A Comparison and Combination of Theory Generation and Model Checking for Security Protocol Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Comparison and Combination of Theory Generation and Model Checking for Security Protocol Analysis


Theory Generation Overview. Everything is finite, thus theory is finite ... If P believes Q maysee (X,Y), then P believes Q maysee X. RVChecker ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Comparison and Combination of Theory Generation and Model Checking for Security Protocol Analysis

A Comparison and Combination of Theory Generation
and Model Checking for Security Protocol Analysis
  • By Nicholas J. Hopper, Sanjit A. Seshia,
    Jeannette M. Wing
  • Presentation by Heather Goldsby

  • Tools
  • RVChecker
  • Protocols
  • Dolev-Yao
  • Tatabayeshi-Matsuzaki-Newman
  • Combination

  • Model checker
  • State-space analysis
  • Covered by
  • Ali Ebnenasir
  • Zhenxiao Yang

  • Theory generation
  • Based on Belief Logics (BAN)
  • Concept
  • Finite representation of theory
  • Generated by set of rules and assumptions
  • Check for set membership

  • Theory Generation Overview
  • Everything is finite, thus theory is finite
  • Starting with assumptions and messages
  • Apply only shrinking rules
  • To test whether formula is part of theory
  • Backwards chaining using growing rules

  • RV logic
  • Extension of BAN
  • Explicit interpretation
  • Idealization step
  • Fails to consider other interpretations
  • Hidden assumptions about safety of message
  • Responsibility
  • Account for principals irresponsible behavior

  • Explicit Interpretation
  • Allows for explicit idealization of the protocol
  • Interpretation must match pattern
  • M matches all or part of a concrete message
  • M represents its intended meaning

P lt M P lt M P ? Q M P ? Q M P ? Q ? M P ? Q ? M
if P sees M, then P sees M if P believes Q said M, then P believes Q said M if P believes Q says M, then P believes Q says M
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty
  • Sending principal believes any interpretation of
    message they sent
  • Expressed through legit rules
  • Signed any message encrypted under private or
    shared key is signed

P ? Q M P ? Q M Q? M Q? signed(M, Ms, P, Q) Q? legit(Ms)
If P believes Q said M, then P believes Q said M If Q believes M and Q believes the message is signed, then Q believes M is legit
  • Responsibility
  • Secrecy
  • Safe for the intruder to see a message
  • Expressed through maysee rules
  • P ? Q maysee (X,Y)
  • P ? Q maysee X
  • If P believes Q maysee (X,Y), then P believes Q
    maysee X

  • Protocol Analysis Theory Generation
  • Specification supplied
  • messages, interpretation rules, principals,
    belief goals for the principals, initial
  • Theory generation applied to assumptions
  • For each message Mi, receiver Ri
  • formula Ri lt Mi is added
  • Theory generation is re-applied
  • Secrecy is checked
  • Honesty is checked
  • Each belief goal is checked for set inclusion

Tatabayeshi-Matsuzaki-Newman Protocol
  • A ? S S.A.B.RaKs
  • A sends a message to Server S consisting of S, A,
    B, and it session key Ra encrypted under Ks
  • S ? B B.S
  • Server S sends a message to principal B
    consisting of B, S
  • B ? S S.B.A.RbKs
  • Principal B sends a message to server S
    consisting of S, B, A, and its session key Rb
    encrypted under Ks
  • S ? A A.S.B.Ra ? Rb
  • Server S sends a message to principal A
    consisting of A, S, B, and the exclusive or of
    the session key of A and the session key of B.
  • Protocol Flaws
  • Secrecy
  • Authentication
  • Simmons

Dolev-Yao Protocol
  • A ? B A.MKb.AKb.B
  • Principal A sends principal B a message
    consisting of A, M encrypted under key Kb, A,
    encrypted under key Kb and B
  • B ? A B.MKa.B Ka.A
  • Principal B sends principal A a message
    consisting of B, M encrypted under key Ka, B,
    encrypted under key Ka and A
  • Protocol Flaws
  • Secrecy
  • Authentication

BRUTUS Dolev-Yao analysis
  • INITIATOR internal (begin-initiate, b)
  • send lta,b,MKb,aKbgt
  • receive ltb,a,MKa,bKagt
  • internal (end-initiate, b)
  • RESPONDER receive lta,b,MKb,aKbgt
  • internal (begin respond, a)
  • send ltb,a,MKa,bKagt
  • internal (end respond, a)

BRUTUS Dolev-Yao analysis
  • Secrecy
  • Check property ?(I Knows M)
  • BRUTUS catches error (property false)
  • B listens for 2 sessions
  • A initiates one session

A Intruder I _
B Init(B) Send(A,B,Kb(A,Kb(M)))
send(I,B,Kb(I,Kb(A,Kb(M)))) recv(I,B,Kb(
I,Kb(A,Kb(M)))) Send(B,I,Ki(B,Ki(A,Kb(M))))
send(I,B,Kb(I,Kb(M))) Recv(I,B,Kb(I,Kb(M))) Send(B
,I,Ki(B,Ki(M))) recv(B,I,Ki(B,Ki(M)))
knows (M)
BRUTUS Dolev-Yao analysis
  • Authentication
  • Check properties
  • 1. If A finishes initiating a message to B
  • B responded to this message at an earlier point
    in time
  • 2. If B finishes responding to a message from A
  • A initiated sending this message at an earlier
    point in time
  • BRUTUS catches error (property false)
  • More than 1 session

A Intruder I _
B Send(B,I,Ki(B,Ki(M)))
recv(B,I,Ki(B,Ki(M))) Recv(B,A,Ka(B,Ka(M)))
A thinks it is communicating w/ B while really it
is communicating with I B thinks it is
communicating w/ I (It really is communicating w/
RVChecker Dolev-Yao analysis
  • Authentication
  • Desired belief goals
  • A ? B ? (A ? M))
  • A believes B says that it is A who says M
  • B ? A ? M
  • B believes it is A who says M
  • RVChecker finds - beliefs are not in the protocol
  • Fixable by encryption

RVChecker Dolev-Yao analysis
  • Secrecy
  • Flaw
  • comes from double encryption
  • Lack of authentication (shown on previous slide)
  • RVChecker does not find flaw

System Dolev-Yao Auth Dolev-Yao Secrecy TMN Auth/ Secrecy TMN Simmons/Key
  • RVChecker
  • Fully automated
  • High level
  • Assumptions attacks?
  • Conservative approach to security
  • Fully automated
  • State-space explosion
  • Complicated counter-example
  • Number of protocol sessions needed
  • Considers all principals to be honest

How much previous knowledge of protocols is
  • Assumptions to Counterexamples
  • RVChecker identifies assumptions
  • Search for counterexamples using BRUTUS
  • For assumption held by A
  • If A believes something about its own behavior
  • Intruder plays role of A
  • Model extra sessions of other principals
  • If A believes something about principal B
  • Intruder plays role of B
  • Model extra sessions of A

  • Counterexamples to Assumptions
  • BRUTUS identifies counter examples
  • RVChecker then isolates assumptions
  • Model entire counter example trace as a protocol
  • Add assumptions until goal properties satisfied
  • Find assumptions about I playing the role of Q
  • Indicate assumptions made about Q
  • Discovers how I subverted the protocol

Combination Dolev-Yao
A Intruder I _
B Init(B) Send(A,B,Kb(A,Kb(M)))
send(I,B,Kb(I,Kb(A,Kb(M)))) recv(I,B,Kb(I
,Kb(A,Kb(M)))) Send(B,I,Ki(B,Ki(A,Kb(M))))
send(I,B,Kb(I,Kb(M))) Recv(I,B,Kb(I,Kb(M))) Send(B
,I,Ki(B,Ki(M))) recv(B,I,Ki(B,Ki(M)))
knows (M) Recv(B,A,Ka(B,Ka(M)))
Combination Dolev-Yao
  • Counterexamples to Assumptions
  • New assumptions necessary
  • I ? I maysee M
  • I ? B maysee M
  • B ? I maysee M
  • Shows B must believe it is ok for the Intruder to
    see message M

  • Nicholas J. Hopper, Sanjit A. Seshia, and
    Jeannette M. Wing. A comparison and combination
    of theory generation and model checking for
    security protocol analysis. In Proceedings of
    Workshop on Formal Methods and Security, April
  • D. Kindred. Theory Generation for Security
    Protocols. PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon
    University, 1999.
  • D. Kindred and J.M. Wing. Fast, automatic
    checking of security protocols. In Second USENIX
    Workshop on Electronic Commerce, pages 41-52,
    Oakland, California, November 1996. USENIX.
  • Edmund Clarke, Somesh Jha, and Will Marrero. A
    machine checkable logic of knowledge for
    specifying security properties of electronic
    protocols. In Workshop on Formal Methods and
    Security Protocols, Indianapolis, Indiana, June
  • E.M. Clarke, S. Jha, and W. Marrero. Using state
    space exploration and a natural deduction style
    message derivation engine to verify security
    protocols. In Proceedings of the IFIP Working
    Conference on Programming Concepts and Methods
    PROCOMET, 1998.

RV logic Legit Rules
  • P ? Q ? M Q ? M Q ? signed(M,Ms,P,Q)
  • P ? Q ? M Q ? legit(Ms)
  • If P believes Q says M, If Q believes M and Q
    believes the
  • then P believes Q says M message is signed,
    then Q believes Ms
  • is legit
  • P lt M Q ? M
  • P lt M Q ? legit(M)
  • If P sees M, If Q believes M
  • then P sees M then Q believes M is legit

RV logic maysee rules
  • P lt Q ?K?R
  • P ? Q maysee K
  • If P sees K, the shared key of Q and R, then P
    believes Q maysee K
  • P lt Q maysee Y
  • P ? Q maysee Y
  • If P sees Q maysee , then P believes Q maysee Y
  • P ? Q maysee (X,Y)
  • P ? Q maysee X
  • If P believes Q maysee (X,Y) then P believes Q
    maysee X
  • P lt K?Q
  • P? Z maysee K
  • If P sees public key K for Q, then P believes Z
    maysee K
  • P lt K1?Q K1 K2-1
  • P ? Q maysee K2
  • If P sees public key K1 for Q and key K1 is eqaul
    to secret key K2, then P believes Q maysee K2
  • P ? Q maysee X
  • P ? Q maysee XK
  • If P believes Q maysee X then P belives Q maysee
    X encrypted by key K

RV logic maysee rules
  • P ? Z maysee X
  • P ? Q maysee X
  • If P belives Z maysee X, then P believes Q maysee
  • P ? Q maysee X P ? Q maysee X
  • P ? Q maysee X.Y
  • If P believes Q maysee X and P believes Q maysee
    X, then P believes Q maysee X.Y
  • P ? Q maysee X P ? K?R
  • P ? Z maysee XK
  • If P belives Q maysee X and P believes K is the
    public key of R, then P believes Z maysee X
    encrypted under key K
  • Plt Q ?YR
  • P ? Q maysee Y
  • If P sees Y the shared secret between Q and R,
    then P believes Q maysee Y
  • P lt Q lt Y
  • P ? Q maysee Y
  • If P sees Q sees Y,then P believes Q maysee Y
  • P ? Q maysee X P ? R maysee X P ? Q ?K?R
  • P ? Z maysee XK
  • If P believes Q maysee X and P believes R maysee
    X and P believes K is the shared key between Q
    and R, then P believes Z maysee X encrypted under

  • Finite Model
  • Finite number of entities
  • Parties communicating
  • Messages exchanged
  • Types of messages
  • Encryption and decryption keys
  • Finite number of rules of inference
  • Grow in a controlled manner

  • Inference Rules
  • S-rules (shrinking rules)
  • Conclusion same size or smaller than premises
  • Each variable in conclusion occurs in premises
  • E.g.
  • G-rules (growing rules)
  • Conclusion larger than each premise
  • Each variable in conclusion occurs in premises
  • E.g.
  • Rewrites (same size)
  • A pair of formulas f1, f2
  • Any occurrence of f1 can be replaced with f2
  • f1, f2 are the same size and have the same
  • E.g.

  • Theory Generation
  • Modeled as directed a cyclical graph
  • Roots assumptions and messages
  • 1. Apply S-rules to generate new formulas
  • Can apply G or R rules to generate premises for
  • 2. Show completeness
  • Backwards chaining with G-Rules R-rules

BRUTUS - TMN analysis
  • internal (begin-initiate, B)
  • send ltA,S,B,RAKsgt
  • receive lts,A,b,RbRagt
  • internal (end-initiate, b)
  • receive lts,B,agt
  • internal(begin-respond, a)
  • sendltB, s, a, RBKsgt
  • internal (end-respond, a)
  • receive lta,S,b,RaKsgt
  • internal (begininitiate, b)
  • send ltb, S, agt
  • receive lt b, S, a, RbKsgt
  • internal (end-initiate, b)
  • internal (begin-respond, a)
  • send ltS,a,b,RaRbgt
  • initiate (end-respond, a)

NOTE The authentication property is not shown
for this protocol because it is the same as the
Dolev-Yao protocol. BRUTUS catches the error
BRUTUS TMN analysis
  • Secrecy
  • Check properties
  • ?(I Knows NB)
  • I cannot read messages passed between A and B
  • ?(I Knows NB) ? ?(I Knows NA)
  • I cannot masquerade as S while communicating with
  • BRUTUS catches error (both properties false)
  • 2 sessions

BRUTUS TMN analysis
  • A Intruder I S B
  • Init(B)
  • Send(A,S,B,(Ra)Ks)
  • recv(A,S,B,(Ra)Ks)
  • send(I,B,A)
  • knows((Ra)Ks)
  • Recv(I,B,A)
  • Send(B,I,A,(b)Ki)
  • recv(B,I,A,(Rb)Ki)
  • knows(Rb)
  • send(I,S,A,(Ri)Ks)
  • recv(I,S,A,(Ri)Ks)
  • send(S,A,I)
  • recv(S,A,I)
  • send(A,S,I,(Ra)Ks)
  • recv(A,S,I,(Ra)Ks)
  • send(S,I,A,(Ra)Ri)

RVChecker TMN analysis
  • Authentication
  • Desired belief goals
  • A ? A ?Rb? B
  • B ? A ?Rb? B
  • A ? B ? A ?Rb? B
  • B ? A ? A ?Rb? B
  • RVChecker finds - beliefs are not in the protocol
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