Title: Advertising With Virgin Media
1Advertising With Virgin Media
- Unique UK offering TV, Broadband, Home phone
and Mobile - Approximately 10 million customers
- 3.4 million pay TV
- 4.4 million mobile
- 3.7 million residential broadband
- 15 million unique users online
- 280 million page impressions
3Doing it the Virgin way
- Distinctive
- A highly glossy, branded look and feel
- Combining high quality editorial and video
- Entertaining
- We are knowledgeable and passionate about music,
movies, family, travel, sports and lifestyle with
the added Virgin spirit and sense of humour - Delivering video from a range of assets including
Premiership, Championship, Divisions One Two
Football, Movies, Music, LIVINGTV, upweighted
with our own commissioned content - We encourage our customers to submit and share a
multitude of video, comment, and humour - Comprehensive
- Our content set is thorough, delivering branded
strands drawing users back for weekly tips and
4Key Entertainment Strand
5Entertainment Strand Stats Demographic
- Music Channel Stats
- 7,200,000 page imps P/M
- 2,600,000 unique users P/M
- 60 Male audience
- 65 ABC1s
- 61 of users aged 16 34
- Movies Channel Stats
- 5,500,000 page imps P/M
- 1,750,000 unique users P/M
- 52 Male
- 67 ABC1
- 52 users aged 16 34
- TV Radio Channel Stats
- 6,000,000 page imps P/M
- 2,100,000 unique users P/M
- 44 Male - 56 Female
- 56 ABC1
- 42 Users aged 16 34
- Games Channel Stats
- 3,800,000 imps P/M
- 1,100,000 unique users P/M
- 62 Male - 38 Female
- 56 ABC1
- 60 aged 16 - 34
- Video Channel Stats
- 2,700,000 page imps P/M
- 950,000 unique users P/M
- 53 Male 47 Female
- 67 ABC1
- 58 of users aged 16 - 34
- Play, Bet Win Channel Stats
- 600,000 page imps per month
- 220,000 unique users
- 52 Male - 48 Female
- 56 ABC1
- 70 aged 16 - 34
6Key Lifestyle Strand
7Lifestyle Strand Stats Demographic
- LIVING Stats
- 9 million page imps P/M
- 3 million unique users
- 80 Female
- 60 ABC1
- Home Family Channel Stats
- 3.85 million page imps P/M
- 1.3 million unique users P/M
- 65 female
- 69 of users aged 25
- 62 ABC1
- Motoring Channel Stats
- 3,200,000 page imps P/M
- 650,000 unique users P/M
- 62 Male - 38 Female
- 52 of users aged 16 34
- 74 ABC1
- Travel Channel Stats
- 2,500,000 Imps P/M
- 750,000 Unique users P/M
- 56 Male - 44 Female
- 44 of users aged 25 - 44
- 65 ABC1
- Money Channel Stats
- 1,850,000 page imps P/M
- 700,000 Unique users P/M
- 60 Male - 40 Female
- 48 of users aged 25 - 44
- 74 ABC1
- Shopping Channel Stats
- 2,500,000 page imps P/M
- 950,000 unique users P/M
- 65 female
- 48 of users aged 25 - 44
- 57 of users ABC1
8- Display Advertising Opportunities
9Available Display Advertising Formats
Banner 468 x 60 / Superbanner 728 x 90
MPU 300 x 250
Tower 120 x 600
Video Pre-roll
10Expandable Ad-format Examples
11Richmedia Overlay
Overlay to MPU
12Available Tenancy Display Formats
Charged on a tenancy basis non CPM
Channel Advertorial
Homepage Textlink
13Search / Keywords
14Virgin Media Homepage Hijack All display
ad-formats exclusive to advertiser for 24 or 48
- 728x60 banner (can also be standard 468x60
banner) - 300x250 MPU
- Margins Wide 160px X 788px Narrow 35px X
788px - Pre-roll available
15Virgin Media Channel Hijack All display ad
formats exclusive to advertiser for any duration
up to 1 week
Standard 468x60 banner 300x250 MPU Margins
Wide 160px X 788px Narrow 35px X 788px
16Ad-funded Content / Integration Bespoke
Subchannel creation
- Design and build of an ad-funded subchannel
hosted within a relevant content channel. - Includes sponsorship header, relevant content
(feature / gallery build), can also include all
display ad formats for the duration of the
campaign. - Can be single feature / gallery format