Dan Brown - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dan Brown


Margaret de Clare. Amy de Gaveston. Alice de Driby ... Margaret Mallory. Mary Corbet. Richard Charlton. Ann Charlton. Elizabeth Grosvenor. Edward Bulkeley ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dan Brown

Dan Browns Da Vinci Claims
So dark the con of man!
Dan Brown Claims
All descriptions of artwork, architecture,
documents, and secret rituals in this novel are
Dan Brown Claims
But are they?
Some Reviewers Claim
His research is impeccable --New York Daily News
Some Reviewers Claim
But is it?
The Art of Leonardo
Madonna of the Rocks
The Last Supper
Holy Grail Holy Bloodline
Dan Brown claims
Merovingian Dynasty
Merovingian Blood
  1. Merovech
  2. Childeric I
  3. Clovis I
  4. Chlothar I
  5. Sigebert I
  6. Childebert II
  7. Theudebert II of Austrasia
  8. Emma of Austrasia
  9. Earconbert of Kent
  • Egbert I of Kent
  • Wihtred of Kent
  • Aethelbert II of Kent
  • Daughter of Kent
  • Egbert of Wessex
  • Ethelwulf of Wessex
  • Alfred the Great
  • Aefthryth of England
  • Arnulf I of Flanders

Merovingian Blood
  1. Baldwin II of Flanders
  2. Arnulf II of Flanders
  3. Baldwin IV of Flanders
  4. Baldwin V of Flanders
  5. Maud of Flanders
  6. Adela of Normandy
  7. Stephen of Blois
  8. Eustace IV of Boulogne
  9. Eustachie of Champagne
  • Beatrice of St. Pol
  • William III of Ponthieu
  • Marie of Ponthieu
  • Joan of Dammartin
  • Eleanor of Castile
  • Joan of Acre
  • Margaret de Clare
  • Amy de Gaveston
  • Alice de Driby

Merovingian Blood
  • William Mallory
  • Margaret Mallory
  • Mary Corbet
  • Richard Charlton
  • Ann Charlton
  • Elizabeth Grosvenor
  • Edward Bulkeley
  • Frances Bulkeley
  • Olive Welby
  • Joseph Farwell
  • Hannah Farwell
  1. Samuel Woods
  2. Hannah Woods
  3. Zadock Wheeler
  4. Uzziel Wheeler
  5. Harriet Wheeler
  6. Julius Fernando Ross
  7. Anna Dutton Ross
  8. Rebecca Ann Taylor
  9. Robert Ernest Cork
  10. William Joseph Cork

Dan Brown on Opus Dei
Albino Monk Assassins?
Dan Brown Claims
I worked very hard to create a fair and balanced
depiction of Opus Dei.
St. Josemaria Escriva
Opus Dei
Dan Brown the new Opus Dei World Headquarters
is located at 243 Lexington Avenue in New York
Murray Hill Place, NY
Basics of Opus Dei
  • A life of prayer and contemplation, with frequent
    spiritual direction and confession
  • Study of the Catholic faith
  • Bearing the cross
  • Sanctification of ordinary life
  • Through excellence in your profession
  • And spreading of Gospel values through the lay

Corporal Mortification
St. Josemaria on Mortification
  • The world admires only spectacular sacrifice,
    because it does not realize the value of
    sacrifice that is hidden and silent.
  • If you don't deny yourself you will never be a
    soul of prayer.
  • Don't say 'That person gets on my nerves.'
    Think 'That person sanctifies me.
  • Many who would willingly let themselves be nailed
    to a Cross before the astonished gaze of a
    thousand onlookers cannot bear with a christian
    spirit the pinpricks of each day! Think, then,
    which is the more heroic.

Others who used it
John Allen on Opus Dei

If you want a guiding metaphor for Opus Dei,
think of it as the Guinness Extra Stout of the
Catholic Church. Its a strong brew, definitely
an acquired taste, and clearly not for everyone.
For More about Opus Dei
Creator of Christianity?
Dan Brown Claims
Christians and pagans began warring, and the
conflict grew to such proportions that it
threatened to rend Rome in two. Constantine
blended the two religions.
Dan Brown Claims
Originally, Christianity honored the Jewish
Sabbath of Saturday, but Constantine shifted it
to coincide with the pagans veneration day of
the sun.
Dan Brown Claims
  • Fact
  • Muratorian Canon gives basic list of NT books,
    170-200 AD.
  • Irenaeus, writing at the same time The Gospels
    could not possibly be either more or less in
    number than they are (four). Cites in Adv. Haer.
    all NT books except Philemon, II Peter, III
    John, and Jude.

The Bible, as we know it today, was collated by
the pagan Roman emperor Constantine the Great.
Dan Brown Claims
We should trust the Gnostic gospels that were
excluded from the canon.
As Time Goes By
From the Passion of Jesus to
  • Epistles of Paul
  • 20 years
  • First Gospel
  • 35 years
  • End of NT
  • 65 years
  • Gnostic Gospels
  • 100 to 300 years

1986 Challenger
1972 Watergate
1941 Pearl Harbor
1906 SF Earthquake 1706 Franklin Born
Dan Brown Claims
Before Constantine, Jesus was viewed by His
followers as a mortal prophet. Jesus
establishment as the Son of God was officially
proposed and voted on by the Council of Nicaea.
Scripture on Jesus Divinity
  • The eternal Word, through whom all things were
    made (John 11-3 )
  • Jesus is Kyrios (Phil 211, 1 Cor 123)
  • The eternal Son, through whom he created the
    world. The angels worship him (Heb 11, 6)
  • Before all things, created all things, in him all
    things hold together (Col 115)
  • Before Abraham was, I AM (John 858)
  • He claimed to be the Son of God (John 197)
  • He shall judge the living and the dead (2 Tim 41)

Dan Brown Claims
Constantines new Bible omitted those gospels
that spoke of Christs human traits and
embellished those gospels that made Him godlike.
Scripture on Jesus Humanity
  • He emptied himself, humbled himself to death
    (Philippians 25-11)
  • He shared our flesh and blood, like us in every
    respect he suffered, and so can sympathize with
    our weakness (Heb 214-18 414-16)
  • Those who deny the incarnation are antichrist (1
  • The Word was made flesh (John 114)
  • He was hungry (Matt 42)
  • He wept (John 1135)
  • He died (Matt 2750, Mark 1537, Luke 2346, John
  • After his resurrection he could be touched and
    could eat (Luke 2439-43 John 2027)

Dan Brown Claims
We could learn a lot from Gnosticism.
What Is the Gnostic Gospel?
  • Matter is evil, a prison
  • Created by a lesser deity
  • Jesus only appeared to be human
  • He was opposed to the deity who created the
    worldand who inspired the Old Testament
  • He taught a way to be freed from this prison
  • Hidden knowledge, known only to a special few
  • Spirituality either ascetical or libertine

More Dan Brown Claims
  • 6th Century St. Gregory the Great preached about
    the Scriptural account Gregory of Tours says she
    went to Ephesus.
  • 10th Century Feast of St. Mary Magdalene begins
    to be celebrated on July 22 in Constantinople
  • 11th Century Feast spreads through the West
  • 13th Centuy The Golden Legend relics sought

the Church outlawed speaking of the shunned Mary
More Dan Brown Claims
the Church outlawed speaking of the shunned Mary
More Dan Brown Claims
the Church outlawed speaking of the shunned Mary
More Dan Brown Claims
From the First Century to today, the Scripture
record bears witness to the life and faith of
Mary Magdalene.
the Church outlawed speaking of the shunned Mary
Dan Brown Claims
The Catholic Church burned 5,000,000 women as
witches in 300 years, including all female
scholars, after publication of Malleus
Maleficarum in 1486.
Fact Maybe one per cent of that figure killed,
through various means, by Catholics, Protestants,
and secular authorities.
Dan Brown Claims
Fact Jehovah was formed by adding the vowel
points from Adonai or Elohim to YHWH, so that
readers who know to substitute the word Adonai or
Elohim when they came upon YHWH.
The Jewish tetragrammaton YHWHthe sacred name
of Godin fact derived from Jehovah, an
androgynous physical union between the masculine
Jah and the pre-Hebraic name for Eve, Havah.
Dan Brown Claims
  • Fact
  • Lev. 16 Only the high priest enters the Holy of
    Holies, and then only once a year.
  • Deut. 5 The Lord is God, the Lord is one.
  • Isa. 455-6 I am the Lord, there is none else.
  • Shekinah appears in medieval Judaism as a term
    for Gods presence in the temple.

the early Jewish tradition involved
ritualistic sex. In the Temple, no less. Early
Jews believed that the Holy of Holies in
Solomons Temple housed not only God but also His
powerful female equal, Shekinah.
Dan Brown Claims
The Church had a new Vatican power base in
Constantines day.
Why Is It Popular?
  • Fast-paced story
  • Intriguing mystery
  • Church is the bad guy
  • Church is hiding something
  • You shall be as gods

Our Response
Proclaim the message be persistent whether the
time is favorable or unfavorable convince,
rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience
in teaching.
For the time is coming when people will not put
up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears,
they will accumulate for themselves teachers to
suit their own desires, and will turn away from
listening to the truth and wander away to myths.
2 Timothy 42-3
Our Response
Guard what has been entrusted to you. Avoid the
profane chatter and contradictions of what is
falsely called knowledge. 1 Timothy 620
Let what you heard from the beginning abide in
you. 1 John 224
Our Response
We proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block
to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those
who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ
the power of God and the wisdom of God. 1
Corinthians 123
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