Title: Emergency Shelter Coordinator Training
1Emergency Shelter Coordinator Training
- Introduction to Emergency Shelter
- Bobby Lambert
2Session Overview
- Shelter Needs and capacities
- Overview of options
- Link to cross-cutting issues
- Key Factors to consider
- An outline process
- Linked to Course objective
- Have a good generalist awareness of emergency
shelter options, issues and current thinking
relevant to the coordination of emergency shelter
3Shelter why, whats it for?
Participants to say why flip
- Protection - health
- Security feeling safer
- Privacy Dignity
- LivelihoodsEssential activities?
- Others.
A habitable covered living space, providing a
secure, healthy living environment with privacy
and dignity to those within it (Corsellis
Vitale 2004)
4Shelter What is it? (Flip)
Again, participants what is it? flip
- Clothing, blankets
- Shelter (roof)
- Mattress
- Wind proofing
- Insulation - warm room
- Stoves fuel
- Sanitation?
5Shelter who, when, how?
- Who needs shelter?
- Varying needs, age, gender, disability etc
- Protection issues - location, construction?
- When?
- How will shelter needs change?
- Seasons ?
- How will it be provided?
- And what is our role (as Cluster Leads) in this?
6Shelter Support Mapping Exercise
- Groups of 4 (20 minutes)
- Refer to Pakistan scenario and others you know
or might anticipate - Flip 1 Map shelter support mechanisms(How will
people access shelter, now and later?) - Flip 2 Their Capacities Needs?(Your
preliminary estimate how to assess?) - Plenary review (10 minutes)
7Support Considerations
- Understand existing support mechanisms
- Support and enhance or
- Duplicate, replace or destroy
- Livelihoods
- Of the homeless
- Of affected people, local national economy
- Economic impact of various shelter options (local
vs international procurements)
8ESC Shelter Support Role
- What role will ESC take in this context?
- Supporting a government programme
- Supporting a civic-society programme
- Running a shelter programme
- Exit strategy?
9Emergency Settlement Patterns
- Not displaced
- Shelter near home / with neighbours?
- Damage assessment - triage?
- Displaced
- Dispersed settlement
- Host families
- Rural self-settlement
- Urban self-settlement
- Grouped settlement
- Collective Centres
- Self-settled camps
- Planned camps
10Phases of response
- Emergency (days ? ? months)
- Days
- Immediate life-saving shelter needs
- Host population local government CBOs
- Weeks
- Longer term health needs
- External agency support
- Months into transitional shelter (maybe)
- Exit strategy. Mind the gap
- Transitional (months? ? Years) ( to what)
- Providing time to implement long term shelter
- Permanent (? ? years)
11Longer term considerations
- Community based approaches
- Owner-driven (with govt support?)
- Owner Participatory (agencies lead)
- Contractors (local, regional, international)
- Land issues central
- Pinheiro principles
- Return to homes and property
- Bear long term in mind from day one!
12Resources Capacities
- Skills
- Which skills? relate to programme design
- Locally available training needed?
- Money
- Amounts
- Management finance facilities
- Materials
- Local or international procurement
- Logistics
13Related sector issues
- Access Logistics
- Security Protection (Protection Cluster)
- Water Sanitation (WASH cluster)
- Camps - site planning (CCCM cluster)
- Standards (Govt, Local, SPHERE, Other?)
- Environmental considerations
- Materials sourcing disposal (timber, plastic
etc) - Site selection planning
- Others
14Risk Management
- Risk Management framework
- Hazard, Probability, Mitigation, Risk (aware of
this?) - Risks and benefits
- Whose risks whose perceptions?
- Comparative risks (earthquake, disease or
education?) - Some hazards related to shelter
- Building or shelter collapse (earthquake, wind,
rain) - Fire (prevention response)
- Flooding (siting, seasons?)
- Other
15Shelter options a process
- Agree Role of Shelter Cluster(vis-Ã -vis
Government, Other actors) - Review policy standards(Community, Govt,
SPHERE, Agency) - Consultation Participation(by whom with
whom?) - Assessment
- Phases of response, exit strategy?
- Capacities and Needs?
- Integrated assessment?
- Emergency Shelter Options
- Identify and select
16Emergency Shelter IntroductionSession Review
- Support mechanismsStrengthen enhance (not
replace) - Settlement patterns
- Phases of response
- Resources, capacities, livelihoods
- Link to other sectors
- Consider cross-cutting issues
- Exit strategy
- A human utility, not just a big NFI