MST-Kruskal(G,%20w) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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5. for each edge (u,v) E, in order by nondecreasing weight ... At each step, a light edge connecting a vertex in S to a vertex in V- S is added to the tree. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MST-Kruskal(G,%20w)

MST-Kruskal(G, w)
  • 1. A ? ? // initially A is empty
  • 2. for each vertex v ? VG // line 2-3
    takes O(V) time
  • 3. do Create-Set(v) // create set for
    each vertex
  • 4. sort the edges of E by nondecreasing weight w
  • 5. for each edge (u,v) ? E, in order by
    nondecreasing weight
  • 6. do if Find-Set(u) ? Find-Set(v) // uv
    on different trees
  • 7. then A ? A ? (u,v)
  • 8. Union(u,v)
  • 9. return A
  • Total running time is O(E lg E).

Analysis of Kruskal
  • Lines 1-3 (initialization) O(V)
  • Line 4 (sorting) O(E lg E)
  • Lines 6-8 (set operations) O(E log E)
  • Total O(E log E)

Correctness of Kruskal
  • Idea Show that every edge added is a safe edge
    for A
  • Assume (u, v) is next edge to be added to A.
  • Will not create a cycle
  • Let A denote the tree of the forest A that
    contains vertex u. Consider the cut (A, V-A).
  • This cut respects A (why?)
  • and (u, v) is the light edge across the cut
  • Thus, by the MST Lemma, (u,v) is safe.

Intuition behind Prims Algorithm
  • Consider the set of vertices S currently part of
    the tree, and its complement (V-S). We have a
    cut of the graph and the current set of tree
    edges A is respected by this cut.
  • Which edge should we add next? Light edge!

Basics of Prim s Algorithm
  • It works by adding leaves on at a time to the
    current tree.
  • Start with the root vertex r (it can be any
    vertex). At any time, the subset of edges A forms
    a single tree. S vertices of A.
  • At each step, a light edge connecting a vertex in
    S to a vertex in V- S is added to the tree.
  • The tree grows until it spans all the vertices in
  • Implementation Issues
  • How to update the cut efficiently?
  • How to determine the light edge quickly?

Implementation Priority Queue
  • Priority queue implemented using heap can support
    the following operations in O(lg n) time
  • Insert (Q, u, key) Insert u with the key value
    key in Q
  • u Extract_Min(Q) Extract the item with
    minimum key value in Q
  • Decrease_Key(Q, u, new_key) Decrease the value
    of us key value to new_key
  • All the vertices that are not in the S (the
    vertices of the edges in A) reside in a priority
    queue Q based on a key field. When the algorithm
    terminates, Q is empty. A (v, ?v) v ? V -

Example Prims Algorithm

MST-Prim(G, w, r)
  • 1. Q ? VG
  • 2. for each vertex u ? Q // initialization
    O(V) time
  • 3. do keyu ? ?
  • 4. keyr ? 0 // start at the root
  • 5. ?r ? NIL // set parent of r to be NIL
  • 6. while Q ? ? // until all vertices in MST
  • 7. do u ? Extract-Min(Q) // vertex with
    lightest edge
  • 8. for each v ? adju
  • 9. do if v ? Q and w(u,v) lt
  • 10. then ?v ? u
  • 11. keyv ?
    w(u,v) // new lighter edge out of v
  • 12.
    decrease_Key(Q, v, keyv)

Analysis of Prim
  • Extracting the vertex from the queue O(lg n)
  • For each incident edge, decreasing the key of the
    neighboring vertex O(lg n) where n V
  • The other steps are constant time.
  • The overall running time is, where e E
  • T(n) ?u?V(lg n deg(u) lg n) ?u?V (1
    deg(u)) lg n
  • lg n (n 2e) O((n e) lg n)
  • Essentially same as Kruskals O((ne) lg n) time

Correctness of Prim
  • Again, show that every edge added is a safe edge
    for A
  • Assume (u, v) is next edge to be added to A.
  • Consider the cut (A, V-A).
  • This cut respects A (why?)
  • and (u, v) is the light edge across the cut
  • Thus, by the MST Lemma, (u,v) is safe.

Optimization Problems
  • In which a set of choices must be made in order
    to arrive at an optimal (min/max) solution,
    subject to some constraints. (There may be
    several solutions to achieve an optimal value.)
  • Two common techniques
  • Dynamic Programming (global)
  • Greedy Algorithms (local)

Dynamic Programming
  • Similar to divide-and-conquer, it breaks problems
    down into smaller problems that are solved
  • In contrast to DC, DP is applicable when the
    sub-problems are not independent, i.e. when
    sub-problems share sub-subproblems. It solves
    every sub-subproblem just once and saves the
    results in a table to avoid duplicated

Elements of DP Algorithms
  • Substructure decompose problem into smaller
    sub-problems. Express the solution of the
    original problem in terms of solutions for
    smaller problems.
  • Table-structure Store the answers to the
    sub-problem in a table, because sub-problem
    solutions may be used many times.
  • Bottom-up computation combine solutions on
    smaller sub-problems to solve larger
    sub-problems, and eventually arrive at a solution
    to the complete problem.

Applicability to Optimization Problems
  • Optimal sub-structure (principle of optimality)
    for the global problem to be solved optimally,
    each sub-problem should be solved optimally.
    This is often violated due to sub-problem
    overlaps. Often by being less optimal on one
    problem, we may make a big savings on another
  • Small number of sub-problems Many NP-hard
    problems can be formulated as DP problems, but
    these formulations are not efficient, because the
    number of sub-problems is exponentially large.
    Ideally, the number of sub-problems should be at
    most a polynomial number.
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