Lecture Seven - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture Seven


Role of expectations under true uncertainty ignored ... Rational Expectations (Muth/Sargent): expectations predict consequence of change ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture Seven

Lecture Seven
  • The Breakdown of Keynesianism
  • The Rise and Fall of the Phillips Curve
  • The Neoclassical Revival
  • The Keynesian Counter-attack logical flaws in

  • IS-LM dominates interpretation of Keynes
  • Keynes a marginalist liquidity preference as
    marginal cost of interest foregone in holding
  • Role of expectations under true uncertainty
  • Neoclassical synthesis combination of IS-LM
    macro with Walrasian micro

Breakdown of Keynesianism Philips Curve
  • 1958 study identifies relationship between
    unemployment rate of change of money wages
  • Consonant with Keynes on real wages and
  • Inc. output --gt decrease real wages --gt prices
    must rise
  • Inflation-unemployment trade-off perceived as
    core of Keynesian policy
  • 1960s--accelerating inflation. Breakdown of
    Philips Curve opens door to Friedmans monetarism

The Phillips Curve
  • 3 factors which might influence rate of change of
    money wages
  • Level of unemployment (highly nonlinear
  • Rate of change of unemployment
  • Rate of change of retail prices operating
    through cost of living adjustments in wage rates
    when retail prices are forced up by a very rapid
    rise in import prices or agricultural
    products. Economica 1958 p. 283-4
  • Cost-based perspective on prices
  • Developed curve from UK wage change/unemployment
    statistics from 1861-1913
  • Only 1st of 3 causal factors shown in curve

The Phillips Curve
  • Found a clear tendency for
  • inverse relation between U and rate of change of
    money wages (Dwm)
  • Dwm above curve when U falling, and v.v
  • Fitted exponential curve to data

The Phillips Curve
Deviations from trend because of
Fitted through average wage change U for
0-2,2-3,3-4, 4-5,5-7,7-11 unemployment
Wage-price spiral due to wars falling U
Rising unemployment
The Phillips Curve fitted to 1913-1948 data
Rapid rise in U 13 fall in M prices cost of
living agreements
War-induced rise in M prices
The Phillips Curve 49-57 data with time lag
Close fit of 50s UK data to curve
Import price rise
The Phillips Curve
  • Conclusion Phillips extrapolates from money
    wages to price inflation
  • Ignoring years in which import prices initiate
    a wage-price spiral, which seems to occur very
    rarely except as a result of war, and assuming an
    increase in productivity of 2 p.a., for a
    stable level of product prices unemployment
    would be 2.5. For stable wage rates about
    5.5 p. 299
  • An inflation-unemployment trade-off?
  • But Phillips main purpose for developing it was
    to provide an input for his dynamic models in
    which unemployment, output, etc., varied
  • Nonetheless, trade-off interpretation becomes
    part of orthodox Keynesianism

The Phillips Curve Breakdown?
The rise of monetarism
  • Friedmans explanation adaptive expectations,
    the short run trade-off but long run vertical
    Phillips curve
  • Basic model
  • Exogenously given money-supply (helicopters)
  • Walrasian economy in long-run equilibrium all
    prices currently market-clearing
  • No sale of capital assets possible
  • Static-stochastic economy no growth, aggregates
    constant, but random disturbances to individuals
  • Aggregates are constant, but individuals are
    subject to uncertainty and change. Even the
    aggregates may change in a stochastic way,
    provided the mean values do not. OREF II 119

  • Basic model (cont.)
  • Motives for holding money
  • Transactions (barter motive)
  • uncertainty says Milton, but means of
    aggregates constant, stochastic variation only?
    Risk, not uncertainty.
  • No variation in parameters of risk considered
  • Holdings of money related to level of
  • Md k.I
  • Exogenous increase in Ms--gt
  • initial increase in output but constrained by
    already fully-employed economy
  • price level bid up till real value of money
    holdings restored

Back to Hickss pre-Keynesiantypical classical
  • Continuous growth in Ms?
  • (corresponds to policy for lower U under Phillips
    curve inflation/U tradeoff)
  • which, perhaps after a lag, becomes fully
    anticipated by everyone adaptive expectations
  • results in
  • Adaptive Expectations (with certainty)
  • what raises the price level, if at all points
    markets are cleared and real magnitudes are
    stable? ... Because everyone confidently
    anticipates that prices will rise OREF II
  • Increasing Ms raises prices, no impact on output
    in long run (short run impact until expectations

Adaptive Expectations and the Phillips Curve
Long run Phillips Curve
Target Rate
Accelerating inflation needed to sustain target
Short run gain with long run pain...
DMs causes some growth but
Expectations adapt
Expected Inflation DMs- DLab.Prod
Expectations adapt
Economy returns to pre-existing natural rate
Initial natural U rate with zero expected
From Monetarism to Rational Expectations
  • Friedman adaptive expectations
  • expectations adapt to change after experience of
    inflation caused by increased money supply
  • short-term impact of policy neutralised in long
  • Rational Expectations (Muth/Sargent)
    expectations predict consequence of change based
    on rational model of reality
  • expectations are essentially the same as the
    predictions of the relevant economic theory.
  • Combined with lag formulae as explanation for

Rational Expectations Macro
  • the public knows the monetary authoritys
    feedback rule and takes this into account in
    forming its expectations unanticipated movements
    in the money supply cause movements in y
    output, but anticipated movements do not.
  • Predictions of relevant theory are increased
    Ms will increase price level --gt instant
    adjustment of prices to government Ms policy --gt
    no impact on output
  • Natural rate of unemployment rational
    expectations policy ineffectiveness hypothesis

Rational Expectations Macro
  • by virtue of the assumption that expectations
    are rational, there is no feedback rule that the
    authority can employ and expect to be able
    systematically to fool the public. This means
    that the authority cannot expect to exploit the
    Phillips curve even for one period. OREF
  • A vertical Phillips curve in short run
  • Prediction that policy could never have been
  • Short-run movements in unemployment due to
    unanticipated shocks

Problems for Rational Expectations
  • (1) Was Keynesian policy ineffective? (see next
  • By RE, differences between Keynesian
    Neoclassical policy periods should be
  • Higher M growth, Inflation
  • No difference in unemployment
  • (2) Why the Great Depression?
  • Natural rate moves by 30???
  • (3) Movement of natural rate (hysteresis?)
  • (4) Nature of expectations
  • Keynes behaviour under fundamental uncertainty
  • RE behaviour under certainty, using economic
    theory to predict

The Keynesian/Neoclassical Scorecard
Outcomes contradict RE Hypothesis Keynesian
period has Lower Money Growth, Inflation,
Interest Rates, Unemployment Higher Growth
How could this be if policy was
ineffective?Did the economy suddenly
deteriorate? (possibly true)
Theoretical Developments
  • Behind policy fight, theoretical battles
  • Perfection of Walrasian GE model (Arrow-Debreu)
  • Classically-inspired critique of neoclassicism
  • Arrow-Debreu General Equilibrium
  • proof of existence/uniqueness/stability/optimality
    of equilibrium (completing Walras work), but
  • under assumptions of given resources, given
    tastes, given possible future states of world,
    contingent contracts, and no uncertainty, and
    peculiar definition of commodities
  • The Keynesian Critique reality that factors of
    production are commodities, labour, land applied
    to show that neoclassical theory is internally

The Cambridge Controversies
  • Critique of neoclassical economics initiated by
    Joan Robinson, Piero Sraffa (Cambridge UK) over
    nature of capital vis a vis land, labour
  • Theory defended by Paul Samuelson, Robert Solow
    (Cambridge USA)
  • Focus of attack validity of neoclassical theory
    of distribution based on supply and demand

The Cambridge Controversies
  • Neoclassical theory argues that
  • increasing supply of factor of production will
    reduce its price
  • reducing its price will increase its use in
  • Factors price equals its marginal product
  • Direct relationship between supply of factor and
    its price
  • Models production as
  • involving factors of production (Land, Labour,
    Capital) as inputs and goods as outputs
  • versus classical position goods produced using
    goods and labour as inputs
  • The neoclassical position of profit and capital

The Cambridge Controversies
Increasing supply Decreasing price...
Diminishing marginal product
Increasing use of factor relative to others...
Marginal Product
Rate of profit is the marginal product of capital
The Cambridge Controversies
  • Sraffa, 1960
  • Take economy in full general equilibrium
  • All marginal changes complete
  • What determines prices in full equilibrium if all
    marginal changes are over?
  • Self-reproducing system of commodity production
  • inputs commodities labour
  • output commodities
  • equilibrium prices of outputs must enable their
    purchase as inputs in next period
  • System (1) Simple reproduction, commodity inputs

The Cambridge Controversies
  • 240 qr wheat 12 t iron 18 pigs --gt 450 qr
  • 90 qr wheat 6 t iron 12 pigs --gt 21 t
  • 120 qr wheat 3 t iron 30 pigs --gt 60 pigs
  • 450 qr wheat 21 t iron 60 pigs (sum of
    inputssum of outputs)
  • Regardless of demand, prices must allow system to
    reproduce itself
  • 450 qr wheat must buy 240 qr wheat, 12 t iron, 18
  • 21 t iron must buy 90 qr wheat, 6 t iron, 12 pigs
  • 60 pigs must buy 120 qr wheat, 3 t iron, 30 pigs

The Cambridge Controversies
System of production
As a matrix equation
Has the solution
i.e., price system for simple reproduction
independent of demand, marginal utility, etc.
depends instead on system of production
The Cambridge Controversies
  • System (2) Expanded reproduction
  • surplus produced, must be split between
    capitalists and workers
  • in equilibrium, a uniform rate of profit r,
    uniform wage w

The Cambridge Controversies
  • r w values determine split of surplus between
    capitalists, workers. To determine prices, must
    therefore know either r or w beforehand
  • Distribution therefore not determined by market
  • Instead, different pattern of prices for every
    pattern of distribution marginal productivity
    theory of income distribution incorrect in
    general equilibrium
  • But what about validity of production function,
    isoquants, when marginal changes still relevant?

The Cambridge Controversies
  • Neoclassical position (by Samuelson)
  • Concedes Classical position more factual
  • output produced by heterogeneous commodities and
    labour, aggregate capital an abstraction
  • But neoclassical position still defensible as an
  • Samuelson (for neoclassicals) argues
  • isoquants just a parable we use to teach students
  • reality is different technologies, each with
    fixed ratio of capital to labour
  • increase in price of capital will lead to less
    capital intensive technology being chosen

The Cambridge Controversies
Technology 1 low K/L ratio, used when K expensive
Envelope is isoquant
Technology 5 high K/L ratio, used when K cheap
Decreasing price of capital means more capital
intensive methods used, akin to simple parable
that decreased price means more capital used
The Cambridge Controversies
  • As an aside, Samuelson ridicules classical
    theorys problems with labour theory of value,
    that capital-labour ratios must be the same in
    all industries.
  • Problem Samuelson assumes each technology can be
    represented by a straight line relationship
    between capital and labour
  • Garegnani shows that straight line relationship
    only applies if capital to labour ratio is the
    same in all industries
  • If K/L ratios differ, each technology will be
    represented by a curve, not a straight line
  • Curves can cut each other in more than one place

The Cambridge Controversies
Technology 1 low K/L ratio, used when K expensive
Envelope is isoquant
Technology 2 only used in intermediate K/L price
Technology 1 could also be used when K cheap
Problem known as reswitching simple
neoclassical parabledoes not work when multiple
industries considered.
The Cambridge Controversies
  • Why a curved relationship?
  • The definition of capital
  • What is capital?
  • Money?
  • Machine?
  • Both, obviously but how to add machines
  • Money value only common feature
  • but money value reflects expected profit
  • rate of return and value of capital thus
  • Sraffas solution reduce all machines to dated
  • Machine today produced with
  • labour last year, plus
  • machinery inputs last year

The Cambridge Controversies
  • If economy has been in long run equilibrium for
    indefinite past
  • then all goods produced earned normal rate of
    profit r
  • therefore value of machine now equals
  • value of previous years inputs (labour and
  • multiplied by 1r
  • Do it again replace last years machine inputs
  • labour and capital used to produce those machines
  • multiplied by 1r
  • Get a whole series of terms for the labor input
    each year multiplied by 1r, (1r)2, (1r)3
  • Machine/commodity component reducible to almost
    (but not quite) zero.

The Cambridge Controversies
  • Next the standard commodity
  • Earlier, Sraffa shows how to devise a measure of
    value unaffected by the distribution of income
    the standard commodity
  • When measured using this, there is a simple
    linear relationship between the real wage w, the
    rate of profit r, and the maximum possible rate
    of profit R

This can be reworked to give an expression for
the wage in terms of the rate of profit
The Cambridge Controversies
  • Each years labor input to producing a machine
    today is thus broken down into
  • the number of units of labor performed (say 1
  • times the wage rate w (now expressed in terms of
    r R)
  • times 1r raised to the power of n, for how many
    years ago the labor was applied

Number of years ago that machine was made
Wage in terms of rate of profit
Rate of profit
Expression gives an unambiguous value for todays
capital input in terms of dated labor, but the
measured value of capital depends on the rate of
The Cambridge Controversies
  • So rather than the rate of profit depending on
    the amount of capital (marginal product theory of
    income distribution), the amount of capital
    depends on the rate of profit
  • Second problem this relationship is very
  • First part falls uniformly as rate of profit
  • Second part
  • rises slowly as r rises
  • rises rapidly as n (number of years ago rises)
  • Two parts interact very unevenly
  • For small change in r, second effect outweighs
    first as n rises
  • For large change in r, first effect outweighs
    second for small n
  • In between, cant pick whether increasing r will
    increase or decrease measured amount of capital

The Cambridge Controversies
Value of machine produced with one unit of labor
applied n years ago at a rate of profit r between
zero and 25 when R25
Made this year (n0)
Made 5 years ago (n5)
Measured value rises then falls as rate of
profit rises
Made 25 years ago (n25)
Made 10 years ago (n10)
The Cambridge Controversies
  • Cant apply marginal productivity theory to
  • return to capital cant reflect marginal product
    of capital
  • measured amount of capital depends on rate of
  • numerator/y-axis (r) and denominator/x-axis
    (amount of capital) are interdependent
  • relationship is messy
  • rises as r rises for a while
  • then falls as r rises
  • Rate of profit therefore cant be marginal
    productivity of capital

The Cambridge Controversies
  • Numerous other facets to Cambridge Controversies
  • Minority of neoclassicals who got involved in
    debate (Samuelson, Solow, Hahn, etc.) had 2
    eventual responses
  • Grudgingly conceded critique had validity and
    started to develop alternative approaches to
    neoclassicism themselves (Samuelson, Solow)
  • Abandoned attempt to make neoclassical economics
    relevant to real world and developed general
    equilibrium models as abstract thought
    experiments only (Hahn, etc.)
  • Majority of neoclassicals assumed (wrongly) that
    debate won by neoclassicals and continued on as
  • Raises issues of methodology (is economics a
    science?) discussed in 2 weeks. Next week,
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