Title: By Laura
21. What is a text analyst?
2. Why do we use the text analyst role?
3. Using the role of text analyst.
3what is a text analyst?
4When you are a text analyst you thinking a
certain way about a text. You are thinking about
things like if this text had a different picture
would I look at the article the same way.
5Why Do We Use The Role Of Text Analyst?
6We use the role of text analyst to be able to
have control over what we are reading. We use it
so that we can understand what the text is
saying. We also use it so that the authors cant
trick us into thinking what they want us to think.
7Using The Role Of Text Analyst
8If there wasnt a picture would you look at this
9Why have they chosen this picture for the article
instead of a picture of him smiling?
BY Alannah and Magda