Marketing Research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Marketing Research


Feelings of like and/or dislike. Intentions to behave ... Funny faces scale. Format must be comprehensible to respond and allow accurate response ... Face Validity ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Marketing Research

Marketing Research
  • Aaker, Kumar, Day
  • Seventh Edition
  • Instructors Presentation Slides

Chapter Eleven
  • Attitude Measurement

Attitude Measurement
  • Majority of questions in marketing research are
    designed to measure attitudes
  • Attitudes include
  • Information possessed
  • Feelings of like and/or dislike
  • Intentions to behave
  • Management wants to understand and influence

Reasons for Measuring Attitudes
  • Attitudes lead to behavior
  • More feasible to ask questions on attitudes than
    to observe and interpret behavior
  • Large capacity for diagnosis and explanation
  • Learn which features of a new product concept are
    acceptable or unacceptable
  • Measure the perceived strengths and weaknesses of
    competitive alternatives

What Are Attitudes?
  • Mental states used by individuals to structure
    the way they perceive their environment and guide
    the way they respond to it

Components of Attitude
  • Cognitive or Knowledge Component
  • Represents a persons information about an object
  • Awareness of existence on the object
  • Beliefs about the characteristics or attributes
    of the object
  • Judgments about the relative importance of each
    of the attributes

Components of Attitude (Cont.)
  • Affective or Liking Component
  • Summarizes a persons overall feelings toward an
    object, situation, or person
  • On a scale of like-dislike or favorable-unfavorabl
  • When there are several alternatives, liking is
    expressed in terms of preference
  • Measured by asking which alternative is most
    preferred or first choice, which is the
    second choice, and so on

Components of Attitude (Cont.)
  • Intention or Action Component
  • Refers to a persons expectations of future
    behavior toward an object
  • Intentions are usually limited to a distinct time
    period that depends on buying habits and planning
  • Advantage
  • Incorporates information about a respondents
    ability or willingness to pay for the object, or
    other taken action

Measurement and Scaling
  • Measurement
  • Standardized process of assigning numbers or
    other symbols to certain characteristics of
    objects of interests according to pre-specified
  • Characteristics for Standardization
  • One-to-one correspondence between the symbol and
    the characteristic in the object that is being
  • Rules for assignment should be invariant over
    time and the objects being measured

Measurement and Scaling (Contd.)
  • Scaling
  • Process of creating a continuum on which objects
    are located according to the amount of the
    measured characteristic that the object possesses

Measurement Scales
  • Nominal Scale
  • Objects are assigned to mutually exclusive,
    labeled categories
  • No necessary relationships among categories
  • No ordering or spacing are implied
  • Only possible arithmetic operation is a count of
    each category

Measurement Scales (Contd.)
  • Ordinal Scale
  • Rank objects or arrange them in order by some
    common variable
  • Does each object have more or less of a variable
    than some other object?
  • Does not provide information on how much
    difference between objects
  • Arithmetic operations are limited to statistics
    such as median or mode

Measurement Scales (Contd.)
  • Interval Scale
  • Numbers are assigned to objects that represent
    categories, rank orders, as well as how much the
    object is preferred on the attribute being
  • Differences can be compared
  • Entire range of statistical operations can be

Measurement Scales (Contd.)
  • Ratio Scale
  • Type of interval scale with meaningful zero point
  • Possible to say how many times greater or smaller
    one object is than another
  • Magnitude scaling of attitudes has been
    calibrated through numeric estimation

Attitude Rating Scales
  • Present a respondent with a continuum of numbered
    categories that represent the range of possible
    attitude adjustments
  • Single item or multiple item scales

Classification of Attitude Scales
Attitude Scales
Multi-Item Scales
Single-Item Scales
Continuous Scales
Itemized Category Scales
Comparative Scales
Associative Scales
Semantic Differential Scale
Paired Comparison Scales
Q-sort Scales
Stapel Scales
Thurstone Scales
Likert Scales
Pictorial Scales
Constant Sum Scales
Rank Order Scales
Single Item Scales
  • Only have one item to measure a construct
  • Itemized-category scale most widely used by
    marketing researchers
  • Other single item scales
  • Comparative
  • Rank-order
  • Q-sort
  • Pictorial
  • Constant sum

Single Item Scales (Contd.)
  • Itemized-category Scales
  • Scales in which the respondent selects from a
    limited number of categories
  • Comparative Scale
  • A judgment comparing one object, concept, or
    person against one another

Single Item Scales (Contd.)
  • Rank-order Scales
  • Scale in which the respondent compares one item
    with another or a group of items against each
    other and ranks them
  • Q-sort Scaling
  • Respondents sort comparative characteristics into
    normally distributed groups
  • Ten or more groups increases accuracy of results

Single Item Scales (Contd.)
  • Constant-sum scale
  • Respondents allocate a fixed number of rating
    points among serial objects to reflect relative
  • Pictorial scales
  • Various categories of the scale are depicted
  • Thermometer Scale
  • Funny faces scale
  • Format must be comprehensible to respond and
    allow accurate response

Single Item Scales (Contd.)
  • Paired-Comparison Scales
  • The brands to be rated are presented two at a
    time, so each brand in the category was compared
    once to every other brand
  • Brands are rated on a given 10 pts. that are then
    divided between the two brands
  • Advantages
  • Performs well on the criteria
  • Limitations
  • Cumbersome to administer
  • Frame of reference is always the other brand
    being tested these brands may change over time

Designing Single Item Scales
  • Number of Scale Categories
  • Types of Poles Used in the Scale
  • Strength of the Anchors
  • Labeling of the Categories
  • Balance of a Scale

Multiple-item Scales
  • Developed to measure a sample of beliefs toward
    the attitude objects and combine the set of
    answers into an average score

Multiple-item Scales (Contd.)
  • Likert Scale
  • Requires respondent to indicate degree of
    agreement or disagreement with a variety of
    statements related to the attitude object
  • Summated Scale
  • Scores on individual items are summed to give
    total score for respondents
  • Likert Scale Is Uni-dimensional

Multiple-item Scales (Contd.)
  • Thurstone Scales
  • Also known as the method of equal-appearing
    intervals objective is to obtain a
    unidimensional scale with interval properties
  • Step 1
  • Generate a large number of statements or
    adjectives reflecting all degrees of
    favorableness toward the attitude of objects
  • Step 2
  • A group of judges is given this set of items and
    asked to classify them according to their degree
    of favorableness or unfavorableness

Multiple-item Scales (Contd.)
  • Thurstone Scales (Cont.)
  • Advantages
  • Easy to administer
  • Requires minimum instructions
  • Limitations
  • Time consuming
  • Expensive to construct
  • Not as much diagnostic value as a Likert scale
  • Values depend on the attitudes of the original

Multiple-item Scales (Contd.)
  • Semantic-differential Scale
  • Respondents rate each attribute object on a
    number of five or seven-point rating scales
    bounded by polar adjectives or phrases
  • With bipolar scale, the midpoint is a neutral

Characteristics of Semantic Differential
  • Scales in Semantic Marketing Applications
  • Pairs of objects or phrases must be meaningful in
    market being studied and often correspond to
    product/service attributes
  • Avoid "halo" effect by placing negative pole on
    either side
  • Category increments are treated as interval
    scales so group mean values can be computed for
    each object on each scale
  • May also be analyzed as a summated rating scale

Characteristics of Semantic Differential (Contd.)
  • Profile Analysis
  • Application of semantic differential scale
  • Plot mean ratings of each object on each scale
    for visual comparison
  • Overall comparison of brands hard to grasp with
    many brands and attributes
  • Not all attributes are independent

Multiple-item Scales (Contd.)
  • Stapel Scales
  • Uses one pole rather than two opposite poles
  • Respondents select a numerical response category
  • High positive score reflects good fit between
    adjective and object
  • Easy to administer and construct
  • No need to assure bipolarity

Multiple-item Scales (Contd.)
  • Associative Scaling
  • Most effective for markets where respondent is
    knowledgeable only about a small subset of a
    large number of choices
  • Appropriate to choice situations that involve a
    sequential decision process
  • Best suited to market tracking where the emphasis
    is on understanding shifts in relative
    competitive positions

Multiple-item Scales (Contd.)
  • Continuous Rating Scales
  • Respondents rate objects by placing a mark at
    appropriate position on a line running from one
    extreme of the criterion variable to the other
  • Values can be interpreted as interval or ratio
    scaled data
  • It is easy to construct
  • Scoring is cumbersome and unreliable

General Guidelines For Developing A Multiple-Item
Determine clearly what you are going to measure
Generate as many items as possible
Ask experts in the field to evaluate the initial
pool of items
Determine the type of attitudinal scale to be used
Include some items that will help in the
validation of the scale
Administer the items to an initial sample
Evaluate and refine the items
Finally, optimize the scale length
Choosing An Attitudinal Scale
  • Problems in choosing
  • There are many different techniques, each with
    its own strengths and weaknesses
  • Virtually any technique can be adapted to the
    measurement of any one of the attitude components
  • Researchers choice shaped by
  • The specific information required
  • Adabtability of the scale to the data collection
    method and budget constraints
  • Compatibility of the scale with the structure of
    the respondents attitude

Accuracy of Attitude Measurements
  • Validity
  • An attitude measure has validity if it measures
    what it is supposed to measure
  • Face Validity
  • The extent to which the content of a measurement
    scale appears to tap all relevant facets of the
  • Criterion Validity
  • Based on empirical evidence that the attitude
    measure correlates with other criterion

Accuracy of Attitude Measurements (Cont.)
  • Concurrent validity
  • Two variables are measured at the same time
  • Predictive validity
  • The attitude measure can predict some future
  • Convergent validity
  • A form of construct validity that represents the
    association between the measured construct and
    measures of other constructs with which the
    construct is related on theoretical grounds

Accuracy of Attitude Measurements (Cont.)
  • Discriminant validity
  • A form of construct validity that represents the
    extent to which the measured construct is not
    associated with which the construct is related on
    theoretical grounds
  • Construct Validity
  • A scale evaluation criterion that relates to the
    underlying question "what is the nature of the
    underlying variable or construct measured by the

Accuracy of Attitude Measurements (Contd.)
  • Reliability
  • The consistency with which the measure produces
    the same results with the same or comparable
  • Sensitivity
  • Extent to which ratings provided by a scale are
    able to discriminate between the respondents who
    differ with respect to the construct being

Accuracy of Attitude Measurements (Contd.)
  • Generalizability
  • Refers to the ease of scale administration and
    interpretation in different research settings and
  • Relevancy
  • Relevance reliability validity

Scales in Cross-national Research
  • Responses Can Be Affected by
  • Low literacy and educational levels
  • Culture in a country
  • Semantic differential scale is closest to pan
    cultural scale
  • Adapting response formats, particularly their
    calibration, for specific countries and cultures
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