Title: Annual Auxiliary Service Center Rate Reviews
1Annual Auxiliary Service Center Rate
Reviews For FY2009
Presented by Cost Analysis and General Accounting
2Transition of Annual Rate Reviews
- Due to consolidation of related services, the
annual Service Center rate reviews have been
moved from Cost Analysis to General Accounting
beginning with the FY2009 reviews. - Cost Analysis will continue to provide assistance
to General Accounting staff during this
transition year.
3 Agenda
- Why must we do the Service Center Rate Review?
- Address each tab of the rate review workbook
- Questions Answers
4Why a Service Center Rate Review?
- Required under Federal Circular A-21
- Cannot charge internal users more than cost
- May accumulate profits from external sales
- Cant accumulate cash in excess of established
University guidelines - Rate modifications, when necessary
- Expected break-even over 3-5 years
5General Instructions
- Use the Excel rate review workbook found at
http//www.fa.ufl.edu/ga/docs/rfi-calc.xls - Enter data in the worksheets as directed by the
instructions found at http//www.fa.ufl.edu/ga/doc
6General Instructions
- Who must complete the rate review workbook?
- Federal revenues greater than 200,000
- Total Internal Revenue exceeding 1,000,000
- Service Centers should complete cells in columns
highlighted yellow. Cells in blue highlighted
columns are automatically completed and require
no input by the unit.
7Tab 1a and 1b Administrative and Operating
- Contact Information
- Operating Information (billing/customers)
- Description of services provided
8Tab 2 - Revenues
- Please remember to explain revenue variance
between this worksheet and your Auxiliary
Financial Statement if gt5,000
9 Tabs 3a and 3b Non-Payroll Expenditures
- Tab 3a shows expenses paid only by the Service
Center chartfields - Tab 3b shows expenses paid by other chartfields
(subsidies) - All expenses need to be allocated by Service Line
- Please include any supplemental information
- Transfers Out amounts in accounts 813000,
815000, 816000, 819000 and 819001 should be
included on these tabs
10Tab 3a Non-Payroll Expenses Paid Only by
Service Center Chartfields
11Tab 3b Non-Payroll Expenses Paid by Other
12Tabs 4 and 5
- Tab 4 shows Salaries and Benefits paid from
Service Center chartfields - Tab 5 shows Salaries and Benefits paid from other
chartfields (salary subsidies)
13Tab 4 and 5 Salaries Paid by Service Centers
and by Other Chartfields
- Provide name, UFID, chartfield and of effort
toward Service Center, including personnel with
oversight and supervisory responsibilities - If individual is paid from multiple chartfields,
list the individual and each chartfield
separately -
- Individual effort should correlate to allocations
reported in the Effort Tracking System as
Auxiliary/Other Institutional Activities(Aux/OIA)
14Tab 4 Salaries Paid by Service Center
15Tab 5 Salaries Paid by Other Chartfields
16Tab 6 7 Equipment Depreciation
- Provide Asset ID/Tag and other required
information on Tab 6 - Enter required depreciation information on Tab 6
- Enter Service Center Usage on Tab 6
- Allocate the depreciation by Service Line on Tab
17Tab 6 Equipment Listing
18Tab 7 Allocation of Equipment to Service Lines
19Tab 8 Space Survey
- Should agree to Space Inventory and Allocation
Survey submitted for the same fiscal year - Identify all space used by or in support of the
Service Center
20Tab 9 Unallowable Costs
- List any unallowable costs paid, so that these
costs can be removed from the rate calculations. - If your Service Center has not incurred any of
these unallowable costs, check the box for None
of these costs occurred at the top of the page.
21Tab 9 Unallowable Costs
22Tab 10 Total Costs
- This data is populated automatically from other
23Tab 11 Transfers Schedule
- Please list any transfers in (enter as a
credit/negative figure) and transfers out (enter
as a debit/positive figure) for the accounts
listed - Accounts 813000, 815000, 816000, 819000 and
819001 should not be included on this tab, but
should be included on Tab 3a or 3b - Explain any transfer in/out gt 5,000 or 10 of
revenue whichever is larger
24Tab 11 - Transfers
25Tab 12 Profit/Loss Calculation
- Shows profit/loss by Service Line
- Calculates whether Working Capital Balance (Cash
in Bank) is under/over amount permitted by
University guidelines, which allow - 90 days average operating expenditures plus
- Profit from external sales plus
- Accumulated asset depreciation
- The Service Center needs to reflect prior year
profit/loss by service line and total profit from
external sales on this tab
26Tab 12 Profit/Loss Calculation
27Additional Notes and Deadlines
- Please contact General Accounting with any
questions - Completed FY2009 workbooks should be returned by
Friday, January 15th 2010.
28Contact Information
- Patrice Lecomte plecomte_at_ufl.edu
- Andri Randrianasolo andrir_at_ufl.edu
- Sheela Moudgil moudgils_at_ufl.edu
- General Accounting
- 33 Tigert Hall
- Box 113202
- Phone 392-1326