Title: Name the Seven Dwarves
1Name the Seven Dwarves
Objectives To develop an understanding of
Memory Take out a piece of paper
2Seven Dwarves
Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy, Sneezy, Happy, Doc and
3Difficulty of Task
- Was the exercise easy or difficult.
It depends on what factors?
- Whether you like Disney movies
- how long ago you watched the movie
- how loud the people are around you when you are
trying to remember
4- Objectives To develop an understanding of
memory. - Agenda Lecture
- Homework Read pgs.
- Work on Vocab Objective Questions
5As you might have guessed, the next topic we are
going to examine is.
The persistence of learning over time through the
storage and retrieval of information. The
process by which we recollect prior experiences
and information skills learned in the past.
So what was the point of the seven dwarves
- Take a minute to write down a description of what
you can remember about the first time you rode
your bicycle by yourself. What can you remember?
What kind of day was it? Where were you? Who
helped you? What were you wearing? What color
was your bike? Do you remember if there were
cars around you? Who was there? What shoes were
you riding? Do you remember any scents? What
season was it? Day of week? How old were you?
- There are different kinds of memory, different
processes and different stages. - Episodic memory a memory of a specific event.
The event either took place in your presence or
you experienced the event- such as your bike
ride. Or what you ate for breakfast.
8Flashbulb Memory
- A clear moment of an emotionally significant
moment or event.
Where were you when? 1. You heard about 9/11 2.
You heard about the death of a family member 3.
During the election of our new president
9Flashbulb Memory
- Orrrrr.. The first time you met your first
love.. Aaaahhhhhhhh! - They are etched in our memories for several
reasons - 1. The distinctness
- 2. They have special meaning to us
- 3. We think of them often
10Flashbulb Memory
- A unique and highly emotional moment may give
rise to a clear, strong, and persistent memory
called flashbulb memory. However, this memory is
not free from errors.
Ruters/ Corbis
President Bush being told of 9/11 attack.
11Generic Memory
- General knowledge that we remember
- Example George Washington was the first
president of the U.S. - We remember the facts, but probably do not
remember when we first learned them.
12Procedural Memory
- Skills or procedures you have learned.
- Example riding a bike, swimming, driving a car,
using a computer.
13The Memory process
- Encoding
- Storage
- Retrieval
- The processing of information into the memory
Typing info into a computer
Getting a girls name at a party
- The retention of encoded material over time.
Trying to remember her name when you leave the
Pressing Ctrl S and saving the info.
- The process of getting the information out of
memory storage.
Seeing her the next day and calling her the wrong
name (retrieval failure).
Finding your document and opening it up.
17Now pick pick out the seven dwarves.
Turn your paper over.
Grouchy Gabby Fearful Sleepy
Smiley Jumpy Hopeful Shy Droopy
Dopey Sniffy Wishful Puffy Dumpy
Sneezy Pop Grumpy Bashful
Cheerful Teach Snorty Nifty Happy
Doc Wheezy Stubby Poopy
18Recall v. Recognition
Did you do better on the first or second dwarf
memory exercise?
- With recall- you must retrieve the information
from your memory (fill-in-the blank tests). - With recognition- you must identify the target
from possible targets (multiple-choice tests). - Which is easier?
19Types of Memory
- Sensory Memory
- Short-Term Memory
- Long-Term Memory
20Sensory Memory
- The immediate, initial recording of sensory
information in the memory system. - Stored just for an instant, and most gets
- Examples
- You lose concentration in class during a lecture.
Suddenly you hear a significant word and return
your focus to the lecture. You should be able to
remember what was said just before the key word
since it is in your sensory register. - Your ability to see motion can be attributed to
sensory memory. An image previously seen must be
stored long enough to compare to the new image.
Visual processing in the brain works like
watching a cartoon -- you see one frame at a
time. - If someone is reading to you, you must be able to
remember the words at the beginning of a sentence
in order to understand the sentence as a whole.
These words are held in a relatively unprocessed
sensory memory.
21Final 5
- What was the hardest thing in your education for
you to remember? Why? How did you over come it?
22Short-Term Memory
- Memory that holds a few items briefly.
- Seven digits (plus of minus two).
- The info will be stored into long-term or
How do you store things from short-term to
You must repeat things over and over to put them
into your long-term memory.
23Working Memory(Modern day STM)
- Another way of describing the use of short-term
memory is called working memory. - Working-Memory has three parts
- Audio
- Visual
- Integration of audio and visual (controls where
you attention lies)
24Long-Term Memory
- The relatively permanent and limitless storehouse
of the memory system.