Title: Department of Building Construction, Faculty of Civil Engineering
1Department of Building Construction, Faculty of
Civil Engineering
Jan Tywoniakgroup for building physics and
sustainable building
- EnerBuild RTD workshop, Prague 27.01.2003
- thermal performance of buildings
- overall sustainability related to buildings
3Thermal performance
- low-energy buildings (design, analysis)
- studies of real-quality (irregularities,
air-tightness, etc.) - moisture in building envelope
- radon distribution phenomena, design rules
- etc.
4Sustainability - agenda
- thermal performance in environmental con-text
- LC design principles and assessments
5Legislation Tools - developed or supported
- Translation Agenda 21 on Sust.Construction
CIB-report - Czech standard CSN 730540-2 Thermal protection -
Requirements - Analysis for up-grade of Energy-Managent Act
government. 291/2001... - studies for Guidelines for Sustainable Building
(starting point)
6potreba tepla na vytápení
7vlastnosti konstrukcí
8new CZ standard
- U-Value building envelope
- limit target low-energy
- wall leight weight 0,30 0,20 0,15
- massive 0,38 0,25
- roof leight weight 0,24 0,16 0,12
- massive 0,30 0,20
- window new 1,80 1,20 0,8
- refurbished 2,00 1,35
- simple wall 0,46 (31.12.2004)
- 2,0 (31.12.2003)
9E kWh/(m2a)
0 0,2 1,0
10Czech house Malmö
12Figure 1Optimistic prognosis of energy use for
heating in general - simple parametric study (A
all new buildings (1 per year) in low-energy
standard (50 kWh/(m2year), B all new buildings
(1 ) in passive-house standard (15 kWh/(m2year),
C all new buildings (1 ) in low-energy
standard all refurbishments (3 ) with
70 kWh/(m2year), D - all new buildings (1 ) with
30 kWh/(m2year) all refurbishments (3 ) with
50 kWh/(m2year)
13Figure 1Optimistic prognosis of energy use for
heating in general - simple parametric study (A
all new buildings (1 per year) in low-energy
standard (50 kWh/(m2year), B all new buildings
(1 ) in passive-house standard (15 kWh/(m2year),
C all new buildings (1 ) in low-energy
standard all refurbishments (3 ) with
70 kWh/(m2year), D - all new buildings (1 ) with
30 kWh/(m2year) all refurbishments (3 ) with
50 kWh/(m2year)
14Figure 1Optimistic prognosis of energy use for
heating in general - simple parametric study (A
all new buildings (1 per year) in low-energy
standard (50 kWh/(m2year), B all new buildings
(1 ) in passive-house standard (15 kWh/(m2year),
C all new buildings (1 ) in low-energy
standard all refurbishments (3 ) with
70 kWh/(m2year), D - all new buildings (1 ) with
30 kWh/(m2year) all refurbishments (3 ) with
50 kWh/(m2year)
15Figure 1Optimistic prognosis of energy use for
heating in general - simple parametric study (A
all new buildings (1 per year) in low-energy
standard (50 kWh/(m2year), B all new buildings
(1 ) in passive-house standard (15 kWh/(m2year),
C all new buildings (1 ) in low-energy
standard all refurbishments (3 ) with
70 kWh/(m2year), D - all new buildings (1 ) with
30 kWh/(m2year) all refurbishments (3 ) with
50 kWh/(m2year)
16 Dum WEGER
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22 2322,4 kWh/(m2a)
24- puvodní 144 MWh/r
- obvyklá rekonstrukce 75 MWh/r
- lepší úroven vynikající nástavba cca. 45 MWh/r
- špickové rešení cca. 30 MWh/r
25energy distribution
demand reduction
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28 50 ..... 100
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30 31kotevní prvky
32- www.substance.cz
- tywoniak_at_fsv.cvut.cz