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protected abstract URLConnection openConnection(URL u) throws IOException ... Object getContent(URLConnection uc) throws IOException. Tab-Separated Values ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: adam120


Transcript and Presenter's Notes



  • Part 1 Protocol and Content Handlers
  • Part 2 Remote Method Invocation

Part 1 Protocol And Content Handler
  • Outline
  • Protocol Handler
  • What is it?
  • URLStreamHandler Class
  • Writing a protocol Hander
  • Example and other techniques
  • URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface
  • Content Handler
  • What is it?
  • ContentHandler Class
  • ContentHandlerFactory Interface
  • FITS Image Format

  • When designing an architecture that would allow
    them to build a self-extensible browser, the
    engineers at Sun divided the problem into two
    parts handling protocols and handling content.

Part 1 Protocol And Content Handler
  • Outline
  • Protocol Handler
  • What is it?
  • URLStreamHandler Class
  • Writing a protocol Hander
  • Example and other techniques
  • URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface

What is it?
  • Handling a protocol involves the interaction
    between a client and a server
  • generating requests in the correct format
  • interpreting the headers that come back with the
  • acknowledging that the data has been received

Protocol Handler classes
  • The protocol handler mechanism is implemented by
    four difference class in the package,
    that are
  • URL the only concrete class in this group
  • URLStreamHandler the abstract class
  • URLConnection also the abstract classes
  • URLStreamHandlerFactory is the interface

How does it work???
Part 1 Protocol And Content Handler
  • Outline
  • Protocol Handler
  • What is it?
  • URLStreamHandler Class
  • Writing a protocol Hander
  • Example and other techniques
  • URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface

URLStreamHandler Class
  • The abstract URLStreamHandler class is a
    superclass for classes that handle specific
  • By overriding the URLStreamHandler methods in
    your own subclass, you teach the URL class how to
    handle new protocols.

URLStreamHandler Class
  • Constructor

URLStreamHandler Class
  • Constructor
  • Because URLStreamHandler is an abstract class,
    this constructor is never called directly it is
    only called from the constructors of subclasses.
  • The single constructor for URLStreamHandler
    doesn't take any arguments
  • public URLStreamHandler( )

URLStreamHandler Class
  • Method
  • The first responsibility is to split a string
    representation of a URL into its component parts
    and use those parts to set the various fields of
    the URL object.
  • The parseURL( ) method splits the URL into parts,
    possibly using setURL( ) to assign values to the
    URL's fields.

protected void parseURL(URL u, String spec, int
start, int limit)
  • To parse the String spec into a URL u.
  • The task is to set us protocol, host, port,
    file, and ref fields
  • Any parts of the String that are before start and
    after limit have already been parsed or can be
  • The parseURL( ) method that Java supplies assumes
    that the URL looks more or less like an http or
    other hierarchical URL
  • protocol//

protected void parseURL(URL u, String spec, int
start, int limit)(cont.)
  • Work ftp and gopher URLs.
  • Not work mailto or news URLs and any new URL
    schemes you define.
  • Using URLs that fit this hierarchical form, not
    have to override parseURL() at all
  • If the URLs are completely different, must supply
    parseURL( ) method that parses the URL completely
  • If your URL looks like a standard URL, make
    parseURL( ) method that handles the nonstandard
    portion of the URL and then calls super.parseURL(
    ) to do the rest of the work

  • A mailto URL looks like
  • How to map this into the URL class's protocol,
    host, port, file, and ref fields.
  • The protocol mailto.
  • After the _at_ can be the host.
  • what to do with the username.
  • Mailto URL really doesn't have a file portion,
    using the URL class's file field to hold the
  • The ref the empty string or null.

protected String toExternalForm(URL u)
  • Pieces of the URL uprotocol, host, port, file,
    and ref fieldsback together in a String.
  • A class that overrides parseURL() should also
    override toExternalForm( )
  • return "mailto" u.getFile( ) "_at_"
    u.getHost( )

protected void setURL(URL u, String protocol,
String host, int port, String authority, String
userInfo, String path, String query, String
  • Set the protocol, host, port, authority,
    userInfo, path, query, and ref fields of the URL
    u to the given values.
  • parseURL( ) uses this method set these fields to
    the values it has found by parsing the URL.
  • the host, port, and user info together make up
    the authority, are used in preference to the
    authority when deciding which site to connect to.

  • protected int getDefaultPort( )
  • returns the default port for the protocol, e.g.,
    80 for HTTP
  • protected InetAddress getHostAddress(URL u)
  • returns an InetAddress object pointing to the
    server in the URL. If the host can't be located,
    it simply returns null.

  • protected boolean hostsEqual(URL u1, URL u2)
  • determines whether the two URLs refer to the same
    server. This method does use DNS to look up the
  • If the DNS lookups succeed, it can tell that
  • if the DNS lookup fails for any reason, then
    hostsEqual( ) falls back to a simple
    case-insensitive string comparison, in which case
    it would think these were two different hosts.

  • protected boolean sameFile(URL u1, URL u2)
  • determines whether two URLs point to the same
  • It does this by comparing the protocol, host,
    port, and path.
  • The files are considered to be the same only if
    each of those four pieces is the same.

  • protected boolean equals(URL u1, URL u2)
  • Tests almost the entire URL, including protocol,
    host, file, path, and fragment identifier. Only
    the query string is ignored.
  • All five of these must be equal for the two URLs
    to be considered equal.
  • protected int hashCode(URL u)
  • Change the default hash code calculation by
    overriding this method.
  • Do this if you override equals( ), sameFile(), or
    hostsEqual( ) to make sure that two equal URL
    objects will have the same hash code, and two
    unequal URL objects will not have the same hash

A Method for Connecting
  • The second responsibility of a URLStreamHandler
    is to create a URLConnection object appropriate
    to the URL

protected abstract URLConnection
openConnection(URL u) throws IOException
  • u the URL to connect to.
  • It returns an unopened URLConnection, directed at
    the resource u points to. Each subclass of
    URLStreamHandler should know how to find the
    right subclass of URLConnection for the protocol
    it handles.
  • The URL u that is passed as an argument is the
    URL that needs a connection.
  • The subclass's openConnection( ) method is
    usually extremely simple in most cases, it just
    calls the constructor for the appropriate
    subclass of URLConnection

protected URLConnection openConnection(URL u,
Proxy p) throws IOException
  • To specify a proxy server for the connection
  • Rather than connecting to the host directly, this
    URLConnection connects to the specified proxy
    server, which relays data back and forth between
    the client and the server.
  • Protocols that do not support proxies can simply
    ignore the second argument.
  • To bypass the usual proxy server and connect
    directly instead, pass the constant
    Proxy.NO_PROXY as the second argument.

Part 1 Protocol And Content Handler
  • Outline
  • Protocol Handler
  • What is it?
  • URLStreamHandler Class
  • Writing a protocol Hander
  • Example and other techniques
  • URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface

Writing a Protocol Handler
  • Demonstrate by writing one for the finger
    protocol defined in RFC 1288
  • Finger is a relatively simple protocol compared
    to JDK-supported protocols such as HTTP and FTP

Writing a Protocol Handler
  • Implementing a finger URL like
  • finger//hostnameport/usernames
  • getContentType() method get the content type
    returned by the finger protocol's
  • A finger server returns ASCII text, so the
    getContentType() method should return the string

Writing a Protocol Handler
  • New protocols such as HTTP use MIME headers to
    indicate the content type.
  • Most protocols precede MIME gt need to specify
    the MIME type explicitly or use the static
  • URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(String
    name) and
  • URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(InputStre
    am in)

Writing a Protocol Handler
  • Example

Part 1 Protocol And Content Handler
  • Outline
  • Protocol Handler
  • What is it?
  • URLStreamHandler Class
  • Writing a protocol Hander
  • Example and other techniques
  • URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface

More Protocol Handler Examples and Techniques
  • Five basic steps of creating a new protocol
  • Design a URL for the protocol if a standard URL
    for that protocol doesn't already exist.
  • Decide what MIME type should be returned by the
    protocol handler's getContentType( ) method.
  • Write a subclass of URLConnection that
    understands this protocol.
  • Write a subclass of URLStreamHandler with an
    openConnection( ) method
  • Implement the URLStreamHandlerFactory interface
    and the createStreamHandler( ) method

More Protocol Handler Examples and Techniques
  • Daytime Protocol
  • Chargen Protocol

A daytime Protocol Handler
  • URL look like daytime///
  • Allow for nonstandard port assignments
  • Ex daytime///vision.poly.edu2082
  • Allow a terminating slash and ignore everything
    following the slash
  • Ex daytime/// is
    equivalent to daytime///

A daytime Protocol Handler
  • Using the default toExternalForm( ) and
    parseURL() methods.
  • Although the content returned by the daytime
    protocol is really text/plain, this protocol
    handler is going to reformat the data into an
    HTML page.

A daytime Protocol Handler
  • The page can be broken up into three different
  • Everything before the time
  • The time
  • Everything after the time
  • First and the third strings can be calculated
    before the connection is even opened.
  • Formulate these as byte arrays of ASCII text and
    use them to create two ByteArrayInputStreams
  • Use SequenceInputStream to combine those two
    streams with the data actually returned from the

A chargen Protocol Handler
  • Defined in RFC 864
  • Is a very simple protocol designed for testing
  • A chargen URL like chargen//hostnameport
  • getContentType() method choose the content type
    to be returned by the chargen protocol handler's
  • A chargen server returns ASCII text, so the
    getContentType( ) method should return the string

Part 1 Protocol And Content Handler
  • Outline
  • Protocol Handler
  • What is it?
  • URLStreamHandler Class
  • Writing a protocol Hander
  • Example and other techniques
  • URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface

The URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface
  • The URLStreamHandlerFactory interface declares a
    single method, createURLStreamHandler( )
  • This method loads the appropriate protocol
    handler for the specified protocol.
  • To use this method, write a class that implements
    the URLStreamHandlerFactory interface and include
    a createURLStreamHandler( ) method in that class.

The URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface
  • createURLStreamHandler( ) method does not need to
    know the names of all the installed protocol
  • To install the stream handler factory, pass an
    instance of the class that implements the
    URLStreamHandlerFactory interface to the static
    method URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory( ) at the
    start of the program.

The URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface
  • Example

Part 1 Protocol And Content Handler
  • Outline
  • Content Handler
  • What is it?
  • ContentHandler Class
  • ContentHandlerFactory Interface
  • FITS Image Format

  • The browser could automatically download the code
    that was needed to view that content type.
  • Avoiding to stop, FTP a plug-in, quit the
    browser, install the plug-in, restart the
    browser, and reload the page.

What is content handler?
  • Handling the content involves converting the raw
    data into a format Java understands
  • for example, an InputStream or an AudioClip.
  • The content handler would be responsible for
    parsing the content and displaying it to the user
    in the web browser window.

Content Handler Classes
  • The abstract class that content handlers for
    specific data types such as PNG or RTF would
    extend was

How does it work???
  • The ContentHandler class was too generic,
    providing too little information about what kind
    of object was being downloaded and how it should
    be displayed.

Part 1 Protocol And Content Handler
  • Outline
  • Content Handler
  • What is it?
  • ContentHandler Class
  • ContentHandlerFactory Interface
  • FITS Image Format

The ContentHandler Class
  • Quite simple A text/plain content handler is
    quite simple
  • Quite complex A text/rtf content handler would
    be very complex.
  • Depending almost entirely on the complexity of
    the content type to parse.
  • public ContentHandler( )Since ContentHandler is
    an abstract class, call only from inside the
    constructors of subclasses.

public abstract Object getContent(URLConnection
uc) throws IOException
  • Use the URLConnection's InputStream to create an
  • Depends on what the application requesting the
    content expects.
  • Text-like content bundled with the JDK ? return
    some subclass of InputStream.
  • Images ? return ImageProducer objects
  • The InputStream includes only the content's raw
  • Any MIME headers or other protocol-specific
    information that come from the server should be
    stripped by the URLConnection before it passes
    the stream to the ContentHandler.
  • A ContentHandler is only responsible for content,
    not for any protocol overhead that may be present.

Tab-Separated Values
  • Produced by many database and spreadsheet
  • JPE Associates ?341 Lafayette Street, Suite 1025
  • New York ?NY? 10012
  • Each line is a record, and the data before each
    tab is a field.
  • what kind of Java object should we convert the
    tab- separated values to?
  • The simplest and most general way to store each
    record is as an array of Strings. Successive
    records can be collected in a Vector
  • public class Address private String name
    private String street private String city
    private String state private String zip

Using Content Handlers
  • The application that uses the tab-separated-values
    does not need to know about it explicitly.
  • Simply call the getContent( ) method of URL or
    URLConnection on a URL with a matching MIME type.
  • Content-type of text/plain, application/octet-stre
    am, or some other value, or not any Content-type
    at all, the server is misconfigured and must be
    fixed before you continue.

Choosing Return Types
  • public Object getContent(URLConnection uc,
    Class classes) throws IOException
  • Allows the caller to request that the content be
    returned as one of the types in the array and
    enables content handlers to support multiple
  • Text/tab-separated-values content handler could
    return data as a Vector, an array, a string, or
    an InputStream.
  • The client doesn't request any of the classes
    this ContentHandler knows how to provide, it
    returns null.

Choosing Return Types (cont.)
  • To call this method, the client invokes the
    method with the same arguments in a URL or
    URLConnection object.
  • It passes an array of Class objects in the order
    it wishes to receive the data.
  • Thus, if receiving a String but is willing to
    accept an InputStream and will take a Vector as a
    last resort, it puts String.class in the zeroth
    component of the array, InputStream.class in the
    first component of the array, and Vector.class in
    the last component of the array.
  • Then it uses instanceof to test what was actually
    returned and either process it or convert it into
    the preferred type.

Part 1 Protocol And Content Handler
  • Outline
  • Content Handler
  • What is it?
  • ContentHandler Class
  • ContentHandlerFactory Interface
  • FITS Image Format

The ContentHandlerFactory Interfaces
  • A ContentHandlerFactory defines the rules for
    where ContentHandler classes are stored.
  • The createContentHandler() method in the
    ContentHandlerFactory should return null if no
    ContentHandler appropriates for a MIME type.
  • If it is, Java will look for ContentHandler
    classes in the default locations.
  • The method setContentHandlerFactory() of the
    URLConnection will initialize a

The createContentHandler() method
  • public abstract ContentHandler createContentHandle
    r(String mimeType)
  • This method should be called only by the
    getContent() method of a URLConnection object.

The createContentHandler() method
  • Example TabFactory
  • package
  • import
  • public class TabFactory implements
  • public ContentHandler createContentHandler(String
  • if (mimeType.equals(text/tab-separated-values)
  • return new
  • else
  • return null // look for the handler in the
    default locations

The createContentHandler() method
  • The createContentHandler() method also suggests
    handlers for
  • text/tab-separeated-values
  • application/x-time
  • text/plain
  • video/mpeg
  • mode/vrml
  • ....

Install Content Handler Factories
  • Use the static URLConnection.setContentHandlerFact
    ory() method to install ContentHandlerFactory.
  • public static void setContentHandlerFacotry(
    ContentHandlerFactory fac) throws
    SecurityException, Error

Install Content Handler Factories
  • Example TabLoader that uses a ContentHandlerFacot
  • import
  • import
  • import java.uitl.
  • import
  • public class TabLoader
  • public static void main(String args)
  • URLConnection.setContentHandlerFactory(new
  • for (int i 0 ilt args.length() i)
  • try
  • URL u new URL(argsi)
  • Object content u.getContent()
  • Vector v (Vector) content
  • for (Enumeration e v.elements()
    e.hasMoreElements() )
  • String sa (String) e.nextElement()
  • for (int j 0 j lt sa.length() j)
  • System.out.print(saj \t)
  • System.out,println()

Install Content Handler Factories (cont)
  • java TabLoader http//
  • JPE Associates
  • ?
  • 341 Lafayette St, Suite 1025
  • ?
  • New York
  • ?
  • NY
  • ?
  • 10012
  • O'Reilly Associates
  • ?
  • 103 Morris St, Suite A
  • ?
  • Sebastopol
  • ?
  • CA
  • ?
  • 95472

Part 1 Protocol And Content Handler
  • Outline
  • Content Handler
  • What is it?
  • ContentHandler Class
  • ContentHandlerFactory Interface
  • FITS Image Format

A Content Handler for an Image Format
  • We produce an object that implements the
    java.awt.ImageProducer interface rather than an
    Input Stream object.
  • For more details about the FITS format and how to
    handle FITS file, please see Encyclopedia of
    Graphics File Formats, Second Edition, by James
    D. Murray and William vanRyper (OReilly
    Associates, Inc.)

A Content Handler for an Image Format
  • FITS files are broken up into blocks of exactly
    2,880 bytes.
  • Each FITS file has two parts, the header and the
    primary data unit. The header occupies an
    integral number of blocks, as does the primary
    data unit.
  • If the FITS file contains extensions, there may
    be additional data after the primary data unit,
    however we dont care about that.

A Content Handler for an Image Format
  • Here is a simple header taken from a FITS file
  • SIMPLE T /
  • BITPIX 16 /
  • NAXIS 2 /
  • NAXIS1 242 /
  • NAXIS2 252 /
  • DATE '19 Aug 1996' /
  • IMAGE 'Continuum' /
  • COORDS 'N29.1W34.2' /

A Content Handler for an Image Format
  • Example an x-fits Content Handler

A Content Handler for an Image Format
  • Example the FITS ContentHandlerFacotry

Part 2 Remote Method Invocation
  • Outline
  • What is it?
  • Implementation
  • Loading class at run time
  • The java.rmi Package
  • The java.rmi.registry Package
  • The java.rmi.server Package

Java Remote Object Invocation (RMI)
  • Java RMI allowed programmer to execute remote
    function class using the same semantics as local
    functions calls.

  • Distribute object across difference machine to
    take advantages of hardware and dedicated
  • Developer builds network service and install it
    on specified machine.
  • User requests an instance of class using URL
  • User uses object as though it were a regular,
    local object

RMI operations
  • Stub
  • Packet identifier of remote object
  • Package method identifier
  • Marshall parameter
  • Send package to server skeleton
  • Skeleton
  • Unmarshall parameters
  • Calls return value or exception
  • Marshall method return
  • Send package to client stub

The General RMI Architecture
  • The server must first bind its name to the
  • The client lookup the server name in the registry
    to establish remote references.
  • The Stub serializing the parameters to skeleton,
    the skeleton invoking the remote method and
    serializing the result back to the stub.

Three Main Packages
  • java.rmi defines the classes, interfaces, and
    exceptions that will be seen on the client side
    access remote objects but are not themselves
    remote objects.
  • java.rmi.server defines the classes, interfaces,
    and exceptions that will be visible on the server
    side. Use these classes when you are writing a
    remote object that will be called by clients
  • java.rmi.registry defines the classes,
    interfaces, and exceptions that are used to
    locate and name remote objects.

Part 2 Remote Method Invocation
  • Outline
  • What is it?
  • Implementation
  • Loading class at run time
  • The java.rmi Package
  • The java.rmi.registry Package
  • The java.rmi.server Package

The Remote Interface
  • In RMI, a common remote interface is the minimum
    amount of information that must be shared in
    advance between client and server machines.
    It defines a high-level protocol through which
    the machines will communicate.
  • A remote interface is a normal Java interface,
    which must extent the marker interface
  • Corollaries because the visible parts of a
    remote object are defined through a Java
    interface, constructors, static methods and
    non-constant fields are not remotely accessible
    (because Java interfaces cant contain such
  • All methods in a remote interface must be
    declared to throw the java.rmi.RemoteException

A Simple Example
  • A file contains the interface
  • import java.rmi.
  • public interface MessageWriter extends
  • void writeMessage(String s) throws
  • This interface defines a single remote method,

  • The interface java.rmi.Remote is a marker
  • It declares no methods or fields however,
    extending it tells the RMI system to treat the
    interface concerned as a remote interface.
  • In particular we will see that the rmic compiler
    generates extra code for classes that implement
    remote interfaces. This code allows their
    methods to be called remotely.

  • Requiring all remote methods be declared to throw
    RemoteException was a philosophical choice by the
    designers of RMI.
  • RMI makes remote invocations look syntactically
    like local invocation. In practice, though, it
    cannot defend from problems unique to distributed
    computingunexpected failure of the network or
    remote machine.

  • Forcing the programmer to handle remote
    exceptions helps to encourage thinking about how
    these partial failures should be dealt with.
  • See the influential essay A Note on Distributed
    Computing by Waldo et al, republished in The
    Jini Specification
  • http//

class UnicastRemoteObject
  • Extend java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject,
    either directly or indirectly
  • public class UnicastRemoteObject extends
  • Marshalling is the process by which arguments and
    return values are converted into a stream of
    bytes that can be sent over the network.
  • Unmarshalling is the reverse the conversion of a
    stream of bytes into a group of arguments or a
    return value.)
  • A UnicastRemoteObject exists only as long as the
    server that created it still runs.
  • When the server dies, the object is gone forever.
    Activatable objects allow clients to reconnect to
    servers at different times across server
    shutdowns and restarts and still access the same
    remote objects.

The Remote Object
  • A remote object is an instance of a class that
    implements a remote interface.
  • Most often this class also extends the library
    class java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject. This
    class includes a constructor that exports the
    object to the RMI system when it is created, thus
    making the object visible to the outside world.

The Remote Object
  • Usually you will not have to deal with this class
    explicitlyyour remote object classes just have
    to extend it.
  • One fairly common convention is to name the class
    of the remote object after the name of the remote
    interface it implements, but append Impl to the

A Remote Object Implementation Class
  • The file contains the
    class declaration
  • import java.rmi.
  • import java.rmi.server.
  • public class MessageWriterImpl extends

  • implements MessageWriter
  • public MessageWriterImpl() throws
  • public void writeMessage(String s) throws
  • System.out.println(s)

Compiling the Remote Object Class
  • To compile classes that implement Remote, you
    must use the rmic compiler. The reasons will be
    discussed later. For example
  • sirah rmic MessageWriterImpl

Client and Server Programs
  • We have completed the Java files for the remote
    object class itself, but we still need the actual
    client and server programs that use this class.
  • In general there are some pieces of administrivia
    one has to deal withpublishing class files and
    installing security managers.

Client and Server Programs
  • We initially make the simplifying assumption that
    both client and server have copies of all class
    files for MessageWriter (e.g., they may share
    access through shared NFS directories).
  • Then publishing class files is not an issue,
    and we also dont need a security manager,
    because all code is local, and therefore

A Server Program
  • We assume the file contains the
    class declaration
  • import java.rmi.
  • public class HelloServer
  • public static void main(String args)
    throws Exception
  • MessageWriter server new
  • Naming.rebind(messageservice,

  • This program does two things
  • It creates a remote object with local name
  • It publishes a remote reference to that object
    with external name MessageWriter.
  • The call to Naming.rebind() places a reference to
    server in an RMI registry running on the local
    host (i.e., the host where the HelloServer
    program is run).
  • Client programs can obtain a reference to the
    remote object by looking it up in this registry.

A Client Program
  • We assume the file contains the
    class declaration
  • import java.rmi.
  • public class HelloClient
  • public static void main(String args)
    throws Exception
  • MessageWriter server
  • (MessageWriter)

  • rmi//
  • server.writeMessage(Hello, other

  • Again the program does two things
  • It looks up a reference to a remote object with
    external name MessageWriter, and stores the
    returned reference with local name server.
  • Finally (!), it invokes the remote method,
    writeMessage(), on server.
  • The call to Naming.lookup() searches in a remote
    RMI registry. Its argument is a URL, with
    protocol tag rmi.
  • This example assumes the remote object lives on
    the host sirah, and has been registered in the
    default RMI registry (which happens to listen on
    port 1099) on that machine.

Compiling and Running the Example
  • Compile HelloServer and HelloClient on their
    respective hosts, e.g.
  • sirah javac HelloServer
  • merlot javac HelloClient
  • Either ensure client and server share the current
    directory, or copy all files with names of the
    form MessageWriter .class to the clients
    current directory.

Part 2 Remote Method Invocation
  • Outline
  • What is it?
  • Implementation
  • Loading class at run time
  • The java.rmi Package
  • The java.rmi.registry Package
  • The java.rmi.server Package

Loading class at run time
  • All the client really has to know about the
    remote object is its remote interface.
  • Everything else it needsfor instance, the stub
    classescan be loaded from a web server (though
    not an RMI server) at runtime using a class
  • Indeed, this ability to load classes from the
    network is one of the unique features of Java.

  • The solution is that we can use Applet.
  • The reason is that whenever a web page including
    an applet is loaded, all of the necessary classes
    will be loaded too.

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