Title: Basic Carcass Search Methodologies
1 Basic Carcass Search Methodologies
- Objectives
- Precision, Uncertainty and Statistical Power
- Field Biases
- Summary/Future Research
3Fatality Monitoring Objectives
- determine whether overall avian and bat fatality
rates or raptor fatality rates are low, moderate,
or high relative to other projects - Determine whether predicted mortality is a
reasonable estimate - Determine whether a wind project has a fatality
4Variance in Fatality Estimates
- Turbine to turbine variation
- Temporal variation
- Scavenging rates
- Observer detection
6Precision examples
ci - half width (fatalities/mw/yr)
- N25 turbines, vary search detection and
searcher detection
- Mean removal 3d, vary search detection and
turbine sample size
7Examples of Precision Estimates
Values in the table are approximate
8Approximate search hours
Values under migration and non-migration
represent the interval between searches in
days Assumes 2 hours per search
9Other Objectives
- Compare fatality rates to exposure or relative
abundance - Estimate the influence of weather on fatality
levels - Determine effectiveness of mitigation measures
- Determine high risk turbines
10Raptor Use Raptor Fatality
Uncertainty in the model
Facilities High Winds Diablo Winds Klondike State
line Nine Canyon Foote Creek Rim Vansycle Buffalo
Ridge Combine Hills
- Negative correlation fatalities and wind speed
12Statistical Power Case Study
- Calculated for 2000 turbines and assumes 2-year
study - 90 probability of showing effect of seasonal
shutdown for all raptors, RTHA - 45-65 for BUOW, AMKE, GOEA
- Higher with 3rd year of information
Note assumes turbines are Independent
experimental unit
13Potential Biases in Field Methods
- Some casualties or injured specimens may land or
move outside the search area - Solution 1 ignore, if a small percentage
- Solution 2 estimate the percentage
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15Habitat Mapping
- Define search area
- Delineate habitat within search area
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20String A
Estimatelt10 missed based on this
distribution Caution Flat, mostly songbirds
String B
Estimatelt5 missed based on this
distribution Caution Flat
String C
21Other Conditions
22Searcher Efficiency
- Human Observers
- Randomly place bat fatalities (various stages of
decomposition) - Distance Sampling
- Dogs Humans
- Limited trials to determine efficiency of
23Searcher Efficiency
Searchers unaware of testing - Random dates -
Random turbines - Random /turbine
(0-4) Carcasses in various conditions - Fresh -
Desiccated - Scavenged Distributed randomly -
Throughout study period - Various weather
conditions - Various habitat types
24Scavenging and Carcass Removal
- Follow fresh carcasses to determine removal rate
- Place additional carcasses in various habitats
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26Potential Biases
- Experimental carcasses/trials may not represent
wind turbine casualties - Possible Problem Feather spots may be more or
less visible than intact carcasses used in
trials. - Possible Problem Placement, type and number of
carcasses not representative of real mortality
27Feather Spots
Feather Spots considered as project-related
28Reference or Background Mortality
29Studies of Reference Mortality
- Buffalo Ridge, MN
- Estimates of fatality rate at plots without
turbines 1/3 of estimate at turbines - Note that without turbine, bird use is likely
higher - Other examples, Montana site (Harmata, NREL), San
Gorgonio, Buffalo Mountain
30Number and Timing of Trial Carcasses
- Factors
- How many to put out at one time?
- Species/surrogates
- Fresh versus frozen
- If variation by season, habitat and space, need
adequate sample sizes by season and habitat
(e.g., 20 small, 20 large per cell)
31Summary/Future Research
- Objectives key to study design
- Currently recommend a mix of intensive searches
at a sample of turbines with less intensive at
others if broad objectives - Research needs
- Model/study effective plot size especially for
birds - Fresh versus frozen birds, surrogates versus
target species
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