Title: P1249945252cWDZu
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2Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Institute for Social Research University of
Michigan http//psidonline.umich.edu
3Current Sponsors of the PSID
- National Science Foundation
- National Institute on Aging
- National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development - United States Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service - HHS, Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation - US Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Indiana University Purdue University Center on
4A Complex Study Design
- The same families have been followed for 34
waves, 1968-2005 - Initial 1968 sample consisted of two components
- SRC Sample Nationally representative sample of
3,000 families - SEO Sample 2,000 low-income families with
head under - 60 yrs in SMSAs in the North non-SMSAs in the
South - PSID follows Split-Offs
- 1968 family members are followed as they grow-up
and establish own economic family units - Multiple generations of family members are
surveyed - Significant Changes in 1997
- Refresher Sample of immigrants arriving after
1968 - Trimmed sample since it had grown to 8,500
families - Moved to biennial data collection
5 6Annual Response Rate is High
- Wave-to-Wave Reinterview Response Rate
- 96 - 98
- 60 incentive in 2007
- Personalized persuasion letters
- Mode of Interview
- 1968-1972 Face-to-face paper pencil
- 1973-1992 Telephone paper pencil
- 1993 Onwards Computer Assisted Telephone
- Interview
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8PSID Collects a Wide Array of Data
- Employment
- Computer use
- Income detail
- Expenditures
- Program participation
- Housing
- Housework
- Child care
- Marriage fertility history
- Geographic detail
- Health conditions and behaviors
- Mental health
- Vehicle inventory expenses
- Education utility expenses
- Wealth active savings
- Philanthropic giving volunteering Tsunami aid
- Demographics education
- Mortality
Content of the 2005 instrument
9PSID Sample Design Supports Life
CourseIntra-generational (Sibling) Models
- PSID follows the same families since 1968 their
descendants, including siblings - There are nearly 40,000 unique sibling pairs of
data 1968-2005 - There are 925 unique sibling pairs from the Child
Development Supplement - In 2005, about 4,000 heads/wives had a sib who
was also a head/wife in 2005
10PSID Sample Design Supports Intergenerational
- Data from Multiple Generations of Families Allows
Analysis of - Child Parent Models
- Parent Grandparent Models
- Correlation between Individual and Parent at Same
Point in the Life Cycle - Father Son earnings correlation 0.40 (Solon,
11Proportion of Children Overweight (gt95th
Percentile) by Parental Grandparental Weight
StatusDavis, McGonagle, Schoeni, 2006
Note Cases for which parent BMI were not
available are not shown. Cases for which child,
parent, or grandparent BMI were in underweight
category are not shown. Parameter is
significantly different from base case group
(Parent Normal GP Normal) at plt.0001. aParameter
s are significantly different from each other at
plt.0001. bParameters are significantly different
from each other at plt.0001.
12Health, Wealth, and Pension Data
- Large Sample of Individuals Aged 50 (ngt4200)
- to Support Analysis of Aging Issues
- Disability ADLs, IADLs, Hospitalization
- Onset Recency of 12 Chronic Health Conditions
- Health Status
- Health Behaviors Exercise, Alcohol Use, Binge
Drinking, Smoking History, BMI - Health Care Expenditures
- Retirement detail, including year retired and
part-time work and characteristics of last and
part-time job - Mental Health Type of Psychiatric Disorder,
30-day Distress, 12-mo. Depression - Wealth and Active Savings
- Pension Plan detail
- Mortality and Cause of Death
Content of the 2005 instrument
13Extensive Data on HealthCollected 1968-2005
- General Health Status
- Current status 1984-2005
- Status since last interview 2003-2005
- Status birth - 16 years old 1999-2005
- Height Weight 1986, 1999-2005
- ADL-type Measures
- 7 activities, consistently asked 1992-96,
1999-2005 - IADL-type Measures
- 6 activities, consistently asked 1992-96,
1999-2005 - Specific Health Conditions
- 12 conditions, w/onset, duration 1999-2005
- cancer type/mental health dx 2005
14Extensive Data on Expenditures
- Data Collected 1968-2005
- Food Food at home, delivered, and eaten out
- Health Care nursing, hospital, doctor, Rx,
insurance - Housing mortgage, property tax, insurance, rent,
utilities - Transportation loan, lease, insurance, repairs,
gas, parking, fares - Education tuition, supplies, room board
- Child Care
- New for 2005
- Home repairs maintenance
- Household furnishings equipment
- Clothing apparel
- Trips vacations
- Recreation entertainment
15Estimates of Expenditures in 2000 Close
Correspondence between PSID the Consumer
Expenditure Survey
16Extensive Data onHousing-Related Issues
- Characteristics of Housing
- Apartment, house, etc.
- Number of rooms
- Air conditioning
- Type of heating
- Monthly payments for electricity, heating, water
and sewer, telephone, cable, internet - Rentals
- Monthly payment
- Rent include furnishings, heating?
- Program Participation
- Home heating assistance
- Public housing
- Home Ownership
- Value of home
- Whether have mortgage
- Amount of remaining principal on mortgage
- Monthly mortgage payment amount
- Interest rate on loan
- Year obtained loan/refinanced
- Remaining years to pay on the loan
- Second mortgage
- Amount of property taxes, homeowners insurance
premium - Neighborhood Characteristics
- Census tract identifier
- Moved last year expect to move soon
Content of the 2005 instrument
17Several Specialized Supplemental Data Files are
- Geocode Matched Data File 1968-2005
- Under restricted data contract
- Identifies 2000 census tract
- Mortality Data File 1968-2005
- Under restricted data contract
- Date and cause of death
- Family History Data Files 1968-2005
- Provides user-friendly histories of marriage,
childbirth and adoption - Wealth Active Savings Data Files
- wealth and active savings generated variables
- 1984, 1989, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005
18Expanding Survey Content Significantly Lengthened
the Interview
19New User-Friendly Tutorials Make it Easy to Use
Understand the Data
- Step-by-step guide to answer specific questions
- Demonstrates various features
- Cross-sectional, panel, and intergenerational
analyses - Illustrates several research domains
- Housework, employment, welfare, poverty, health
status, food stamp use, housing,
intergenerational - All tabulations can be conducted within Excel
- Targeted to new users, including undergraduates
and advanced secondary school students
20Data are Freely Easily Accessedon the Internet
- Internet-based Data Center
- http//www.psidonline.isr.umich.edu
- Supports customized subsetting of all 34 waves of
data - Provides customized codebooks
- Allows variable searching and browsing
- Automatically conducts complex dataset merges
- Automatically makes data available in SAS, STATA,
dBase, ASCII, Excel - Entire dataset can also be downloaded directly
21Screen Shot of PSID Online Data Center
22Screen Shot of Data File Selection
23Screen Shot of Selection of Data Years
24Screen Shot of an Online PSID Data Shopping Cart
25Screen Shot of an Online PSID Variable Codebook
26Number of Published Journal Articles Using PSID
Data has Increased Steadily Over Time
27Journals Most Commonly Publishing Articles Using
the PSID, 1995-2005
- American Economic Review
- Journal of Human Resources
- Journal of Marriage and Family
- Journal of Labor Economics
- Demography
- Review of Economics and Statistics
- American Sociological Review
- Journal of Public Economics/ Social Science
Research (tied) - Journal of Econometrics/Journal of Political
Economy/ Review of Income and Wealth/ - Social Service Review
- Industrial and Labor Relations Review/ Social
28Key Contributions of the PSID
- Intergenerational Studies
- Income and Poverty Dynamics
- Public Transfer Program Participation
- Demographic Trends and Behavior
- Neighborhood Effects
- Long-term Social Impacts on Health
- Retirement and Aging
- Wealth and Savings
- Socioeconomic Inequality
- International Comparisons
- Influences of Family History
- Child Development
29(No Transcript)
30 of Adults Reporting Serious Psychological
Distress During the Past 30 days, by Age Sex
PSID 2003
312006 Board of Overseers
- Suzanne Bianchi, Chair
- Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
- Lynne Casper
- Mark Hayward
- Stephen Zeldes
32Study Investigators
- Frank P. Stafford, Principal Investigator
Director of the PSID - Economist
- Robert F. Schoeni, Co-Principal Investigator
Associate Director of the PSID - Economist
- Jacquelynne Eccles, Co-Principal Investigator of
CDS - Developmental Psychologist
- Katherine McGonagle, Co-Principal Investigator
Assistant Director of PSID - Social Psychologist
- Wei-Jean Yeung, Co-Principal Investigator
- Sociologist and Demographer