Title: HFS 101: HF and Systems
1 Curriculum for B.Sc. in Human Factors and
Systems Programme
B.Sc. in Human Factors and Systems (HFS)
Level 1 Compulsory Courses (40 CU)
Level 3 Compulsory Courses (10CU)
Level 2 Compulsory Courses (40CU)
- HFS 101 HF and Systems
- Fundamentals
- HFS 103 Psychology for Human Factors
- HFS 105 Cognition and Information
- Processing
- HFS 107 Systems Concepts and Tools
- BME 107 Anatomy and Physiology
- MTH 103 Calculus with Statistics
- MTD 101 Multimedia Design Concepts
- ICT 219 Information Systems Role in
- Organisations Infrastructure
- HFS 301Cognitive Systems Engineering
- HFS 303 Safety, Risk and Resilience
- Engineering
- HFS 201 Workplace Evaluation
- Design
- HFS 203 Environmental Hazards
- Toxicology
- HFS 205 Socio-technical Systems
- Design
- HFS 209 HF Methodology (10CU)
- ENT 407 Operations and Project
- Management
- MTD 211 Human-Computer Interfaces
- BME 206 Biomechanics, Kinetics
- Kinematics Concepts
Level 3 Elective Courses (20CU)
- Choose any 4
- Workplace Safety and Health Specialisation
- HFS 351 Safety Management Audit
- HFS 353 Incident Accident Investigation
- HFS 371 Risk Assessment Management
- Product Design and Development Specialisation
- HFS 357 HF in Product Development
- Evaluation
- HFS 359 Emerging Issues and Applications for
Interaction Design - HFS 373 Aerospace Human Factors
Head of Programme Dr. Chui Yoon Ping
(ypchui_at_unisim.edu.sg) Executive Eleana Ong
Kye-Zheng (eleanaongkz_at_unisim.edu.sg) Please
visit UniSIM's Human Factors and Systems (HFS)
undergraduate programme mircrosite at
Compulsory Project (10CU)
Note Curriculum is subjected to changes to
ensure academic rigor and industry relevance