one
(which we assume can produce even stronger
positive externalities due to the use of a more
innovative technology)
10Coordination in Experimental Games
- WEBER (AmEcRew 2006)
- BORNSTEIN et al (GamesEcBehav 2002)
- COOPER et al (AmEcRew 1990)
11COOPER et al (1990) p. 218
- We study a class of symmetric, simultaneous
move, complete information games called
coordination games. This term refers to games
which exhibit multiple Nash equilibria which are
Pareto-rankable.' That is, all players are better
off in one equilibrium relative to another - yet may be unable to explicitly coordi-
- nate their strategies to achieve the preferred
outcome. When this occurs, a coordination failure
12WEBER (2006)BORNSTEIN et al (2002)
- Weak link coordination game
- Coordination failure in large groups
(experimental) - Competition between groups
- Progressive increase in the size of the group
13Weak Link Coordination Games
Players choice Minimum choice of all players Minimum choice of all players Minimum choice of all players Minimum choice of all players Minimum choice of all players Minimum choice of all players Minimum choice of all players
Players choice 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 .90 .70 .50 .30 .10 -.10 -.30
6 .80 .60 .40 .20 .00 -.20
5 .70 .50 .30 .10 -.10
4 .60 .40 .20 .00
3 .50 .30 .10
2 .40 .20
1 .30
Source Weber, 2006
14Two Groups, Two Goods, Double Coordination
- One group are the consumers
- One group are the producers
- Positive network externalities for both groups
- Multiple Nash equilibria
- Not a weak link game
- One innovative good
- One traditional good
15Interaction Structure
- Coordination Game
- 2 Pareto-ranked equilibria
- Two actions
- T(raditional good)
- I(nnovative good)
16Interaction Structure
- Groups of 10
- 5 players role A
- 5 players role B
- 30 repetitions with feedback
- 1 repetition rewarded (random pick)
- 2 experimental treatments
- Baseline (two different payoffs structures)
- Treatment (two different payoffs structures)
- Symmetric game
- 2 Nash equilibria
- All players choose I All players choose T
- Dominant strategy is to choose what the majority
of the members of the other group chooses
(independently from ones own group)
18Treatment (1)
- Asymmetric game
- 2 Nash equilibria
- All players choose I All players choose T
- Dominant strategy for role A is to choose what
the majority of role B chooses - Dominant strategy for role B is to choose what
the majority of role B chooses
- Same properties of Baseline 1 but
- Focal point in the NW corner
- Weaker risk perception for the I move
20Treatment (2)
- Baseline
- Players A (e.g., consumers) and Players B (e.g.,
producers) must build a belief on the preferred
choice of the other group - Treatment
- Players B (e.g., producers) have a greater power
in determining the equilibrium - In setting (2) option I is less risky than in (1)
- Baseline
- Due to the simmetry of the incentives across
groups and to the balanced payoff structure of
the two matrices we expect a fast convergence
towards one of the two equilibria. - Treatment
- Players B can pull towards one of the two goods
- If no coordination at the beginning then the
choice of majority of Bs will attract the other
players in the game - In (2) more global coordination on I,I than in
23Procedures and Participants
- 60 Participants
- Students of the University of Trento, Italy
- Computerized experiment
- Web-based
- Average earnings
- Time required
- About 1h 30min
24Results Payoffs1
- In the baseline a fast coordination on I is
observed - In the treatment coordination on I is slower (or
it does not even occur !)
25Results Payoffs 2
- When the risk of choosing I is low all the
people immediately coordinates on the Pareto
Dominant equilibrium
26Preliminary Conclusions
- A very high rate of coordination compared to the
coordination levels reported in the literature - Slower coordination in Treatment(1) when compared
to Baseline(1) - Need for a more detailed individual level