Title: Animal Cognition I
1Vision-Based Place Recognition and Cognitive
Hanspeter A. Mallot Faculty of Biology
andWerner-Reichardt-Center for Integrative
NeuroscienceUniversity of Tübingen
2Spatial knowledge and problem solving The
Edward C. Tolman (1886-1959)
- Nodes
- Places, goal, intermediate goals
- Sensory cues characterizing places
- States
- Edges
- Actions
- "Means-Ends-Expectations"
- Schemata lts,r,s'gt
E.C. Tolman, Purposive Behavior in Animals and
Men, The Century Comp. 1932, p 177
3Place Recognition
4Landmarks and Places
Snapshot approach Landmarks are image features
that characterize the place from which they are
viewed. They need not correspond to objects in
the world (view axes!).
Localized cues approach Landmarks are object
features that have a position (coordinates) in
the environment.
5Snapshot Homing Accuracy
sensor 3
sensor 2
sensor 1
Image manifold I(u,vx,y,f) Local image variance
Catchment area homing possible Area of
uncertainty no further approach possible Size of
both areas proportional to local image variance
6Circular Color Texture
Sinusoidal intensity modulation per color channel
Image manifold
7Snapshot-based homing in humans
- Subject with HMD in 5.2 x 6 m tracked walking
arena - Circular room with homogeneous color gradient
- Task
- Subject at position 1
- View scene at position 2
- Walk to position 2
- View scene at position 3
- Dependent measure trajecory, homing error
8Sample Trajectories and Viewing Directions
- a-d subjects head towards goal from the
beginning - right heading directions
- top small room, subject quickly finds goal
directions - bottom large room, subjects looks around and
then starts moving towards the right direction. - General performance is good. Residual homing
error is well below chance level.
Gillner S, Weiß A, Mallot HA, Cognition
9Place recognition models
- g goal
- p current place
- c place code (vector of local position
information) - S(g,p) comparison function (radial basis
function) - confusion area
10Image Comparison Model c(p) I(?p)
tangential var
radial variance
- Circular confusion areas
- Size decreases with l.i.v.
- Weak dependence on eccentricity
11Closest Wall Segment Model c(p)
tangential var
radial variance
- Shape of confusion areas depends on l.i.v.
- Size decreases with contrast
- Size depends on eccentricity
12Boundary Vector Cell Model
- Geocentric room axis (e.g., red cyan)
- "Boundary vectors" sample wall distance in a
number of directions - Radial error distance uncertainty
- Tangential error axis (color) uncertainty
Barry C, et al. (2006) Rev. Neurosciences 1771-79
13Boundary Vector Model
tangential var
radial variance
- Confusion areas do not depend on contrast
- Shape depends on eccentricity
14Dependence on Color Modulation Gillner S, Weiß
A, Mallot HA, submitted
homing in 6 subjects, 4 repetitions
prediction from squared image difference algorithm
Color modulation 10
Color modulation 100
15Dependence on Color Modulation Gillner S, Weiß
A, Mallot HA, submitted
Model Prediction
- Overall signifi-cant effect of color modulation
- Per point, effect is significant only for the
three peripheral points - Threshold effect for higher modulations
Experimental Data
16Dependence on Room Size Gillner S, Weiß A,
Mallot HA, submitted
Model Prediction
S room (diameter 4.5 m)
Experimen-tal Data
XL room (diameter 27 m)
- Human visual homing in featureless environment
depends on contrast and room size, i.e. on local
image variation, l.i.v.
17Metric Embedding of Place Graphs
18Metric Embedding of Place Graphs
path integration
metric embedding
actual position
represented position
- place recognition by panoramic view comparison
- view graph for topological navigation
- egomotion estimates from odometry or optical flow
- metric embedding of view graph by modified MDS
19MDS and Metric Embedding
Embedding X
Optimization Q
dot product match leg projection
vector productmatch triangle area
Hübner Mallot, Autonomous Robots 2007
20Embedded Place Graph
residual error
route planning on subgraph
Hübner Mallot, Autonomous Robots 2007
21Route following
Path integration error corrected by visual homing
Replanning after getting lost at an obstacle
Hübner Mallot, Autonomous Robots 2007
22Metric Knowledge in Human Longterm Memory
- Foo P, Warren WH, Duchon A, Tarr MJ. J Exp.
Psychol LMC 31195-215,2005 - Little evidence for metric embedding of locally
learnt segments.
23Metric Knowledge in Human Longterm Memory
- Foo P, Warren WH, Duchon A, Tarr MJ. J Exp.
Psychol LMC 31195-215,2005 - Little evidence for metric embedding of locally
learnt segments. - Ishikawa T, Montello D, Cognitive Psychology
5293-129 (2006) - No improvement of metric performance over
24Scaleable model of spatial memory The
view-graph approach
- Place recognition
- Topological navi-gation Routes (chains) and
maps (graphs) - Local metric information
- Metric embedding?
- Regions and route planning
25Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
- Rodent behaviour
- Johannes Thiele
- Alexandar Jovalekic
- Okuary Osechas
- Phillip Schwedhelm
- Berna Ertas
- Martin Seitz
- Human behaviour
- Gregor Hardiess
- Dagmar Schoch
- Wolfgang Röhrig
- Stephan Storch
- Geraldine Hopf
- Robots and Models
- Chunrong Yuan
- Kai Basten
- Fabian Recktenwald
- Stefan Blazcek
- Deniz Bahadir
- Isabelle Schwab
- Hansjürgen Dahmen
- Staff
- Heinz Bendele
- Martina Schmöe-Selich
- Annemarie Kehrer