Title: The Culture of Early China Part 2
1The Culture of Early China Part 2
- I. The Chin Dynasty (256-221 BC)
- 1. Shih Huang Ti
- 1. 1st Emperor
- 2. Expand Territory
- 3. Uniform laws
- 4. Standardized Currency
- 5. 36 Provinces
As his first act as the ruler of the unified
empire, the Chin ruler asked his minister for a
title in accordance with his new position. This
is how his title changed from wang (king) to
huang-ti (august emperor). The word ti is
especially felicitous because it carried along
numerous references to deities and legendary
rulers of ancient times, as well as to earlier
tentatives from both Chin and CHI rulers to get
called by that title.
2I. The Chin Dynasty1. Shih Huang Ti Continued
- 6. Built Great Wall of China
- -Protection from
- Mongols Huns
- 7. Restricted individual rights
- -imprisoned philosophers
- -burned books
- 8. His death resulted in the
- end of Chin Rule
3II. The Han Dynasty
- 1. Expand territory
- 2. Test Government Officials
- a. Test Knowledge
- -Law
- -Mathematics
- -Confucianism
- b. best scores best jobs
- 3. Invented Paper
- a. 1st Chinese dictionary
4II. The Han Dynasty continued
- 4. Silk Road
- a. Road from China
- to Middle East
- b. China introduced
- to new ideas
- -Buddhism
- 5. Built Monasteries
- a. Buddhist religious
- institutions
Most Buddhist Monasteries in Mongolia were
destroyed during the communist regime, which
lasted until 1990. One of the only to survive was
Gandan Monastery, being used as a showcase for
visitors. It's official name is Gandantegchinleng
Khiid, or in Mongolian script Ugygymtuxnylty
Hna ( to download Mongol font click here ).
This name signifies something like Great Place of
Complete Joy or Great Way to the Cosmos.
Literally it can be translated as - Gan
rejoyce - Dan perfect - Teg vehicle gt Tegchin
Mahayna (Greater Vehicle) - Leng