Title: Global Climate Change: Uncertainties, Impacts, Action
1Global Climate Change Uncertainties, Impacts,
2Scientific Agreement
Scientific Agreement
- What is level of agreement about climate change?
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6Driving Forces of Increased GHGs?
7What Uncertainties Remain?
8Melting of gas hydrates In Oceanic deposits
Ocean Temperature Increase
Atmospheric Temperature Increase
Methane Release
Sediments move
Permafrost melts
9An example of feedback effects
10Models Used
Source http//www.vitalgraphics.net/_documents /c
lmate_change_update.v15.pdf page 6
11IPCC 2007 WGI SPM Figure.5
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13IPCC 2007 WGI SPM Figure 7
15Various impacts of global warming
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17Vulnerability Based on
- Biophysical risk
- Social risk
- Place vulnerability (interplay of two)
- Source Cutter, S.L., J.T. Mitchell, and M.S.
Scott. 2000. Revealing the Vulnerability of
People and Places A Case Study of Georgetown
County, SC. Annals of the Association of American
Geographer 90(4)713-737.
18Africa Vulnerability
- Desertification
- Sea level rise
- Reduced freshwater
- Cyclones
- Coastal erosion
- Deforestation/reduced forest health
- Coral bleaching
- Malaria, cholera expansion
- Reduced food security
http//www.vitalgraphics.net/_documents/ clmate_ch
ange_update.v15.pdf page 18
19CO Industrial
20Melting ice caps, ice sheets and glaciers ?
impacts on sea level rise, water supply,
wildlife, and feedback effects
21CO2 Land Use
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23Total loss of Greenland ice sheet alone would
lead to sea level rise of almost 8 meters (25
24Additional sea level rise will be caused by
melting ice in Antarctica, as well as the loss of
glaciers and thermal expansion of the oceans
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26Flood Barriers on the Thames River
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29Areas of Florida inundated by a 6-meter sea level
30Higher sea levels increased storm frequency and
intensity higher storm surges and increased
coastal flooding of coastal areas
31Global Cost of Extreme Weather Events
32Glaciers play a critical role in local water
supply for drinking and agriculture in many of
these areas
Rapidly shrinking glaciers have been observed in
North America, South America, Europe, Africa and
33Easton Glacier, GNP, US
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39Comparisons to Ozone?
- Considerations for Action
- Scale or Spatial Extent of Problem
- Level of Risk
- Reversibility (or irreversibility)
- Others?
41Policy Players
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- The Kyoto Protocol
- Private Businesses (emissions trading)
- Individual and collaborative political units
42New England Governors and Eastern Canadian
Agree to reduce to 1990 levels by 2010 Agree to
reduce to 10 1990 by 2020
Regional Scale
43MissionTo build and serve a worldwide movement
of local governments to achieve tangible
improvements in global environmental and
sustainable development conditions through local
cumulative actions
Local Scale
44Cities for Climate Protection
- 579 cities worldwide and 146 cities in US
- What does membership mean to these cities?
- What have they done?
- Well pester til you sequester
45Only cities and towns?
- Institutions
- Colleges and universities
- Individually and collective (Focus the Nation,
American University and College Presidents
Climate Commitment - Businesses
- BP, Stonyfield Farm, Stop and Shop
- Timberland, Kinkos, Verizon