Regions and governorates in the Iraqi federation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Regions and governorates in the Iraqi federation


... economic, social or other logics militating for the joining of specific ... Does this militate in favour of the establishment of regions? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Regions and governorates in the Iraqi federation

Regions and governorates in the Iraqi federation
  • Empirical considerations

A note of caution
  • Outsider ignorance about the raw facts of the
    situation in Iraq
  • Absence of statistics World Bank data sheet
  • Security situation and inability to collect data
  • Are locals in a better position to fill in the
    many gaps?

World Bank Iraq data at a glance
Iraqi diversity at a glance(1987 government
  • Ethnic diversity
  • Total Arab population 76 percent
  • Large Kurdish minority, 19 of the population,
    or 3,092,820.
  • Turkomans and other Turkic-speaking peoples
    account for only 2 to 3 percent of the
  • Previously a large Iranian population settled
    around the Shia holy cities of Karbala and An
    Najaf, and the southern port city of Basra this
    element was largely expelled by government decree
    in 1971-72 and 1979-80.
  • Religious diversity
  • At least 95 percent of population adheres to some
    form of Islam.
  • Almost all Kurds, approximately 19 percent of
    population, are Sunnis, together with about 13
    percent Sunni Arabs.
  • Saddam Hussein government gave number of Shias as
    55 percent but probably 60 to 65 percent is
    reasonable figure.
  • Small numbers of Assyrians and Armenians,
    predominantly Christians. No more than 1 or 2
    percent, concentrated mainly in the governorates
    of Nineveh and Dahuk.
  • Yazidis
  • A formerly extensive Jewish community is to all
    practical purposes defunct.
  • Linguistic diversity
  • Arabic official language and mother tongue of
    about 76 percent of population understood by
    majority of others.
  • Kurdish official language in As Sulaymaniyah,
    Dahuk, and Irbil governorates.
  • Minorities speaking Turkic, Armenian, and

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Empirical considerations stemming from ethnic
  • Which, if any, of these markers of diversity
    should the new regions express?
  • Kurdistan expresses the ethnic cleavage between
    Arabs and Kurds. Should the other regions also
    express cleavages or seek to cut across them?
  • Considering the difficulty of redrawing internal
    boundaries in federations, should decisions
    reflect only those markers of diversity that are
    important at present or those that are expected
    to remain important into the future?
  • Many Iraqis consider that sectarianism is a
    recent and temporary phenomenon, should this
    affect the drawing of regions?

Local and regional traditions in Iraq
  • Some rooted in history
  • Between the eighth and the twelfth centuries
    A.D., Baghdad was the flourishing center of a
    burgeoning Arab civilization.
  • Najaf and Karbalaa are both high centers of
    Shia Islam.
  • Under Ottoman rule, Mosul, Baghdad and Basra were
    Ottoman wilayets (provinces).
  • Some are rooted in social structure
  • The regional distribution of the tribes of Iraq
  • Some are rooted in recent administrative
    divisions, the governorates
  • Eighteen governorates (alwiya)
  • Administered by a governor appointed by the
  • Divided into districts (aqdhiya) headed by
    district officers (qaimaqamun)
  • Divided into subdistricts (nawahy) under the
    responsibility of subdistrict officers (mudara).
  • Mayors headed cities and towns.
  • Municipalities were divided into several
    categories depending upon the size of local
  • Relatively asymmetrical The population remains
    unevenly distributed.
  • In 1987 Baghdad Governorate had a population
    density of about 950 persons per square kilometer
    and the Babylon Governorate 202 persons per
    square kilometer, whereas Al Muthanna Governorate
    possessed only 5.5 persons per square kilometer.
  • In general the major cities are located on the
    nation's rivers, and the bulk of the rural
    population lives in the areas that are cultivated
    with water taken from the rivers.
  • Baghdad, the national capital, had special
    administrative status.

Note that At Tamim was the name that the regime
of Saddam Hussein gave to Kirkuk
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Empirical considerations stemming from local and
regional traditions
  • Can the new regions build upon the
    administrative infrastructure and local human
    resources that existed prior to the establishment
    of a federal system?
  • How much of these are still intact?
  • Are there economic, social or other logics
    militating for the joining of specific
    governorates into one bigger region?
  • Does the relative asymmetry of the existing
    administrative units raise concerns about the
    capacity of some of them should they want to
    become regions?

The experience of Kurdistans autonomous region
  • Some history
  • March 1970 agreement for the creation of an
    Autonomous Region consisting of the three Kurdish
    governorates and other adjacent districts that
    were determined by census to have a Kurdish
  • In early 1988, the Autonomous Region was governed
    according to the stipulations of the 1970
    Autonomy Agreement.
  • It had a twelve-member Executive Council that
    wielded both legislative and executive powers
  • It had a Legislative Assembly that advised the
  • The Legislative Assembly had authority to ratify
    laws proposed by the Executive Council
  • It had limited powers to enact legislation
    relating to the development of "culture and
    nationalist customs of the Kurds" as well as
    other matters of strictly local scope. I
  • t could question the members of the Executive
    Council concerning the latter's administrative,
    economic, educational, social, and other varied
  • It could withhold a vote of confidence from one
    or more of the Executive Council members.
  • Officials of these two bodies were either Kurds
    or "persons well-versed in the Kurdish language,"
    and Kurdish was used for all official
    communications at the local level.
  • Still, genuine self-rule did not exist in
    Kurdistan in 1988.
  • The central government reserved to itself the
    power to make all decisions in matters pertaining
    to justice, to police, to internal security, and
    the administration of the frontier areas.
  • The Baath Party, through the minister of state
    for regional autonomy, continued to supervise
    activities of all governing bodies in the region.
  • The minister of justice and a special oversight
    body set up by the Court of Cassation reviewed
    all local enactments and administrative
    decisions, and they countermanded any local
    decrees that were deemed contrary to the
    "constitution, laws, or regulations" of the
    central government.

Empirical considerations stemming from the
Kurdistan experience
  • Kurdistans experience illustrates the
    fundamental difference between administrative and
    political decentralization, on the one hand, and
    federalism on the other
  • The guarantees and gains from self-rule.
  • Does this militate in favour of the establishment
    of regions?
  • Should Kurdistan become the gold standard for the
    development of regions?
  • No other ethnic regions Are confessional/sectaria
    n regions advisable?
  • The possibility of a federation with variable
    geometry The example of Bosnia and Herzegovina 

The FBiH is a federation
The RS is unitary
The RS has 63 municipalities the FBiH has 74
The FBiH has ten cantons
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