Title: Benjamin Franklin
1Benjamin Franklin
2Where and When was he born and Died?
He was born on Jan.17 1706 in Massachusetts . He
died on April 17, 1790.
3How did he make a change in History?
He made a change in history by inventing items we
would not have without him. He invented glasses,
a stove, and lightning rods , and he invented
4Why is he important to us?
He is important to us by helping us have a better
life. He invented glasses so we can see better.
He invented a stove so it can be safer then using
wood. He invented lighting rod so ships and
building wont get damage from lighting. And the
most important is he invented Electricity without
it we would not be able to keep warm during
5Early Life
He went to school only for two years because his
family couldnt afford much . His schooling
ended but his education didnt . He believed,
that the doors of wisdom would never shut. He
taught him self algebra, reading and geometry.
He learned five different language.
6Middle life
He ran away because he had a argument with
his brother so he went to Philadelphia .When
he got there he only had a dollar in his pocket
and he bought three large loaves of breads for
only three cents. He met the girl of his life
her name was Deborah Read. Three months later
they got married . He had three kids but one of
them died of an illness .
7Taking a Stand
- As a Statesman and Diplomat
- Helped create the Declaration of Independence
- Was a member who help design the Constitution
- Organizer of the Leather Apron Club
- Publisher
- -Poor Richard
- -1st Politcal Cartoon Join or Die
- Scientist
- Inventor
8Ben was a cool guy!!!
Franklin was a cool guy because he discovered
electricity. Without it we would not have a stove
and we will not have TV, computers, alarm
clocks, and many other electrical items we feel
we have to have today.
9I hope you enjoyed!!!
By Amanda Tovar Christopher Salinas