Title: Benito Mussolini Totalitarian Dictator
1Benito Mussolini
Totalitarian Dictator
Do you Know?
Click on Benito for video
1. His political party 2. What led Mussolini to
power (1922) 3. Goal for Italy 4. Invasion
1. Fascist Party
3Benito Mussolini
Totalitarian Dictator
Do you Know?
1. His political party 2. What led Mussolini to
power (1922)
1. Fascist Party 2. Hatred for Treaty of
Versailles, Depression in Italy
5Benito Mussolini
Totalitarian Dictator
Do you Know?
1. His political party 2. What led Mussolini to
power (1922) 3. Goal for Italy
1. Fascist Party 2. Hatred for Treaty of
Versailles, Depression in Italy 3. Restore glory
of Roman Empire (North Africa and Balkans)
North Africa
8Benito Mussolini
Totalitarian Dictator
Do you Know?
1. His political party 2. What led Mussolini to
power (1922) 3. Goal for Italy 4. Invasion
1. Fascist Party 2. Hatred for Treaty of
Versailles, Depression in Italy 3. Restore glory
of Roman Empire 4. Ethiopia (1935) to increase