Title: Climate Change: Deciphering The Skeptics
1Climate ChangeDeciphering The Skeptics
Alan Journet Department of Biology
Environmental Science programSoutheast
Missouri State University ajournet_at_semo.edu http
//cstl-csm.semo.edu/journet/ Whats
New http//cstl.semo.edu/SEMOCPI/
2Minimum Arctic Sea Ice
3Minimum Arctic Sea Ice
Data U.S. Defense Meteorological Satellite
Program (DMSP) Special Sensor Microwave Imager
(SSMI). Credit NASA
4September 2008 NASA's Aqua satellite
Arctic perennial sea ice has been decreasing at a
rate of 9 per decade.
If Greenland ice cap totally melts ? 20 ft sea
level rise
5Some Questions
- Have you heard about climate change and its
possible consequences? - Do you think there is debate in the relevant
peer-reviewed scientific literature (atmospheric
science and meteorology) among scientists
regarding the existence if climate change and its
causes? - or in the media / blogs / web sites / or among
6In solving problems which should carry the most
Evidence, Facts, Discernible Reality, Reason,
Rational analysis of the world as it exists
Illusions, Distortions, Deceptions, Half Truths,
Claims about the world as it might be or as
wed like it to be.
7Some Erroneous Debates
- Tobacco and Health Effects.
- Tobacco Company campaign to manufacture doubt.
- Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and the atmospheric
ozone hole. - The silly season of Presidential politics -
- Is Barrack Obama a Christian or a Muslim?
- Is John McCain a conventional Republican or a
maverick? - Dont just accept what you hear especially from
the media check reliable credible sources for
yourself. - Ignore political commentators and web sites /
blogs with dogmatic pre-determined axes to grind.
8First .
- A few words about what is happening
- The recent global climate pattern and
- Whats causing it
9Global Temperatures 1880 2007Goddard Institute
for Space Studies
IPCC 2007 11 of the last 12 years are among
twelve hottest on record
g.gif /
10The Atmospheric GreenhouseEffect"
NOTE Problem is in loweratmosphere which is
where we live
Infra-red heat
Gases in loweratmosphere absorbthe heat and
retain it does not escape into space as
Visible light
Current ave. temp app 15oC or 59oF
Without these gases temp -150C to -300C
11Positive and Negative Atmospheric
13Other Anthropogenic Gases
METHANE Fossil fuel production Livestock Rice
cultivation Burning biomass wood etc. Waste
NOxFossil fuel combustion Fertilizers Nitrogen
fixing plants
14The CO2 / Temp Pattern
1940-1970Slight Cooling
Carbon dioxide
Aerosols releasedafter WWII
15400,000 years of CO2
and last 1000 years
We can nowgo back 650,000years
16Carbon dioxide now and futureAl Gores An
Inconvenient Truth
CO2 Possible Future
CO2 Now
If the CO2 ?Temperaturerelationship holds, what
will the temperature be?
Temperature Now
17Carbon Dioxide in the Future
There are severalscenarios.
Without adequate responsethe future could be
18Future Temperature Range
What does the PrecautionaryPrinciple urge?
There is much doubt depends on what we do.
We know the disease were just not sure about
the exact prognosis
Like a Cancer Diagnosis We know you are sick
But the prognosis dependson what you do.
19Response to Catastrophe
- Kübler-Ross Five Stages
- Denial
- Aint a river in Egypt.
- We cannot possibly influence climate!
- Anger.
- We gotta find someone else to blame.
- Bargaining.
- Surely somebody can do something about this!
- Despair.
- Aint the extra tire in your trunk.
- Its too big a problem theres nothing we can
do - Acceptance
- Its time to figure out what we can do.
- Only when we reach Acceptance can we do anything.
20Who Are the Experts?
- 1) IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change WMU UNEP, 1988 - WG I The Physical Science gt 600 Relevant
ScientistsPlus gt 450 Reviewers. - WGII Impacts, Adaptation Vulnerability gt300
ExpertsPlus gt 750 reviewers - WG III Mitigation of Climate Change gt 250
ExpertsPlus gt 400 Reviewers
What Did They Conclude (2007)?
- Global Warming is happening.
- There is a 90 probability that human activity -
increasing greenhouse gases - is the cause.
21Who Are the Skeptics?
- Mainly non-scientists or scientists with no
relevant expertise. - Staff of institutes and think tanks funded to a
significant extent by oil corporations. - e.g. between 1998 2008 Exxon/Mobil has run a
disinformation campaign manufacturing doubt in
the publics mind while contributing 23 million
to the skeptic organizations. - Individuals committed to a political philosophy
that rejects on principle regulations to address
environmental problems. - A small number of contrarian scientists with
relevant expertise publishing in vanity press,
non-peer reviewed journals, or journals in
unrelated fields without editors knowledgeable
enough to peer-review legitimately. - Overall a small number of individuals (app. 15)
are driving the skeptic movement.
22Sampling The Skeptics
- Cannot possibly address all the weird and
esoteric criticisms launched by the skeptics of
climate change theoryfocus on 3. - There is no scientific consensus.
- There is no climate change i.e. global warming is
a myth. - Climate is changing, but its a natural cycle.
231-There is no scientific consensus.
- Important to appreciate how scientific consensus
is reached - It is a legitimate scientific occurrence.
- Through publication in peer-reviewed primary
scientific journals. - Through discussions and exchange of information
and ideas at relevant conferences. - Through evaluations of research and reports by
National Academies.
24Is There scientific dispute with IPCC conclusions?
- Oreskes (Science 2004) reported on a sample of
928 relevant papers in the peer-reviewed
literature - not one challenged the consensus view.
- Science Editor Donald Kennedy pointed out
skeptic manuscripts were simply not being
submitted. - The National Academy of Science evaluated the
2004 IPCC Third Assessment Report (TAR) and
confirmed its conclusions.
25Scientific Organizations Endorsing IPCC
- InterAcademy Council
- Joint Science Academies
- European Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Network of African Science Academies
- U.S. National Academies
- U.S. National Research Council
- International Council for Science
- European Science Foundation
- American Association for the Advancement of
Science - Federation of American Scientists
- World Meteorological Organization
- American Meteorological Society
- U.K. Royal Meteorological Society
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic
Society - Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
- Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric
Sciences International Union for Quaternary
Research American Quaternary Association Stratigra
phy Commission of the Geological Society of
London International Union of Geodesy and
Geophysics International Union of Geological
Sciences European Geosciences Union Canadian
Federation of Earth Sciences Geological Society
of America American Geophysical Union American
Astronomical Society American Institute of
Physics American Physical Society American
Chemical Society Engineers Australia U.S. Federal
Climate Change Science Program. Union of
Concerned Scientists
There is not one major professional organization
that rejects the IPCC consensus
Meanwhile according to the Mainstream Media
there is still scientific debate
- In reality, to claim there is no scientific
consensus that serious scientific debate
remains is simply absurd.
272-There is no global warming.
Michael Crichtons U.S. Temperature Graph
1) Michael Crichtons State of Fear was
published in 2004, so the data used could have
been more recent than the last century.
2) But Crichton stopped the 5 year running mean
the darker line in 1995.
3) So, lets extend the lines to include more
current data.
When does the line terminate?
28U.S Average Temperature Trend
The Crichton Graph
The pattern is revealed
29There isnt a global temperature increase its
just a function of the Urban Heat Island effect
A composite of hundreds of satellite images all
taken at night.
If this were the case, at what latitudes would
the temperature anomalies be?
30So, where is it?
32Warming is not EqualAl Gores An Inconvenient
33The temperature is actually declining
Christopher (Lord) Monckton of Brenchley
Data from the Hadley Center University of
Alabama (Huntsville) show a cooling planet.
35Global Temperatures 1880 2007Goddard Institute
for Space Studies
g.gif /
36American Physical Society
- The following article has not undergone any
scientific peer review, since that is not normal
procedure for American Physical Society
newsletters. The American Physical Society
reaffirms the following position on climate
change, adopted by its governing body, the APS
Council, on November 18, 2007 "Emissions of
greenhouse gases from human activities are
changing the atmosphere in ways that affect the
Earth's climate."
37Is the Hadley Center suggesting cooling?
38And what does the University of Alabama
(Huntsville) conclude?
June 2008 Newswise Global trend since Nov. 16,
1978 0.13 C per decade A La Niña Pacific
Ocean cooling event continues to drive tropical
and global temperatures Globally, June 2008 was
the coolest June since 1999.
Even if we cannot prove the planet is warming
the data are quite compelling
403- Climate is changing, but its a natural cycle.
4118,000 - 20,000
Over the last2 millions years4 glaciations have
170,000 120,000
480,000 230,000
800,000 600,000
42Geologic Patterns in CO2 temperature.
43Continents Through Time
44Milankovitch Cycle
- A 100,000 year temperature cycle results from 3
component cycles - I 105,000 yr. cycle in shape of Earths orbit
of sun- Eccentricity
45Milankovitch Cycle
- A 100,000 year temperature cycle results from 3
component cycles - II 41,000 yr. cycle in the tilt (obliquity of
ecliptic) of Earth 21.1o-24.5o around 23.5o.
46Milankovitch Cycle
- A 100,000 year temperature cycle results from 3
component cycles - III 21,000 cyclic advance of the equinoxes
date when sun is over equator. Jan ? Feb ?
March..? ? January.
47Milankovitch Cycle
- Consequence
- No change in total solar radiation but
- A cycle in severity of seasons
- From warm summers/cold winters to cool
summers/mild winters - Glaciation occurs when summer is not warm enough
to melt winter snows.
48Coincidence in the three cycles
- When all the Milankovitch cycles (alone) are
taken into account, the present trend should be
towards a cooler climate in the Northern
Hemisphere, with extending glaciation.
49Isnt it all Solar Activity?
Black- Temperature
Red Solar Activity
The Friis-Christensen and Lassen (1991) data
are used suggest so (The image shown in a 2007
film, The GGWS.) http//i157.photobucket.com/albu
ms/t63/izzy_bizzy_photo/capture3.jpg But why
stop in 1980?
Science,1991 254, 698-700
Source shows divergence.
50And if we continue the comparison the
argumentfalters more severely with corrected
data.and from the mid 1900s
Damon Laut 2004 Eos 85370,374
51But wasnt there a consensus of global cooling 30
- 40 years ago?
Study by Peterson (NOAA Climate Data Center,
Connelly National Environmental Research Center,
U.K. and Fleck .
52Not only were there few papers, but also few
citations to them
The count on these papers was extended through
1983 Cooling 325 (12), Neutral 424 (15½) ,
Warming 1958 (72).
Additionally no consensus in the media
We know there are natural fluctuations but the
current pattern of warming seems to deny that
any of the natural causes are significantly in
Global warming is always ahead of us. In addition
to the one degree weve already warmed, by our
actions to date another degree has already been
built into the climate.
The Skeptics are cherry-picking selected (usually
old and outdated) data, deceiving and distorting,
and some are not beyond lying.
Remind you of anything?
In an analogous fashion to those who still think
Iraq was involved in 9-11, had Weapons of Mass
Destruction, and posed a nuclear threat to the
United Satesdespite conclusive evidence to the
contrary, there are still Americans who cling to
the illusion that climate change is not
happening, and reject the profoundly convincing
evidence that humans are responsible.
This should NOT be a political question. In
developed nations around the globe, political
parties from right to left have acknowledged the
scientific consensus and have committed to
action. Unfortunately, there are some folks in
the U.S. who identify as a litmus test for being
a genuine Republican, rejection of the evidence
regarding climate change. Denial does not move
us forward especially when represented in the
55It is time for action
- James Hansen heads the NASA Goddard Institute for
Space Studies in New York and serves as adjunct
professor in the Department of Earth and
Environmental Sciences at Columbia University - Its five past midnight and Time for the Big
Fix. - We must take positive steps to address the
problem four more years of the same cavalier
inaction we have seen for the last 8 is not good
56Evidence, Facts, Discernible Reality, Reason,
Rational analysis of the world as it exists
57Southeast Missouri Climate Protection Initiative
SEMOCPI http//cstl.semo.edu/SEMOCPI Think
Globally Act Locally!
Illusions, Distortions, Deceptions, Half Truths,
Claims about the world as it might be or as we
would like it to be.