Title: ASME
2(No Transcript)
4Its Big
5We are here
6About ASME
- 100,000 members, 20,000 student members
- 220 sections, 480 student sections worldwide
- More than 600 Codes and Standards in use
- One of the worlds largest technical publishers
- Quality technical conferences and professional
development programs - ADVOCACY
- A recognized technical reputation around the
world - Advice to federal and state governments on
technology-related public policies - Promoting the accomplishments of engineers and
the engineering profession
8(No Transcript)
- Enables You ....
- Professional
- Higher Purpose
- Diversity, world wide
- To pursue your interests
10Principles of Unit Leadership Gary L.
Hickman glhickman_at_charter.net
11Principles of Unit Leadership
12Principles of Unit Leadership
- Session Goals and Outline
- Leadership, ASME and Your Roles
- Recruiting Volunteers
- Effective Meetings
- Succession Planning
13Principles of Unit Leadership
Leadership Cycle
14Principles of Unit Leadership
- Function/History of the Society
- In the Beginning or Adam Smith Revisited
- And Now
- The ASME Mission Statement
- To promote and enhance the technical competency
and professional well-being of our members, - and through quality programs and activities in
mechanical engineering, - better enable its practitioners to contribute to
the well-being of humankind.
15Principles of Unit Leadership
- One Size Does not Fit All
- Unit Function
- Geography - Membership
- Industries
- Student Sections
16Principles of Unit Leadership
- Your Role - Lead the Unit Membership
- Drive the Agenda
- Understand Your Roles and Responsibilities
- Understand Your Assets
- Understand Your Deadlines
17Principles of Unit Leadership
- Your Responsibilities
- Lead (Who, What, Where, When, and Why)
- The Unit Operating Roles Four Primary
Jobs/Functions - Supreme Leader, Grand Poobah, The Big Cheese
- Money Bags
- Recorder
- Worker Bees
18Principles of Unit Leadership
- Your Assets
- ASME Leaders
- ASME Staff
- ASME Body of Knowledge
- Industry
- Universities
- Internet
19Principles of Unit Leadership
20Principles of Unit Leadership
- Volunteers - Your Greatest Resource and Challenge
- The Bad News - Youve Got Competition
- School/Work
- Family
- Hobbies
- 475 Channels on TV
- Other Societies
- Alumni Associations
- Organized Religious Activities
- The Good News Others Have Volunteered
- Group Exercise What Volunteers Need
21Principles of Unit Leadership
- What Volunteers Need A White Paper by the
Volunteer and Retention Task Force
1. Specific Manageable Task 2. Task Matches
Interests 3. Good Reason 4. Written
Instructions 5. Reasonable Deadlines 6. Freedom
-When and Where 7. Everything Necessary Up
- Adequate Training
- Safe Comfortable Working Environment
- Follow-Up by Leaders
- Post Task Feedback
- Appreciation
- Useful Skill Development
22Principles of Unit Leadership
- How Do You Get Volunteers
- The Simple Answer Ask for Them
- Variety of Approaches
- Broadcast
- The Personal Touch
- Know the Volunteer
- Be Someone they will Volunteer FOR
- Time the Approach
- Get Them a Mentor/Coach
- Individual Mental Exercise
23Principles of Unit Leadership
Group Exercise - Meetings
24Principles of Unit Leadership
- Successful Meetings Have
- Leadership
- Preparation
- Understand the Purpose
- Stay Focused
- Be Efficient
- Assignments
25Principles of Unit Leadership
- Dealing with Derailments
- Work to Prevent in the first Place
- Keep it Professional
- Agendas are Your Friend
- Take it Off Line
- Table the Discussion
- Use Physical Presence
26Principles of Unit Leadership
27Principles of Unit Leadership
- Succession Planning
- Who, What, Where, When, and Why?
- Sharp Volunteers
- Train Them to Take Over
- Unit Functions and Prep Work
- Start Yesterday
- For the Good of the Society
- Individual Mental Exercise
28Principles of Unit Leadership
- Resources
- Volunteer White Paper http//districts.asme.org/le
adershiptoolbox/volunteer.html - ASME Career Development Series http//www.asme.org
/Governance/Volunteer/CareerSeries/ - Member Recruitment http//districts.asme.org/leade
rshiptoolbox/rr.html - 2006 LTC Presentation by Roberta Gorman ASME Unit
Resources http//asmeconferences.org/ltc06/LTC06Se
ssionVEASMEResources.pdf - Volt Academy http//www.asme.org/Governance/Volunt
29Principles of Unit Leadership
- Acknowledgements
- Scot MacEwan
- Bill Robbins/Lynden Davis
- Marian Heller/Burt Dicht
- Ken Gentili and Paul Biba
- ASME Body of Knowledge
- Scott Adams/United Media Reprints
- Mary-Grace Hickman/Denny Delafield
- Bechtel
30Principles of Unit Leadership
- Closing
- ASME A Noble Organization with Great Members
- Understand and Recruit Volunteers
- Run Great Meetings
- Start Yesterday on Succession
- Assignments
31ASME Student Member Benefits
32About ASME
- Student Section Activities
- Networking and Leadership
- Financial Aid
- Career Assistance
- Technical Knowledge
- How to Join ASME
34Student Section Activities
- Make a difference
- Learn about the profession from practicing
engineers - Visit engineering plants and factories
- Meet students and engineers from other schools
and places - Enjoy social activities (e.g sports, picnics,
35Student Section Activities
- Make a difference!
- Engineers Without Borders
- Habitat for Humanity
- K 12 School visits
- FIRST Robotics
36Networking and Leadership Opportunities
- Student conferences
- ASME technical conferences and meetings
- Local student and professional section events
- Leadership opportunities at the section, district
and international levels of ASME
37ASME Congress 2007
- Seattle, WA November 9 15, 2007
- Innovation Showcase Friday
- Invention to Venture Workshop Saturday
- Old Guard Oral Competition Finals - Saturday
- Student Design Contest Finals - Sunday
- Early Career Engineers Forum Sunday
- Student Design Competition Reception - Sun
- Early Career Development Series - Monday
- http//www.asmeconferences.org/congress07/
38Conferences, Contests and Competitions
- Student Professional Development Conferences
(April and May) - Student competitions
- Professional development workshops on transition
to engineering practice - http//districts.asme.org/SPDC/
- Local, regional and international level contests
and competitions. - Listing at www.asme.org/students.
39Financial Aid
- Over 500,000 annually in scholarships and
loans to ASME student members.
- ASME Student Loans
- ASME Auxiliary Student Loans
- ASME Scholarships
40Career Assistance
- Professional Practice Curriculum (PPC)
- E-mentoring
- Internships and Co-ops
- Online Jobs Database
- Resume posting service
- ASME Job Coach
- Online communities of practice for career
technical questions - http//www.asme.org/Jobs/
- Over 200 pair of e-mentors and mentees.
- More mentors waiting for you to sign up.
- Visit www.asme.org/ementoring to choose a mentor.
42Internships and Co-ops
- Lists of companies, with direct links to each
company website. - http//www.asme.org/Jobs/Advice/Student_Internship
s.cfm - Washington Internships for Students of
Engineering (WISE) - http//www.wise-intern.org/
43Technical Knowledge
- Developing And Enhancing Technical Skills
- Continuing Education Institute 200 short
courses - Certification FE and PE exam preparation
Engineering Management Certification - Technical Conferences
- Technical Division Membership
44Free Publications
- Mechanical Engineering Magazine
- Mechanical Advantage/ME Today Newsletters,
e-mailed 4 times a year - ASME E-library 75 interactive technical titles
- http//www.asme.org/Membership/Benefits/Profession
45Find it Online! www.asme.org
- Student Center www.asme.org/students
- Career center with links to ASME Job Coach, job
board, and salary information - Internships Co-ops
- All publications and e-zines
- Loans, scholarships and fellowships
- Free E-mail alias
- Communities of practice www.cop.asme.org
46Why Join ASME?
- Make a difference!
- Network with students and working engineers
- Develop your leadership skills
- Apply your engineering skills in contests and
competitions - Enhance your job prospects and experiences
47The Goal -What Can You Do To Stand Out In The
48How do I join ASME?
- Any student in curriculums leading to an
engineering degree at a regionally accredited
school. - Dues (10/1 thru 9/30)
- Free for freshmen then 25 per year
- Applications Student Section Advisor or ME
office - Apply online or download application
www.asme.org/students - Call (800) 843-2763 (THE-ASME)
49Thank you!
- If you have any questions, please call any of the
staff or volunteers listed on the resource guide
or your Ideas and People handout.
50(No Transcript)
51Diversity Action Grants
- http//www.asme.org/Communities/Diversity/Diversit
52Diversity Action Grants
- Given to sections to help promote the inclusion
of women and other underrepresented minorities in
ASME Student Sections and mechanical engineering - Inspire K-12 students in STEM
- Collaboration with international partners
- Assist minority or women owned business
- Amounts range from 500 to 1500
- Deadline November 1st
53Diversity Action Grants
- Cost sharing, method of measuring success
- Funds must be used by end of school year
- A final report about the project is required by
June 1st of the academic year in which the grant
was awarded - Questions? At ASME Contact Marina Stenos