Computer Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computer Models


... modeling in the form of simple algorithms that could be done on a calculator. ... If the model showed that the smoke layer did not reach the 5 ft level until 8 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computer Models

Computer Models
  • In the previous lesson, you were introduced to
    mathematical fire modeling in the form of simple
    algorithms that could be done on a calculator.
  • Each equation only considered a portion of the
    whole fire scenario.
  • Computer models enable you to look at a number
    parameters that affect the fire and how they
  • Computer models enable you to see how the fire
    effects on a building can change over time.
  • Remember, even though the numerics of the
    computer models are more complex than the simple
    equations, they still are only providing

  • Whether you are working with a fire modeler on a
    case or defending against a fire modeler, it is
    important to understand the capabilities and
    limitations of the models.
  • The basic types of computer based fire models
    include Zone Models and Field Models.
  • In the simplest form a zone model divides a
    single room into a hot gas layer and a cool
    gas layer.
  • ltltstick room with hot gas layer and cool lower

  • The laws of conservation of mass and conservation
    of energy are taken on the hot gas layer.
  • In other words, a mass and energy balance needs
    to be accounted for on the hot gas layer.
  • So the energy input to the hot gas layer from the
    fire must equal the energy in the hot gas layer
    plus energy losses caused by heating the ceiling
    and walls of the room and any losses of energy
    flowing out of open doors or windows.

  • The same is true of the mass added to hot gas
    layer by the burning fuel.
  • A two-layer zone model is well suited to modeling
    a rectangular compartment with a smooth, flat
    horizontal ceiling.
  • Effectively, the two-zone model has one
    computational cell, for each room modeled.
  • ltltstick room with mass flow and energy flow

  • Zone models do not account for changes in
    pressure caused by a fire.
  • Zone models do not predict the growth and
    development of a fire, the fire growth must be
    input into the model.
  • The fire is considered as a point source.
  • A point source is a source of thermal energy that
    has no relation to the size or shape of the
    flames that would compose the real fire in a
  • Zone models use a quasi-steady assumption,
    which means that a change in the fire input at
    the source, results in an instantaneous change to
    conditions in the hot gas layer.
  • No transportation time is considered.

  • Only one characteristic temperature will be
    predicted for the hot gas layer.
  • In reality, the temperature near the ceiling will
    be significantly hotter than the temperature near
    the lower edge of the hot gas layer.
  • ltltgraphic temp gradient vs single tempgtgt

  • A field model or computational fluid dynamics
    model (CFD) has the capability of modeling
    compartments or a building of various shapes and
    sizes since the model can partition a room or
    building into thousands or hundreds of thousands
    of computational cells.
  • In addition, to using the laws of conservation of
    mass and energy, CFD models also use the laws of
    conservation of momentum and species to provide a
    more realistic and detailed description of the
    movement of fire gases and what they contain.
  • A gas temperature and velocity will be predicted
    for each computational cell at very small time
    intervals yielding significant quantities of
    predicted values.
  • Hence a field model has significantly greater
    resolution and detail than a zone model.

  • The down side to having a number that generates
    thousands of numbers every fraction of second is
    that it is extremely hard to evaluate the data.
  • The only means of communicating the results until
    recently has been in the form of other equations,
    graphs or very large spreadsheets.
  • Now, these models are usually used with another
    program that can turn the numbers into a
    graphical output for analysis.
  • The visualization programs typically use
    isotherms and vectors to describe model output in
    the same manner as temperature and wind data is
    displayed on weather maps during the evening
  • This makes the data much easier to view as a
    picture and interpret.

A Sample of Public Domain Computer Fire Models

A Sample of Public Domain Computer Fire Models

Public Domain Computer Fire Models
  • The above chart presents a cross representation
    of computer-based fire models ranging from the
    simplest model (DETACT-QS) to the most complex
  • A list of the values that the model can predict
    as well as a partial list of limitations is given
    for each model to give the investigator a sense
    of the capabilities of the models and the types
    of limitations each model has.
  • Further information about each of the models can
    be found in the technical documentation for each
    of these models.
  • The investigator should ask for these documents
    when a prosecution or defense based on a fire
    model is presented.

Zone Models
  • DETACT-QS - DETACT-QS (DETector ACTuation - Quasi
  • A program for calculating the actuation time of
    thermal devices below unconfined ceilings.
  • It can be used to predict the actuation time of
    fixed temperature heat detectors and sprinkler
    heads subject to a user specified fire.
  • DETACT-QS assumes that the thermal device is
    located in a relatively large area, i.e. only the
    fire ceiling flow heats the device and there is
    no heating from the hot gas layer in the room.

Zone Models
  • DETACT-QS - DETACT-QS (DETector ACTuation - Quasi
  • The required program inputs are the height of the
    ceiling above the fuel, the distance of the
    thermal device from the axis of the fire, the
    actuation temperature of the thermal device, the
    response time index (RTI) for the device, and the
    rate of heat release of the fire.
  • The program outputs are the ceiling gas
    temperature and the device temperature both as a
    function of time and the time required for device
  • ltschematic of inputsgt ltRTI chart with discussiongt
  • ltltbased on schematic add table of inputs and
    animate output i.e. activation timegtgt

Zone Models
  • ASET-B - ASET-B (Available Safe Egress Time -
  • A program for calculating the temperature and
    position of the hot smoke layer in a single room
    with closed doors and windows.
  • ASET-B is a compact easy to run program, which
    solves the same equations as ASET.
  • The required program inputs are a heat loss
    fraction, the height of the fire, the room
    ceiling height, the room floor area, the maximum
    time for the simulation, and the rate of heat
    release of the fire.

Zone Models
  • ASET-B - ASET-B (Available Safe Egress Time -
  • the maximum time for the simulation, and the rate
    of heat release of the fire.
  • The program outputs are the temperature and
    thickness of the hot smoke layer as a function of
  • ltltadd pictures on how an investigator would
    determine input such as height of fire/fuelgtgt
  • ltlt using stick room, add inputs and animate
    output i.e. layer height and Temperaturegtgt

Zone Models
  • CFAST CFAST (Consolidated model of Fire growth
    And Smoke Transport)
  • A multi-room zone model that predicts the effect
    of a specified fire on temperatures, various gas
    concentrations and smoke layer heights within a
  • CFAST can accommodate up to 31 compartments with
    multiple opening between the rooms and the

Zone Models
  • CFAST CFAST (Consolidated model of Fire growth
    And Smoke Transport)
  • The require inputs include
  • geometry of the rooms, doorways, windows and
    other vents
  • the thermal properties of the ceiling, walls, and
  • the fire as a mass loss rate or heat release
  • the generation rates of products of combustion.
  • CFAST outputs include
  • a characteristic temperature,
  • thickness,
  • species concentration of the hot upper layer
  • cool lower layer in each compartment.

Zone Models
  • FPE Tool/Fire Simulator
  • FPETool is a set of engineering equations useful
    in estimating potential fire hazard and the
    response of the space and fire protection systems
    to the developing hazard.
  • Version 3.2 incorporates an estimate of smoke
    conditions developing within a room receiving
    steady-state smoke leakage from an adjacent
  • Estimates of human viability resulting from
    exposure to developing conditions within the room
    are calculated based upon the smoke temperature
    and toxicity.

Computational Fluid Dynamics Models
  • Fire Dynamics Simulator
  • Fire Dynamics Simulator or FDS is a computational
    fluid dynamics (CFD) fire model using large eddy
    simulation (LES) techniques.
  • Inputs required by FDS include
  • the geometry of the structure,
  • the computational cell size,
  • the location of the ignition source,
  • the energy release of the ignition source,
  • thermal properties of walls, ceiling, floors and
  • the size, location, and timing of door and window
    openings to the outside which critically
    influence fire growth and spread.
  • FDS utilizes material properties of the
    furnishings, walls, floors, and ceilings to
    compute fire growth and spread.

Computational Fluid Dynamics Models
  • Fire Dynamics Simulator
  • FDS utilizes material properties of the
    furnishings, walls, floors, and ceilings to
    compute fire growth and spread.
  • Based on the laws of conservation of mass,
    momentum, species and energy the model tracks the
    generation and movement of fire gases.
  • FDS computes the density, velocity, temperature,
    pressure and species concentration of the gas in
    each cell.
  • FDS has been demonstrated to predict the thermal
    conditions resulting from a compartment fire.
  • ltltsample input and outputgtgt

Computational Fluid Dynamics Models
  • Smokeview is a scientific visualization program
    that was developed to display the results of a
    FDS model computation.
  • Smokeview produces animations or snapshots of FDS
  • ltltsample output from demo pagegtgt
  • A new feature of Smokeview allows the viewing of
    FDS output in 3-dimensional animations.
  • An iso-surface is a three dimensional version of
    a contour elevation often found on topographic

Models for Human behavior (egress)/tenability
  • While egress models are not fire models, they
    are used in conjunction with a fire model to
    determine how longer it would take for a given
    occupancy to be evacuated.
  • For example, a modeler might use a model to show
    that it would take at least 5 minutes to evacuate
    a store.
  • The modeler would use a zone model to determine
    how long it would take for the smoke layer to be
    5 ft above the floor.

Models for Human behavior (egress)/tenability
  • If the model showed that the smoke layer did not
    reach the 5 ft level until 8 minutes after alarm
    than it could be inferred that the occupant have
    sufficient time to safely escape, if they
    response rapidly to the fire alarm.
  • A report published by the Society of Fire
    Protection Engineers, A Review of the
    Methodologies and Critical Appraisal of Computer
    Models Used in the Simulation of Evacuation from
    the Built Environment, by Gwynne and Galea,
    discusses 22 evacuation models.
  • A few of the models are discussed here to provide
    a sense of what they do.

Models for Human behavior (egress)/tenability
  • A node network based building evacuation model.
  • The user identifies the initial location of
    occupants, then the models predicts an optimized
    time to evacuation of the building.
  • This model has been used for high occupancy
    buildings such a stadiums, shopping malls etc.
  • The model does not allow for different occupant
    travel speeds or behavior.
  • ltltschematicgtgt

Models for Human behavior (egress)/tenability
  • EXIT89 EXIT89
  • Designed to simulate the evacuation of large,
    high occupancy buildings, such as highrises, so
    that the movement of individuals can be tracked
    as they exit the building.
  • EXIT89 can account for occupants with a range of
    travel speeds and capabilities, choice of routing
    options, travel up and down stairs, opposed flows
    and delays.
  • The model can also examine the impact of smoke on
    evacuation given specified smoke blockages or
    from CFAST output.

Models for Human behavior (egress)/tenability
  • A part of the HAZARD suite of models developed by
  • Its intended use is for residential dwellings
    with a limit of 12 rooms or nodes.
  • The model follows individuals and the actions
    are determined by pre-defined criteria and
    decision rules based on location, gender,
    capabilities, status i.e. awake or sleeping at
    the time of alarm, etc.
  • Based on the criteria for each person in the
    simulation, the occupants may investigate the
    fire, help others or directly evacuate the
  • The model ends when all individuals have either
    have successly left the building or are trapped
    in the building by smoke.

  • In general models, physical or mathematical, can
    provide valuable insight into how a fire may have
  • However the model is only a simulation.
  • The model output is dependent on a variety of
    input values such as material properties, times
    lines, geometry, and ventilation openings.
  • Since perfect knowledge of every detail of the
    fire site, fuel load or fire timeline is never
    known, estimations are incorporated into the

  • For example, the estimation of the energy release
    rate of an initial source fire as a starting
    point for fire development and spread throughout
    the structure is a necessary part of re-creating
    this fire scenario.
  • Another estimation used in this case, the plaster
    ceilings and walls of the structure were modeled
    with the thermal properties of gypsum board.
  • These estimations and others used in this
    simulation are further described in Section 6 of
    this report.
  • FDS The ability of the FDS model to accurately
    predict the temperature and velocity of fire
    gases has been previously evaluated by conducting
    experiments, both lab-scale and full-scale, and
    measuring quantities of interest.

  • For relatively simple fire driven flows, such as
    buoyant plumes and flows through doorways, FDS
    predictions are within the experimental
    uncertainty of the values measured in the
    experiments 2.
  • For example, if a gas flow velocity is measured
    at 0.5 m/s with an experimental uncertainty of
    ?0.05 m/s, the FDS model gas flow velocity
    predictions were also in the range between 0.45
    m/s and 0.55 m/s.
  • In large scale fire tests, FDS temperature
    predictions were found to be within 15 of the
    measured temperatures and the FDS heat release
    rates were predicted to within 20 of the
    measured values.
  • Therefore the results are presented as ranges to
    address these uncertainties.
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