Title: Progress Reporting
1Progress Reporting
- To develop an understanding of the purpose of the
progress reporting requirement of IDEA and the
importance of keeping data for reporting progress - To identify various methods for collecting and
analyzing data to document progress on IEP goals - To identify specific issues and concerns
3What the law says (Section 300.347)
- The IEP must contain a statement of
- how the childs progress toward the annual goals
will be measured and - how the childs parents will be regularly
informed through means such as periodic report
cards as often as parents of nondisabled children
of - The childs progress towards the annual goal
- The extent to which the progress is sufficient to
enable the child to achieve the goals by the end
of the IEP year.
4What are the implications for the IEP?
- For example, John will improve his writing skills
5How do we make it measurable?
- Using the 8th grade writing prompts, John will
increase his writing performance from a level 2
to a level 4 on the Rhode Island Writing
Assessment rubric.
8Why do we need data in the IEP?
- To determine strengths and needs
- To determine levels of performance in general
curriculum - To develop annual goals
- For reporting progress
9What kind of data do we keep?
- Data that can document a childs progress on a
goal - includes - Procedure
- Criteria
- Schedule
10Determine Procedure
- How will you collect data to monitor progress?
- What is already out there?
- Hint How is standard measured in general
classroom? Do you need to develop an additional
or different data collection process?
11Examples of Procedure
- Running Records
- Demonstration with Checklist
- Time sample
- Persuasive writing with rubric
- Oral retells with rubric
- Written observation
- Anecdotal records
- Criterion referenced tests
- District tests such as PALS or BASIS
12Determine Criteria
- How good is good enough?
- Goal must be measurable so data collected will
address criteria specified in goal.
13Examples of Criteria
- Level 2 on oral presentation rubric
- 80
- Completes all items on checklist
- within 5 minutes
- once a day
14Determine Schedule
- How often do you measure?
- How often do you collect the data/evidence?
15Examples of Schedule
- Weekly
- Once a quarter
- Daily
- 2 out of three
16How do we record and keep track of the data?
- Hint 1 Keep folder or notebook (paper or
computer) for each student. Within each folder or
notebook have a different file for each goal. At
scheduled time do assessment and put
documentation in file for that goal. - Hint 2 Chart the results
17How do you report progress
- IEP goals page with comment sheet
- Work samples
- Summary of progress reporting sheets
18What does attained mean?
- Child has met criteria specified in goals for
annual review and in objectives for progress
reporting. - Need data/evidence to support
19What does making progress mean?
- This is what needs to be described in comments.
- Connect to criteria.
- Need data to support
20What does not addressed at this time mean?
- Havent worked on it yet
- Do you need to comment on this?
- Why not?
21What does no progress mean?
- Comment on childs performance
- Have supporting documentation
- Do you need to adjust goals/objectives/services?
- If so, need to request an IEP review
22How do we use the data to make decisions?
- On program
- For ESY
- For Annual review
23How does progress reporting connect to ESY?
- Progress reporting provides documentation for
determining childs need for ESY
24Decisions about progress on IEP goals and
objectives must be based on data that is
supported by evidence of student performance
25IEP Cycle
- www.ridoe.net
- 222-4600 ext 2504
- rid23928_at_ride.ri.net
- fax 222-6030
- Barrie Grossi
- 222-4600 ext 2312
- bgrossi_at_ride.ri.net
28IEP Resource Network Preworkshop Survey
Date _____________________ Location
_____________________ Level Progress
Reporting Your current role parent ___
general educator ___ special educator
____administrator ___ related service provider
____ other _______ 1.What are your expectations
for this workshop? 2.My current
comfort level with this topic is _____ High
Comfort _____ Medium Comfort _____ Little
Comfort _____ Clueless
29 IEP Postworkshop Survey Date_____
__ Level Progress Reporting Your current
role parent ___ general educator ___ special
educator ___administrator __ related service
provider ___ Other ___ 1. Did this workshop
meet your expectations? Yes ____ No
_____ Comments 2. Were the materials
helpful? Yes _____ No _____ Comments 3.
Would you like to see anything added to this
workshop? Yes _____ No _____ Comments
4. Would you like to see anything
deleted from this workshop? Yes _____ No _____
Comments 5. My current comfort level with
this topic is ___High Comfort ____Medium Comfort
____Low Comfort ____ Clueless 6. What one
thing will you do differently when developing
IEPs as a result of this workshop?
30IEP Resource Network SIGN IN SHEETDate
____________ Location _________________Level I
_____ II _____ III _____PLEASE PRINT