Week 10: Employee Relations, Diversity and Unions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Week 10: Employee Relations, Diversity and Unions


New considerations: e.g., pollution-free work environment, noise reduction ... Craft union: limited membership to those with a particular skill or craft, or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Week 10: Employee Relations, Diversity and Unions

Week 10 Employee Relations, Diversity and Unions
  • BUSI 4320
  • Dr. Dianne Ford

This Weeks Class
  • Managing Employee Relations
  • Diversity Management
  • Reminder In-class debates in two weeks!

Employee Relations
  • Defn the health of the relationship between the
    Er and Ee.
  • Involves communication, commitment, trust,
  • Why do we care?
  • Improve performance
  • Ensure implementation of organizational
  • Reduce employment costs
  • Help Ees grow and develop

Employee Relations
  • Some stats
  • 30 believe jobs offer little opportunity to use
  • 40 believe management take minimal effort to
    obtain Ee opinions
  • 40 of Ees believe they have valuable knowledge
    not being utilized by the organization (Fraser et
    al., 2000)
  • 40 of Ees believe their knowledge is being
    utilized fully (Fraser et al., 2000)

Employee Relations
  • Factors associated with commitment (Schwind)
  • Trust in senior leadership
  • Chance to use skills on job
  • Job security
  • Competitiveness of rewards
  • Quality of organizations products and services
  • Absence of work-related stress
  • Honesty and integrity of Ers business conduct
  • Factors also associated with commitment (OB)
  • Perceived organizational support
  • Psychological contracts
  • Job satisfaction
  • Trust
  • Leadership (i.e., transformational leadership)

Employee Relations
  • Five key dimensions of Employee Relations
  • Effective Ee communication
  • Ee counselling
  • Ee discipline
  • Ee rights
  • Ee involvement

Employee Relations
  • Effective Employee Communication
  • Works via information justice, goal-setting and
    job satisfaction
  • Downward communication systems Email, meetings,
    in-house publications, booklets, bulletins,
    pre-recorded messages, Intranet
  • Upward communication systems grapevine,
    management by walking around (MBWA), electronic
    communication, in-house complaint procedures,
    meetings, suggestion system, Ee attitude and
    opinion surveys

Employee Relations
  • Employee counselling
  • Purpose is to aid Ee cope or resolve an issue to
    increase effectiveness (also works via POS)
  • Functions advice, reassurance, communication,
    release of emotional tension, clarified thinking,
  • EFAP assist Ee with personal problems (marital,
    stress or substance abuse)

Employee Relations
  • Employee Discipline
  • Preventative discipline
  • Corrective discipline (disciplinary action)
  • Restrictions Law cant discipline for union
    activities Due process Hot-stove rule
  • Progressive discipline
  • Positive discipline
  • Dismissal
  • Wrongful dismissal (without cause)
  • Determining just cause (incompetent performance,
    Ee misconduct, Business or economic reasons)
  • Burden of proof on Er (37 found in favor of
  • Constructive dismissal
  • Reasonable notice or compensation

Employee Relations
  • 4. Employee Rights
  • Right to privacy
  • Privacy legislation
  • Surveillance issues
  • Right to fair treatment
  • Discrimination
  • Duty to accommodate
  • New considerations e.g., pollution-free work
    environment, noise reduction
  • Rights in business closings and workplace
  • Advanced notice, outplacement services

Employee Relations
  • 5. Employee Involvement
  • Purpose is to increase commitment, job
    satisfaction and productivity
  • Ee involvement interventions SDWT
  • High involvement work practices
  • Focus on employment security
  • Selective hiring
  • Self-managed teams, decentralization of
    accountability and responsibility
  • Rel. high compensation contingent on orgl perf.
  • Extensive training
  • Reduced status differentials
  • Information sharing with Ees.
  • Employee self-service productivity applications,
    strategic appns

Employee Relations
  • Other key issues
  • Job security, downsizing and Ee retention
  • No-Layoff Policies
  • Organizational Downsizing
  • Retaining Top Performers
  • Develop planned approach benefits, needs, L-T
    focus, high-up support
  • Become Er of choice
  • Orgnl vision and values communicate and
  • Reward managers and supervisors for keeping good
  • Use exit interviews to find out why people are
  • Telecommuting

Diversity Management
  • As discussed in Organizational Behaviour,
    diversity in teams is associated with better
    creativity, higher performance, but is also
    associated with higher interpersonal conflict and
    lower team cohesiveness.
  • Diversity within organizations have similar
    issues, but also additional considerations.

Diversity Management
  • Defn Recognition that an organization is a
    mosaic where Ees with varying beliefs, cultures,
    values and behaviour patterns come together to
    create a whole organization and where these
    differences are acknowledged and accepted.
  • Assumes effective management of the diversity can
    add value to the organization
  • Diversity includes all types of differences, and
    not simply obvious ones such as sex, race, etc.
  • Perceptions of self and others, behaviours and
    interpretations of events.
  • Organization culture and working environments are
    key items to focus on in managing diversity.
    (Schwind et al., 2005, p. 513)

Diversity Management
Core dimensions of diversity exert considerable
impact on our early socialization and throughout
our lives - Age, sex, race, religion,
ethnicity culture, sexual orientation, mental
physical capabilities Secondary dimensions
also play important roles re values,
expectations, behaviours, and experiences.
Diversity Management
  • Some key terms
  • Old boys network
  • Glass ceiling
  • Stereotyping

Diversity Management
  • Strategic Importance
  • Changing workforce
  • Importance of human capital
  • Diversity as a competitive advantage
  • Paradigm shift
  • Fundamental change in a paradigm (the way we
    think about things or do things)
  • Traditional diversity is a cost, key to success
    is standardization, masculine values, melting
  • New key to success is individuals
    contributions, diversity is an asset, feminine
    values also relevant and important, modify
    culture to Ees.
  • Increasing role of work teams

Diversity Management
  • Steps in diversity management
  • Identify the ideal future state
  • Analyze present systems and procedures
  • Change systems, policies, and structures
  • Senior management commitment
  • Diversity Committee entrusted to oversee
    diversity efforts, implement processes and serve
    as a communication link
  • Education and retraining
  • Wide communication of changes
  • Evaluate results and follow-up
  • Diversity audit uncover underlying dimensions,
    causes, interdependencies, and progress-to-date
    on diversity management matters.

Diversity Management
  • Current Industry Practices
  • Diversity Training Programs
  • Awareness training
  • Creates awareness or understanding about the need
    for diversity, understanding differences, and
    embracing differences
  • Stereotyping and cross-cultural insensitivity
  • Improves communication, alters behaviours,
    improves perceptions on differences and others
  • Skill-building training
  • Trains Ees to correctly respond to cultural
    differences at work
  • Language skills Communication skills including
    active listening

  • Defn An organization with the legal authority
    to represent workers, negotiate the terms and
    conditions of employment with the employer, and
    administer the collective agreement (Schwind et
    al, 2005, p. 588).
  • Collective agreement A contract negotiated
    between union and employer, outlining terms and
    conditions of employment (Schwind et al., 2005,
    p. 588).

  • Causes of unions
  • Union push explanation pushed due to Er
    treatment, peer pressure, forced to join union
    due to collective agreement.
  • Union pull explanation pulled into union due to
    benefits (higher wages, job security, grievance
  • Key factors job dissatisfaction, individual
    attitudes towards unions in general, perceived
    union instrumentality

  • Union goals and philosophies
  • Business unionism a union must deliver a needed
    service to its members in a businesslike manner
    to survive (Schwind et al., 2005)
  • E.G., increased pay, better working conditions,
    helping workers in general
  • Social (Reform) unionism a union tries to
    influence the economic and social policies of all
    governments (Schwind et al., 2005).
  • HR departments can reduce likelihood of unions
    occurring benefits, training, safety, ensuring
    organizational justice (pay equity, interpersonal
    justice re PA). Prevent Job Dissatisfaction!!!

Structure of a Typical Local Union (Schwind, et
al., 2005, p. 592)
  • Union Structure and Functions
  • Local Unions
  • The basic unit of union organization, formed in
    a particular plant or locality (Schwind, et al.,
    2005, p.592).
  • Most impact for union members
  • Craft union limited membership to those with a
    particular skill or craft, or working in a
    closely related trade.
  • Industrial union represents the skilled and
    unskilled workers in an industry (e.g.,
    production, maintenance, and related workers
    Schwind et al., 2005).

Business Agent
Bargaining Committee
Grievance Committee
Union members
Union members
Union members
  • Union Structure and Functions
  • National and International Unions
  • National HQ in Canada International HQ in US
  • Help and organize local unions
  • Social objectives
  • Maintain staff negotiators, grievance handling,
    expert advice.

  • Union Structure and Functions
  • Canadian Labour Congress
  • One of many labour federations in Canada
    largest one.
  • 2.5 million members
  • Represents many unions in Canada
  • Formed in 1956 by the merger of the Trades and
    Labour Congress of Canada and the Canadian
    Congress of Labour.
  • 5 Functions represents Canada at the
    International Labour Organization, influences
    public policy at federal level, enforces code of
    ethics, provides services for member unions,
    resolves jurisdictional disputes among its member
  • Secession
  • Separating ties with international unions to
    maintain better representation for Canadian union
    members (e.g., 1985 - CAW severed ties with
    United Auto Workers)

  • Impact of Union Representation
  • Strikes
  • Strikes as mistakes/misjudgment
  • Strikes as collective voice
  • Wages and Benefits
  • Unions and Productivity

  • Legal
  • Canadian Labour Legislation
  • Right to join a union
  • Good faith bargaining
  • No strikes or lockouts during the life of a
    collective agreement
  • Prohibition of unfair labour practices
  • Conciliation
  • Labour Relations Boards (LRB)
  • Investigate violations of the law and can
  • Is a person an Ee
  • If an Ee is a member of a trade union
  • If an orgn is an approp. Bargaining agent for
    bargaining purposes
  • If a collective agreement is in force
  • If any given party is bound by it.
  • Unfair Labour Practices

  • The Collective Bargaining Process

Union Organizing
Negotiating a Collective Agreement
Administering the Collective Agreement
Signs of Organizing Activity
Preparing for Negotiations
Grievance Procedures
Unfair Labour Practices
Negotiating with the Union
Obtaining Bargaining Rights
Mutual Gains Bargaining
Approving the Proposed Agreement
The role of public support is important in
Conciliation and Mediation
  • Decertification process
  • Employees who work in a unionized environment may
    choose to deunionize.
  • Decertification Application Form completed and
    sent to Labour Relations Board along with names
    of employees in support of decertification.
  • If gt 40 of employees of the workplace are
    listed, then a referendum is held
  • If majority rules in favour of decertification,
    then the organization is deunionized.
  • BUT if LRB decides there was any persuasion
    used by Er in the process, then the application
    is null and void.
  • Information re decertification should be posted
    in a conspicuous location in the organization so
    Ees are informed of this process.

  • Public Sector Bargaining
  • Public Service Staff Relations Act (PSSRA)
  • 1967
  • Gave public servants the union rights (e.g.,
    bargain for wages, hours, working conditions and
    the right to strike).
  • Difference is in the method of conflict
  • Before notice of bargaining, decide re
    conciliation-strike procedure or
    binding-arbitration procedure in case of deadlock
  • And essential services designation

HR Unions
  • Non-Union facilities
  • Motivated to prevent unionism.
  • Some techniques
  • Job design
  • Max. career opportunities and min. layoffs (job
  • Select well-qualified workers
  • Objective and fair PA
  • Training
  • Allow Ee voice
  • Compensation and benefits parallel to unionized
    organizations (or be better)

  • Union facilities
  • Add IR specialist
  • More centralized paperwork
  • Unilateral decisions mitigated
  • Labour-Management Cooperation
  • Obstacles political, distrust
  • Support Time, history, wishes of Ees
  • Benefits of L-M Cooperation Higher
    organizational commitment and higher union
    commitment when there is a positive relationship
    between L-M

Next Week
  • In-Class Debates!
  • 2pg summary to be emailed to me before class
  • Peer Evaluations Due at the end of class
  • Student Teacher Evaluations will be done at the
    start of the class.
  • Im hoping to have tests returned that class too,
    but no promised made.
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