Title: Creating Interactive Websites with Active Server Pages ASPs
1Creating Interactive Websites with Active Server
Pages (ASPs)
IDS 6441 Electronic Commerce
- Robert J. Kauffman
- Carlson School of Management
- University of Minnesota
Note This presentation uses materials initially
prepared by Alina M. Chircu for IDS 6441 during
Summer 1999, and then extended by Alina Chircu
and Robert J. Kauffman for IDS 6441 in 2000-2001.
2Learning Objectives
- By the end of this session you should be able to
- define the basic concepts associated with Active
Server Pages (ASP) - create forms in HTML and process them using ASP
- embed simple database functionality into webpages
- Take away useful intuition about how this works
in current contexts on the World Wide Web
3Active Server Pages(ASP) provide dynamic
ltHTMLgtlt ASP Codegtlt/HTMLgt
- ltHTMLgt
- ltBgtHello
- lt/HTMLgt
ASP Processing
4ASP Concepts
- Objects
- combine data and commands
- provide basic functions without the need of
re-writing them every time - Object types
- Response -- sends data to the users browser
- Request -- requests data from the users browser
- Server -- controls the ASP execution environment,
enables database access, etc.
5Request and Response Enable Dynamic Web Pages
All ASP instructions are run on the server side,
not on the client side.
6ASP Code
- Writing the ASP program
- Any text editor (Notepad recommended)
- FrontPage IN THE HTML VIEW the file has to be
saved as Active Server Pages file type - Basic Rules
- Static HTML tags are mixed with dynamic ASP code
- ASP commands appear inside lt and gt
- The pre-defined ASP objects (I.e. Response
Request) can be used to create dynamic HTML code
and request information from the user
7Example 1 (ASP_1.asp)
- Goal Write a simple ASP program that displays
text on the screen - This is what we want to obtain
8Example 1 The ASP Code That Runs on the Server
HTML tag for font size 6 gt big font
Line break
Tag that signals to the server that the following
is ASP code that needs processing
ASP command the RESPONSE object is required to
send the text inside quotation marks to the
End of ASP code
9Example 1 What Does The Browser Receive?
Up to here everything is the same the HTML code
is sent unchanged
This line is what the server sends to the client
browser through RESPONSE.WRITE
10Creating Personalized WebPages
- Scope
- recognize users
- provide personalized service
- provide security via a login name and password
11Passwording Example
12Call to Member Database
13Personalization with ASP
- Reading information in a form from the browser
- Displaying a personalized web page based on the
form input - Searching information in a database based on the
form input - Displaying the information dynamically based on
the search results
- Have two main components
- Input Fields
- Accept input from the user
- Text fields, scrolling text box fields, radio
buttons, check buttons - Action Buttons
- The input of the form is processed by an
associated program when the button is clicked
15Example 2 Dynamic Content Based on Form Input
- The following are the minimum things required to
illustrate how this works - login webpage that asks for users name --
ASP_2_form.htm - response webpage that displays a personalized
greeting ASP_2_form_handler.asp
16How It Works
- The login webpage is a simple HTML page that
- reads data
- sends the data to the form handler program
- The form handler webpage uses an ASP code to
- read the data from the form
- display a personalized greeting
When the user enters a name (i.e. Alina) and
clicks Submit, the following response is generated
18Example 2 Preliminaries Creating FORMS
- HTML tags ltform attributesgt lt/formgt
- Attributes specify
- What program handles the form (action)
- How the input is sent to the handling program
(method) - The form can have several components (inputs)
- A Text Input field ltinput typetext
ersgt - A Submit Button ltinput typesubmit
nameTheNameOfTheButton valueTheTextAppearingO
nTheButton - A Reset Button ltinput typereset
nameTheNameOfTheButton valueTheTextAppearingO
19Heres the example that creates the form shown
20Forms in FrontPage
Just use the Insert Menu, it is self-explanatory
21Example 2 The ASP Code That Runs on the Server
user_name is a variable that receives the value
entered by the user in the text input field of
the form called UserName. The value of the
variable is then sent to the client.
22Example 2 What Does the Client (The Browser)
As you can see, the text entered in the from
(Alina) was sent to the server, and then
converted in plain HTML code.
23What If I Enter Another Name?
Now the browser has received the value Andrew,
which was initially entered in the text field
UserName, then read in the ASP variable user_name
and send to the browser through the command
24Creating Even More Personalized Webpages
- To include more input fields in the form
- just follow the same steps
- Give different names to each input
- To read the inputs from the form in ASP
- Use request.form(TheNameofEachField) for each
field you want to read - Save the inputs in individual variables
25Combining Variables and Text in ASP
The previous example uses a response.write
command for each element of the greeting. A
similar effect can be obtained by combining all
the text of the greeting in one variable called
greeting with or
26Writing HTML in ASP Code
- ASP can generate not only simple text, but
formatted text using HTML tags - To do so, you can use RESPONSE.WRITE HTMLCode
- Example
- response.write ltbgt SomeText lt/bgt makes SomeText
bold - In the earlier example, generating a greeting in
which the user name only is bold requires the ASP
code - response.write Hello, ltbgt user_name lt/bgt!
- This code is processed and the client will
receive (assuming the form input is Andrew)
Hello, ltbgt Andrew lt/bgt !
27Personalization with ASP
- Reading information in a form from the browser
- Displaying a personalized web page based on the
form input - Searching information in a database based on the
form input - Displaying the information dynamically based on
the search results
28Database Connectivity with ASPs
- Server
- Web pages (HTML, ASP)
- Database
Database search
Obtain search results
Submit search criteria
Read webpage
Enter search criteria
29Search Functionality
An ASP script allows you to search for all the
Quicken products available
30The results are displayed as a list after
searching in a product database gt results are
dynamic depending on availability of products
31Database Connectivity with ASPs
- Server
- Web pages
- search page (enables user to enter/select search
criteria click a button to start the search)
Search.htm or Search.asp - processing page (searches the database and
displays results)SearchHandler.asp - Database
Execute SearchHandler.asp
SearchHandler.asp displays search results
Read Search webpage
Start Search
Enter/select search criteria
32Database Connectivity with ASPs
- Preliminary Issues
- create and save database on the server
- set-up server connection
- set up appropriate access rights to the database
- ASP Steps the 4 essential steps!
- SELECT RECORDS according to search criteria using
33Preliminary Issues
- Creating a database
- Establishing access rights
- server administrator
- Set-up of server connection DSN (Domain Server
Name) - used to hide the details of the connection to the
database - File DSN see example
- System DSN set up by server administrator
34A File DSN
35Database Connectivity Example
- Background Consider a database of case studies
that stores information about - companies
- students
- the case studies completed by each student
- articles about companies
- Problem Search the database and display the
results on the web - Solution Use ASP to embed search capability into
static webpages
36- Case_studies.mdb
- Connectivity is to a Microsoft Access .mdb
database in relational form (key, non-key fields)
37(No Transcript)
38Database Queries SQL SELECT Syntax
- SELECT field_list FROM database_table_list
- WHERE conditions
- field_list can contain the names of the fields,
or if all fields are needed - database_table_list should contain at least one
table name - conditions can be related to
- comparison of fields to pre-defined values
- equality of fields in 2 tables (useful when you
want to combine info from multiple tables using a
39SELECT Examples
- Select all fields in all records in the Articles
table SELECT FROM Articles - Select only the Title and the Date fields for all
articles in the Articles table SELECT Title,
Date FROM Articles - Select all fields from the articles that were
published in Business Week SELECT FROM
Articles WHERE PublicationBusiness Week - Select the title of the articles about Amazon
SELECT Articles.Title FROM Articles, Companies
WHERE Articles.CompanyIDCompanies.CompanyID AND
40Example 3 Display Records from a Database Table
Display all records in the Articles table
41This is the entire ASP code, saved in a file
ASP_3.asp. Lets discuss the code in more detail.
These commands create a database connection. Note
the conn.open command conn.open
"filedsn"Server.MapPath("file.dsn") "DBQ"
Server.MapPath("case_studies.mdb") This command
uses the Server.MapPath function to find the
entire path of the file.dsn and case_studies.mdb
files on the server. Note the server.createobject
command this creates a recordset object rs that
will store the results of the database search.
Note ASP is not case-sensitive, so
server.createobject is the same as
These commands build a SQL query in the variable
query and then run the query in the database to
which the connection conn was established. The
result is a record set rs, i.e. a table. Each
row of rs, i.e. rs(i), 'will now contain a
record, where i0, 1, ..., no. of fields -1
This code writes the records in a table generated
by inserting HTML tags in the ASP response.
45More About Displaying The Results (1)
- First, find out how many fields there are in the
query results, i.e. in the recordset rs.
Remember, rs will contain only those fields
specified by the SELECT statement above. The
number of fields is in the rs.fields.count
variable - Since rs(0) contains the first record, the upper
bound will be the total number of fields - 1
thus, rs(0), rs(1), .... rs(howmanyfields) will
contain the 1st record, the 2nd record, ... , the
last record respectively - The first row of the table will contain the field
names, which are stored in rs(i).name. The code
accesses each field name, for i from 0 to
howmanyfields, and display it
46More About Displaying the Results (2)
- The recordset rs has a "pointer" that indicates
the current record - The current record is, by default, the first
record in the recordset - The pointer can be moved to the next record with
rs.movenext - rs.eof is a variable that is true when the
pointer reaches the end of file (eof) indicator - Each record in rs is written as long as there are
still records in the recordset, i.e. no end of
file (eof) has been reached
Closing the connection after all the records
have been written, close the recordset rs, reset
the recorset variable rs, close the connection,
and reset the connection variable
48Example 4 Selecting Specific Records
Selecting only the records that were published in
InformationWeek gt specify a condition in the
SELECT SQL statement with WHERE.
49Example 4 ASP Code
- SELECT part is different
- The code below generates the following SQL
statement SELECT From Articles WHERE
This creates the quotes
The criteria can come from a form, too!
50Learning Objectives
- By the end of this session you should be able to
- define the basic concepts associated with Active
Server Pages (ASP) - create forms in HTML and process them using ASP
- embed simple database functionality into webpages
- Take away useful intuition about how this works
in current contexts on the World Wide Web