Title: Wyoming Broadcasting
1Wyoming Broadcasting
2Wyoming Broadcasters
- Current Radio/TV data
- Broadcasting and the internet (new media)
- Broadcasting vs. Satellite Radio
- Broadcasting vs. Print
- What to know more?
3Radio Listening is UP!3 Million New Listeners in
4Radio Reach
94 of Americans consume radio each week.
5Television viewing is UP!
The average American now watches TV for 127
hours and 15 minutes per month, up 4 percent from
last year
Neilsen Rating
6TV ReachTelevision Reaches 90.2 DailyAdults
18, 3.94 hours a day
7Wyoming Radio Listening
- Average American (12) listens to the radio 126
minutes a day - Average Wyoming Resident (12) listens to the
radio 160 minutes a day - 80 say they listen to the radio in their car (up
10 from last year) - Wyoming has the HIGHEST number of miles traveled
per capita in the national, 1.7 times the
national average.
Radio Heard Here Report 2008
Arbitron Tapscan Wyoming County Coverage 2008
2000 Edition of National Highway Statistics
8Wyoming TV ViewingShare of viewing to local
commercial stations
- 5-630 PM Local Evening News
- Casper 90
- Cheyenne 86
- 10-1035 PM Local Late News
- Casper 91
- Cheyenne 91
July 2008 Nielsen (Casper-Riverton and
Cheyenne) and TVB Media Comparisons Study, 2008
9Wyoming TV ViewingShare of viewing to local
commercial stations
Nearly one half the total population of the state
of Wyoming watches their local station for news
and entertainment, rather than the adjacent DMAs
(ie, Denver, Rapid City, Salt Lake, Billings)
July 2008 Nielsen (Casper-Riverton and
Cheyenne) and TVB Media Comparisons Study, 2008
10New Media and Broadcasting
- Internet
- Ipods Mp3 players
- Satellite radio
- Online radio
11New Media - Internet
Nearly a quarter of Internet users make purchases
after performing a search for something they
heard about on a radio commercial. Over half the
people who listen to the radio while browsing the
Internet search for items they hear about in
radio commercials. Unaided Recall for a mix of
one Internet and one Radio exposure is four
and-a-half times as high as unaided recall for
two internet ads alone. Radio and the Internet-
together reach about 83 percent of the 18-54
population. Radio - can drive traffic to
websites. Radio - Consumers even teens and
young adults frequently use Radio and the
Internet simultaneously. Up to 1/3 of Internet
usage time in some key dayparts is shared with
Radio Ad Effectiveness Lab "Radio and the
Internet Powerful Complements for Advertisers"
(2007) Harris Interactive 2007
12Youth Listening14 to 24 year olds Ipods Radio
AM/FM Radio Time Spent UP 11
Ipod/MP3 Time Spent Down 13
Paragaon Media Strategies (2008)
13New Media Satellite Radio
Satellite Radio - About 20 million listeners
compared to 235 million on terrestrial radio.
Satellite radio is just one fifth the size of
internet radio. Satellite Radio losing 1
million a day, slumping car sales hurting
growth. Satellite Radio cant provide local
content The average satellite radio station
attracted listeners for .009 percent of the
15-minute measuring blocks that figure is not
high enough to make Arbitrons minimum reporting
standards for terrestrial radio
14New Media Online Radio
Internet Radio - During the last five years,
while Satellite Radio was in its growth phrase,
AM/FM Radio added 10 million new listeners and
Internet Radio added 70 million listeners.
Internet Radio Internet Radios phenomenal
growth comes largely from the websites of AM/FM
Radio stations. Internet Radio Internet Radio
now dwarfs Satellite Radio and iPod sales.
Meanwhile, AM/FM Radio stations websites
have doubled their audiences in the last year.
Streaming Internet listening to AM/FM Radio
stations is growing at four times the rate of the
pure play Internet Radio stations.
15Broadcasting vs. Print
Newspapers - Decreasing Penetration Today,
newspapers household penetration is right around
50. Where to get the news TV and Radio are
the two leading sources for adult consumption of
news. TV 57, Radio 35, Newspapers 34 and
Internet 29. Tough Economy - As the economy
continues to flounder, Radio and television
provides three important Fs to consumers
Familiarity, Friendship and Free
16How to find out more?
- WAB Wyoming Association of Broadcasters -
wyomingbroadcasting.org - Arbitron Casper, Cheyenne, County Data
- Nielsen