Title: Excent Support
1Excent Support
- Excent Support Site at
- http//www.aaps.k12.mi.us/excent.home/
- E-mail Support at
- excenthelp_at_aaps.k12.mi.us
- Phone Support at
- 994-2318
USE IT!!!!
2Excent Support
- Manuals for Print, FAQs, etc.
3Excent- New FormsISD Manual
- Still sending all originals to SISS
- Temporary Placements
- IEPs
- METs
- ISRs, etc.
4Excent- New FormsPage 4 of Manual
- Ineligible IEPs or Decerts
- Duration of services on the Top of Form Page
should be the same date as the IEP date - Indicate 80 or more in general education.
- Rest of the IEP form, except for Top of Form page
and Signatures page should be blank. (Remember
to uncheck any boxes that are automatically
checked) - NOTE You will not be able to finalize this since
the rest of the IEP incomplete (w/ errors).
Send it to SISS/Balas and it will be finalized
for you.
5Excent- New FormsPage 4 of Manual
- IEP Facilitator Case Manager
6Excent- New FormsPage 9 of Manual
- The case manager will print a draft copy for
parents and non-ET users for the IEP meeting.
The case manager should review the draft before
the meeting and clarify any information in the
IEP needing clarification with the team member. - Best practice is to have a hard copy for parents.
7Excent- New FormsPage 9 of Manual
- Provide copy of the IEP and Procedural
Safeguards (needs to be given to parents once per
year) to the parents at the conclusion of the
meeting. If a parent would like to take the
document home to review, make a copy for the
parent and keep a copy of the completed IEP. - Reiterate to parents that there is a timeline for
consideration- the IEP goes into effect on the
8th day.
8Excent- New FormsPage 9 of Manual
- If the supervisor or district representative
did not sign (on the Signature Page) the IEP at
the conclusion of the meeting, send the signature
page to the supervisor. The signature page
should be sent to the supervisor, no later than 3
school days after the completion of the IEP. - Building Admin. must sign as the District
Representative and (as emailed on 9/30) then the
ENTIRE IEP is sent to SISS.
9Excent- New FormsPage 9 of Manual
- Contact the program secretary immediately with
any student demographic information changes. - Permanent changes MUST happen by informing the
school secretary of changes (for PowerSchool) and
by contacting SISS to make the chagnes in ET.
10Excent- New FormsIEP- Top of Form Page
- Date of Meeting/IEP
- This is the date that the IEP is concluded
(signed by district). - Note For reconvenes, must update this date,
initiation of services date, LRE page, etc.
11Excent- New FormsIEP- Top of Form Page
- Residential Services- most students leave blank,
non-public/ atypical resident see pull down menu - Invitation Meeting Set-Up- Used to be on
previous AAPS forms. Document contact w/ parents.
12Excent- New FormsIEP- Top of Form Page
- Attendance- No area for excusals
- Document this in Additional Comments section of
IEP - Additional eligibilities are entered in the the
memo field under Primary Disability. If three,
must write it in. - Primary Educational Setting- is the LRE task as
done in ENCORE!- Must do this AFTER programs and
services are determined during the IEP
13Excent- New FormsIEP- PLAAFP Page
- Factors to Consider section
- used to be check boxes on our IEP
- Now called Student Profile
- First two require a statement (strengths/parent
input) - Progress report on previous IEP goals/objectives
include or attach data documenting progress - Include MEAP/MEAP-Access/MI-ACCESS/ etc. data
14Excent- New FormsIEP- PLAAFP Page
- PLAAFP Section- Now designed to support
Standards Based IEPs - Same four components as before
- 1) baseline data
- 2) instructional implications of data
- 3) impact on access to GE curriculum
- 4) resulting needs
15Excent- New FormsIEP- PLAAFP Page
- PLAAFP Section- Now designed to support
Standards Based IEPs - Broken out by content areas
- Requires more specificity and concise statements
about student achievement levels as they pertain
to the curriculum
16Excent- New FormsIEP- PLAAFP Page
- Memo- ONLY used if info. doesnt fit into
PLAAFP below (is there anything that doesnt???) - BIPs- Under Socio-Emotional Behavioral section
- AT Decision Making Process- Under Assistive
Technology - Note Page 17 of Manual- Complete only if have a
disability in reading.really should read
deficit in reading, e.g. even if student is EI
17Excent- New FormsIEP- Transition Page
- Contact Yolanda Bell- AAPS Distrcit Coordinator
- Course of Study- Certification of Diploma may be
problematic if left on new form (BOE decision) - Invited Agencies- Instead of check box regarding
agencies, now you list those agencies that are
invited - There must be a rationale provided if not
needed is selected for any of the areas where a
plan is not provided
18Excent- New FormsIEP- Goals Objectives
- Must use the Goal Tool just like in ENCORE! Even
if not a goal bank goal, it is easier to create
it with the goal tool and edit it. - Area of Need- is general, in the goal bank like
ENCORE! - Identify the content expectation per the PLAAFP
- If goal area is not a content expectation put
N/A and move to the measurable annual goal.
19Excent- New FormsIEP- Goals and Objectives
- Content Expectations are included in the goal
bank. Extended Expectations are expected later
this year. NOTE carefully select most
appropriate. - Examples of evaluation, criterion, schedules
options are available in the respective pull-down
menus, not visible on the form itself - NOTE Schedule refers to how often progress
monitoring data is be collected (i.e. not
20Excent- New FormsIEP- Goals and Objectives
- Progress Reports
- Need to be sent home w/ report cards /_at_ GE report
out times (or more frequently). - Coordinate delivery with Case Manager (together,
not separately)
21Excent- New FormsIEP- LRE Page
- WARNING LRE Check Boxes (and some others)
pre-fill the most common response. Must confirm
and use memo to qualify as appropriate - Supplementary aides and services are the same as
before, but have been divided by area of need.
As Needed CAN be used here if specificity is
provided (e.g. as need for transitioning between
22Excent- New FormsIEP- LRE Page
- Programs and Services are broken into two
different sections instead of one. As Needed
cannot be used here with or without specificity. - Provider Name only the position shows up, but
you will enter the actual provider for behind
the scenes reports, encounter logs, etc.
23Excent- New FormsIEP- LRE Page
- ESY Page 22 in Manual- See the specific language
to use if ESY is not necessary. - Ranges- AAPS Policy is that we dont use
ranges on the service page.
24Excent- New FormsIEP- Assessment Page
- TC w/ endorsement matching the students
disabilityusual NO (HI might be an exception) - Transportation Request
- For time being, use the Transportation Request
form off the SISS Forms site. - Additional Comments
- Excusals should be noted here until addressed.
25Excent- New FormsIEP- Signatures Page
- Participant Signature- is in the back w/ the
commitment signature - Pre-fills participants from invitationgtgtgtPrint
ahead time - Write in blank fields/margins for any additional
attendees who were not on invitation - IEP Adjournment (a.k.a. Reconvenes) are
documented here. - Last date of the IEP is the official date of IEP.
- Must go back and change dates on first page and
services page once completed.
26Excent- New FormsIEP- Signatures Page
- Medicaid question is embedded in the IEP, but
will not appear on hard copy. - District will do mass mailing informing of
permission, unless refused - Parent Signature
- Adult providing consent should be left blank
(must clear field) and parent signsuse S.O.F.
27Excent- New FormsIEP- Options Considered
Rejected Page
- Essentially the Prior Written Consent (legal
term and requirement) - This should not be completed without the
involvement of your SISS Assistant Director
28Excent- New FormsIEP- Evaluation Review
- Team process
- Latitude on how formal
- Document Parent Input
- Review of data, previous evals, etc.
- Will be replaced by the REED
- For now put into Eval Report (SISS Forms Site)
- Paste into Field 4
29Excent- New FormsIEP- Evaluation Review
- Review of data, previous evals, etc.
- Will be replaced by the REED
- For now put into Eval Report (SISS Forms Site)
- Paste into Field 4
30Excent- New FormsTemporary Placement
- New name (30-Day vs. Temporary Placement)
- Supplemental aides/services are typed in the
memo field for services along w/ programs - Consider using the AAPS 30-day form as a
guide/reminder until comfortable - Get all contact information from sending
district/school (not in form) - Release of information is a separate form in the
Miscellaneous Forms folder in Excent (not in
form) - Give Procedural Safeguards when filling it out
(reminder not in form)
31Excent- New FormsTemporary Placement
- gt print/complete blank form (Excent)
- gt get principal signature
- gt copy to school file
- gt original to SISS attention Teresa Frierson
- Temporary Placements from out of statetreat as
an ISR
32MET Reports
- They dont attach like in ENCORE!, instead
- Complete MET reports like usualon the server, w/
template - Open the Multidisciplinary Team Report
- Cut and paste into memo fields and remove the
extra header - Dont use the individual reports (e.g. Psych,
Speech, et.)