Title: Section 2: Egyptian Life and Culture
1Chap. 2 Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile
Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
2Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Ancient Egyptian culture was known for its
architecture, arts, science, math, and medicine
3Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Architecture and arts includes the Great Sphinx
and the pyramids, statues, and painted buildings
4Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
They developed a lunar calendar and later added
five days to their calendar for holidays
Calendar at the Temple of Kom-Ombo
5Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Had a number system based on ten, used fractions,
and used geometry to build the pyramids
6Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
The Egyptians used herbs and medicines to cure
illness and learned to preserve bodies after death
7Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Scribes learned to read and write so that they
could work for the government
8Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Religion was an important part of life and many
gods were worshiped
The council of Re with the nine members Osiris,
Nut, Geb, Shu, Atum, Tefnut, Nephyhys, Isis and
Set. Sometimes Horus and Thoth were added and the
group belonged to the old solar cult of
9Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Gods covered all aspects of life and were
symbolized by animals such as the cat, bull,
crocodile, and scarab beetle
10Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Some of the most important gods were Amon, or
Amon-re, the creator and king of the gods
11Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Osiris was king of the Underworld and god of the
12Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Isis was the wife of Osiris and the mother of
13Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Horus was a god of the sky and most well-known as
the protector of the pharaohs
14Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Anubis was the god of embalming and the dead
15Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Seth was the god of chaos representing everything
that threatened harmony in Egypt
16Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Egyptians believed in an afterlife and preserved
the body by a process called mummification
The liver, the lungs, the stomach, and
the intestines were each placed in a
separate Canopic Jars
17Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
They placed the mummy in a tomb with clothing,
food, tools and weapons needed in the afterlife
18Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
A scroll called the Book of the Dead was placed
in tombs as a guide to the afterlife
This scene portrays the weighing of the royal
scribes heart against a feather representing
19Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Egyptian society was rigidly divided into classes
20Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Women were the equals of their husbands in social
and business affairs and could own property
The nobleman Hunefer and his wife with arms
raised in praise of the gods
21Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Farms were on large estates and grew wheat,
barley, flax and cotton. Surplus food was traded
with other peoples
22Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Caravans traveled to Asia and deep into Africa
carrying trade goods
23Section 2 Egyptian Life and Culture
Egyptians were among the first people to build
seagoing ships, trading along the Mediterranean
Sea, Red Sea, and the African coast