Title: Personal Growth Family Development
1Personal GrowthFamily Development
- Dr. Laura Gruntmeir
- Redlands Community College
- gruntmeirl_at_redlandscc.edu
2Understanding Self
- Heredity and gender
- Personality
- Self concept
- Depression/suicide
- Care of self
3Gender and Genetic Square
4(No Transcript)
5Johari Window
7Making Decisions
- Decision making
- Addictions
8Developing Emotionally and Socially
- Emotional Development
- Manners
- Dating
9Developing Physically
- Reproductive organs
- Good physical health
- Contraception
- Teen pregnancy
- Sexually transmitted diseases
10Family Development
- Married and Single Lifestyles
- Understanding Family Life
- Understanding Pregnancy and Childbirth
- Caring for Infants
- Understanding Parent-Child Relationships
11Married and Single Lifestyles
- http//www.okmarriage.org/
- Marriage/Relationship Education PREP Workshops
- www.smartmarriages.com
- Love Styles
- Students experience in this area will be very
12Married and Single Lifestyles
- John Lee argues that various styles of love are
- EROS -- love of beauty
- irrational, powerful physical attraction
- quick to develop, quick to decay
- LUDUS -- playful love
- love as a game
- passion for the game, not the partner
- STORGE -- companionate love
- based on long-term friendship
- stable and trusting, but lacks dramatic passion
- MANIA -- obsessive love
- intense mental preoccupation, but little
satisfaction - manic lover is likely to be possessive
- PRAGMA -- realistic love
- rational and practical
- based on evaluation of "marketability"
- intense feelings may develop once a partner is
chosen - AGAPE -- altruistic love
- generous, unselfish giving of oneself
13Married and Single Lifestyles (Divorce)
- www.fcs.okstate.edu
- OSU Extension Offices have speakers regarding
divorce and it impact on the children of divorce.
14Forging New Parenting Partnerships
- Perfect Pals
- Cooperative Colleagues
- Angry Associates
- Fiery Foes
- Dissolved Duos
15Understanding Family Life
- Aging
- Types of families
- Family Life Cycle
- Family Violence
- Effective and Ineffective Families
16Slice of Pie Theory of Aging
17Understanding Pregnancy and Childbirth
- www.health.state.ok.us
- Local hospital
- OSU Extension Office may have a sympathy belly
18Caring for Infants
- http//www.nichd.nih.gov/sids/sids.cfm
- 1-800-370-2943
- Baby Think It Over Dolls
19Caring for Infants
- Breastfeeding
- Lactation Consultant
- Nursing Student
- Quality Child Care
- DHS Licensing Rep
20Parent- Child Relationships
- Parenting Styles
- Child Development
- Modeling Behaviors
- Communication Skills
- Working Parents
21Parenting Styles
- Diana Baumrind (1980) notes 3 major types of
parenting or patterns of discipline - AUTHORITARIAN PARENTS
22(Diana Baumrinds 3 major types of parenting or
patterns of discipline, continued)
- 1) AUTHORITARIAN PARENTS are controlling,
punitive, rigid, and cold, and whose word is law
they value strict, unquestioning obedience from
their children and do not tolerate expressions of
23(Diana Baumrinds 3 major types of parenting or
patterns of discipline, continued)
- 2) PERMISSIVE PARENTS provide lax and
inconsistent feedback and require little of their
children. - 2 types of permissive parents
- ? Permissive-indifferent parents are usually
uninvolved in their children's lives. - Their children tend to be dependent and moody.
- Their children also tend to have low social
skills and low self-control -
24(2 types of permissive parents, continued)
- ? Permissive-indulgent parents are more involved
with their children, but they place little or no
limits or control on their behavior. - Their children typically show low control and low
social skills. - However, these children tend to feel that they
are especially privileged.
25(Diana Baumrinds 3 major types of parenting or
patterns of discipline, continued)
- 3) AUTHORITATIVE PARENTS are firm, setting clear
and consistent limits, but try to reason with
their children giving explanations for why they
should behave in a particular way.
26(Baumrinds 3 major types of parenting continued)
- Children of authoritative parents tend to fare
best they are independent, friendly with their
peers, self-assertive, and cooperative parents
are not always consistent in their parenting or
discipline styles.
27- Dr. Laura Gruntmeir
- Instructor/Coordinator
- Early Childhood Education, Psychology and
Sociology - Redlands Community College
- 405-262-2552 Ext. 2644
- gruntmeirl_at_redlandscc.edu