Title: Anabolic Implants
1Anabolic Implants
- Over 90 of feedlot cattle receive some type of
anabolic implant during the finishing phase - Increase average daily gain, feed intakes and
improve feed efficiency - Currently 22 implant products on the market
- Used for calves, stocker cattle, and finishing
cattle - Reduce beef production costs by 7
2Normal postnatal growth curves of bone, muscle,
and fat.
3Normal postnatal growth curves of bone, muscle,
and fat.
4Normal postnatal growth curves of bone, muscle,
and fat.
5How to Implant
1) Load Implant Gun with implant cartridge 2)
Insert needle between skin and cartilage in
middle third of the ear 3) Pull trigger and
retract needle 4) Check implant site with
thumb 5) Disinfect needle
6Hormones approved for use in growth promoting
- 3 Natural HormonesEstradiolProgesteroneTestost
erone - 2 Synthetic hormonesZeranolTrenbolone acetate
7Mode of Action
- Estrogenic (Estradiol and Zeranol
implants)enhance muscle growth through
increased production of growth hormone (via IGF) - Androgenic (TBA and testosterone
implants)enhance muscle growth by inhibiting
the release of hormones that cause muscle
degradation - Combination (Estrogenic and Androgenic
implants)additive effects
8Implant Products Available
Less aggressive
9Implant Products Available
10Implant Products Available
11Summary-Growing Cattle
- Suckling calves Ralgro or Synovex-CSteers
17/headHeifers 18/headReplacements--reduces
pregnancy ratesCan implant once at 2 mo of age
or at weaning without dramatic effect - Stocker RalgroSteers 12.50/headHeifers
11.50/head - Influenced by forage availability, genetic
potential, creep feeding
12Feedlot Steers
improvement over non-implanted steers
13Feedlot Steers
No effect on dressing percent, fat thickness,
KPH, or Yield grade
14Implant Types Steers
15Backfat and Marbling Regressed Against Hot
Carcass Weight
Bruns et. al.,1999
16Cattle x Implant Influences on Choice
- Implant Strategya
- Flesh Control Plus RevS RalRevS
- Avg 67 54 58 59
- Thin 69 32 44 60
- a Trt P lt .01 Block P.09
17Early Calf Growth and Marbling
- Weaning Management
- Early Creep Normal
- ADG, kg
- 177-231dab 3.17 1.81 1.37
- 231-443da 2.82 3.04 3.04
- Marblinga 1198 1144 1120
- aEarly vs. rest (P lt .01)
- bCreep vs. normal (P lt .05)
- 1100 Modesto
18Relationship of empty body fat to Quality
Grade(Guiroy, 2001, total of 1,355 animals)
Mid Choice, 29.9 EBF
Low Choice, 28.6 EBF
Select, 26.2 EBF
Standard, 21.1 EBF
19Predicted EBF by USDA Grade
20Shrunk BW at 28EBF in Steers
21Implant effect on energy efficiency
- After accounting for BW and composition of gain
- Implanted Steers
- Apparent diet ME values were increased 4.2
- Implanted Heifers
- Apparent diet ME values were increased 3.1
- After accounting for body weight and body
composition implants improve diet energy
utilization. - Implant response is due to a combination of a
reduced proportion of the DMI required for
maintenance, reduced energy content of gain and
efficiency of use of absorbed energy.
23Overall Summary
- Implants with increasing anabolic dose increase
the finished weight of cattle at a common fat
endpoint. - Implants improve apparent diet ME over non
implanted cattle adjusted for body weight and
composition of gain. - Implanted cattle can be expected to reach low
choice at the same fatness as non-implanted