Unit 2: Thermochemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 2: Thermochemistry


... spring, a stretched elastic band, a drawn longbow, etc. all ... Using water as an example, a brief description of how to make these calculations follows: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unit 2: Thermochemistry

Unit 2 Thermochemistry
  • Energy Changes

  • Energy - What is it?
  • Energy is something for which we all have an
    instinctive feel.  We may wake up in the morning
    feeling "energized" and ready to go to work but
    beyond that, the concept of energy is a difficult
    one to grasp for many, because it is a somewhat
    abstract concept. As a result, energy is not
    defined by what it is, but by what it does.
  • Energy - The capacity to do work or produce heat
  • the capacity to move matter.

1. Potential Energy
  • Potential Energy - The ability an object has to
    do work because of its position or condition. 
  • Your lifted object, a compressed spring, a
    stretched elastic band, a drawn longbow, etc. all
    must have work done on them to get them into
    their higher energy condition.  They then, have
    the ability to do work because of their new
    position or condition relative to their prior
    position or condition.  For example,  when work
    is done on an object to lift it above some base
    level, its energy gain is called gravitational
    potential energy and its value can be calculated
    using the formula
  • Ep mgh            
  • where m mass of object in kilograms
    g acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2 on
    Earth)   h height the object was

2. Kinetic Energy
  • Kinetic Energy - The ability an object has to do
    work by virtue of its motion. (Ek)
  • If you pick up another object from your desk and
    throw it as hard as you can (please don't really
    do this) you have once again done work on an
    object, but this time that object's ability to do
    work is due to the fact that it is moving. As
    that object moves through the air it has the
    capacity to do work on anything with which it
    collides. The work it can do on that object (its
    Kinetic Energy) is equal to the work done setting
    it in motion in the first place. The formula for
    kinetic energy is
  • Ek 1 mv2   Where m mass of the object in
    motion          2                      v
    velocity of the object in motion

The Laws of Thermodynamics
  • There are several basic laws by which the entire
    universe operates
  • The Laws of Thermodynamics describe the rules by
    which matter and energy interact in the universe.
    We know that the energy of the universe is
    constant. Whatever quantity of energy the
    universe was born with is what it possesses today
    and is exactly what it will finish with.
  • 1. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that
    energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but
    it can be converted from one form to
    another. (Euniverse 0) 
  • 2. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that
    whenever one form of energy is converted to
    another, some of that energy will be donated to
    the universe as heat energy and that heat will
    flow spontaneously from a region of high heat
    content to a region of lower heat content.

Matter and Kinetic Energy
  • Atoms and molecules are little pieces of matter,
    which means that they have mass and occupy space.
    Work is done on atoms and molecules to get them
    moving and once they are in motion they can do
    work, they possess kinetic energy. Here is a
    brief word about how this relates to temperature
  • Temperature is a relative measure of the average
    kinetic energy of a population of atoms or
    molecules.  Temperature tracks changes in kinetic
    energy by giving us a relative idea of how the
    particles are changing their rate of motion. An
    increasing temperature indicates that particles
    moving faster while a decreasing temperature
    signals that the particles are slowing down.

Matter and Potential Energy
  • A bond is a force of attraction between two
    particles. So, work must be done on a system to
    overcome these attractive forces when
    intermolecular, intramolecular, ionic, or
    metallic bonds are broken. It's really no
    different than stretching an elastic band or a
    spring until they break.  Breaking bonds is an
    energy consuming process. The separated
    components (atoms or ions), are now in a
    different position or condition than they were
    before the bonds were broken, work had to be done
    to get them there. The separated particles then,
    have the potential to return that energy to the
    surroundings if the bonds are allowed to reform.
    In other words, when atoms or ions recombine it
    is an energy giving process.  Atoms and molecules
    in the separated state can possess a greater
    potential energy relative to their combined
    state, potential energy is stored in the bonds of
    chemical systems.

To conclude
  • Matter can possess and store both kinetic and
    potential energy
  • a) As matter moves, it can do work on other
    pieces of matter and therefore must possess
    kinetic energy     
  • b) As matter rearranges its "bonds" by changing
    its state, or undergoingchemical changes to
    become new and different substances, it can gain
    or lose potential energy

  • When energy is transferred, it is important to
    define what is gaining energy and what is losing
    energy.  For the purposes of our study, the
    universe is divided into two parts, the system
    and the surroundings. 
  • The system is that part of the universe upon
    which we choose to examine and study in detail.  
    It is usually the reactants and products of a
    chemical reaction, or perhaps a single substance
    as in a phase change like boiling or freezing. It
    is any process that can be represented by a
    balanced chemical equation.
  • The surroundings are everything else in the
    universe that is not part of the system.  It
    includes any matter that is in the immediate
    vicinity of the system that does not include the
    reactants and products.  Energy lost by a system
    can be gained by the surroundings or energy lost
    by the surroundings can be gained by a system. It
    works both ways.
  • Euniverse Esystem Esurroundings
  • 0 Esystem Esurroundings
  • Esystem - Esurroundings OR -
    Esystem Esurroundings

  • The total internal energy of a system (E) is the
    sum of all possible kinetic and potential
    energies in a system.  Energy is stored in so
    many ways in matter that it is impossible to know
    all of them or their actual values, therefore it
    is impossible to know the absolute internal
    energy of any system. So of what value is this
    concept?  You will see in a moment.

  • Imagine you are walking down a crowded street.
    How much money does the man walking in front of
    you have in his pocket? Obviously, you don't
    know. But there is a hole in his pocket. Money is
    falling out and you are picking it up. Just
    before you can return the money to him, he jumps
    in a cab and drives away. How much money does he
    have in his pocket now? The answer is the same -
    you don't know. All you can know for certain is
    the amount he has lost, which of course is the
    difference between what he had when you first saw
    him and what he now has as he drives away. You
    can only know by what amount his total cash value
    has changed (?).  Note that " ? " , called a
    delta sign means the change or difference between
    two values.

  • This money analogy is similar to thermochemistry.
    What is important for us is the change in
    internal energy as a system proceeds from
    reactants to products.  If you pick up a piece of
    paper from your desk and consider it to be a
    source of energy for a moment, you would be
    astonished at the magnitude of the total internal
    energy (E) stored within it. But precisely how
    much energy is that? You don't know? No one
    does!  But if you burn the piece of paper, some
    of that energy will emerge in the form of heat. 
    Once the combustion has gone to completion, how
    much energy is now stored in the product
    molecules? Again, you don't know. All you can
    measure is the difference between the energy
    content of the paper before combustion, and the
    energy content of the products after combustion
    is complete.
  • By measuring the amount of heat that flows from
    the system to the surroundings, you would know by
    what amount the system has changed its total
    internal energy content (?E).  ?E represents the
    change in the system's total internal energy, and
    it can be measured.

  • The total internal energy of a system is a
    property that can be changed either by a flow of
    energy from the system to the surroundings or by
    a flow of energy from the surroundings to the
    system, as illustrated by the following diagram

  • The amount of energy gained or lost by a system
    is represented by a number which indicates the
    quantity of energy flow, (e.g. 35 kJ) and by a
    sign that indicates the direction of the energy
  • If energy flows out of a system (an exothermic
    process) the magnitude of that energy is
    accompanied by a negative sign indicating that
    the system's energy is decreasing.
  • Similarly, if energy flows into a system (an
    endothermic process), the magnitude of that
    energy is accompanied by a positive sign,
    indicating that the system's energy is

  • Enthalpy (denoted , H) is a property of a
    substance that is related to it's internal
    energy.  Enthalpy is sometimes described as the
    heat content of a substance.  Just as we cannot
    measure the internal energy, we cannot measure
    the absolute value of enthalpy.  However, in
    reactions that take place under constant
    (atmospheric) pressure with little or no change
    in volume, we can make the assumption that the
    change in enthalpy is the same as the change in
    internal energy.  That is,
  • ? H (change in heat content)    ? E (change in
    internal energy)
  • 1.  If ?H is negative, the system is called
    exothermic 2.  If ?H is positive, the system is
    called endothermic
  • ?H is a measure of the actual quantity of heat
    transferred during a reaction.  Change in
    internal energy, change in enthalpy, and heat of
    reaction are terms often used interchangeably. 

The following diagrams summarize the changes
that occur as exothermic and endothermic systems
  • Reactants ? Products 100 kJ
    Reactants 100 kJ ? Products
  • Exothermic (system loses enthalpy)                
            Endothermic (system gains enthalpy)
  • Note that the gain or loss of energy is always
    from the system's point of view.

  • Exothermic Example
  • Imagine filling a container with a potentially
    explosive mixture of methane gas and oxygen gas
    according to the following system
  • CH4(g) 2O2(g) ---gt CO2(g) 2H2O(g) 802.3
  • This system has the potential to do work. The
    reactants can explode and do a considerable
    amount of work on the surroundings. If someone
    lights a match, some of that chemical potential
    energy will be converted to heat which is donated
    to the surroundings in the form of kinetic
    energy, and the surroundings warm up. Chemical
    potential energy of the system has been converted
    to kinetic energy in the surroundings.
  • Exothermic systems convert Ep of the system to Ek
    of the surroundings. The surroundings warm up.

  • Endothermic Example
  • Now imagine the following system in which an ice
    cube is placed in a glass of water
  • H2O(s) 6.03 kJ -------gt H2O(l)
  • Notice that in an endothermic reaction, as the
    ice melts, the surrounding water cools down as it
    loses kinetic energy.
  • Question Where does the surrounding water's
    kinetic energy go?Answer    It is absorbed by
    the melting ice and used to break the bonds that
    are holding the water molecules together in its
    solid state.
  • The water cools down while the ice melts. The
    kinetic energy of the surroundings has been
    converted to potential energy in the melted ice.
  • Endothermic systems convert Ek of the
    surroundings to Ep of the system.  The
    surroundings cool down.

Practice Questions
  • 1. Analyze each of the following scenarios, by
    filling in the following table (the first one is
    done for you)
  • a) When solid KBr is dissolved in water, the
    solution gets colder.b) Natural gas (CH4(g)) is
    burned in a forced air furnace.c) When
    concentrated H2SO4 is added to water, the
    solution gets very hot.d) A candle burns, while
    the air around it warms up.

  • 2. The equation for the fermentation of glucose
    to alcohol and carbon dioxide is
  • C6H12O6(s) -------gt 2C2H5OH(l) 2CO2(g)
  • a)  The enthalpy change for the reaction is
    -68.1 kJ. Is the reaction exothermic or
  • b)  Is energy absorbed or released as the
    reaction proceeds?  Explain how you know this.

Calculating Energy Gain or Loss by Systems
  • In this section, you will use all your prior
    knowledge to learn how to mathematically
    calculate and graphically show the ?H values for
    the following changes
  •         1.  Kinetic Energy Changes (Warming and
    Cooling)         2.  Potential Energy Changes
    (during phase changes)         3.  Combinations
    of successive Kinetic and Potential
    Energy Changes         4.  Using Heat Loss
    Heat Gained Principles to                        
    a) Calculate Molar Heats of Fusion and
    Vaporization of substances                   
          b) Solve Heat Transfer Problems (kinetic
    energy lost kinetic energy gained)
                            c) Calculate enthalpy
    changes for Chemical Reactions (The art of

Calculating Kinetic Energy Changes (?Ek) -
Warming and Cooling
  • It is possible to calculate the energy gain or
    loss (?H) of any substance as it is warmed or
    cooled through any given temperature change. 
  • Remember that any substance that goes through a
    temperature change is changing its kinetic energy
    content only . 
  • We will consider the symbols ?H and ?Ek to refer
    the same thing, the enthalpy change (?H) of these
    systems is of the kinetic energy type (?Ek).
  • (The textbook also refers to this as q)
  • A graph of temperature versus time as heat is
    transferred to a system, called a heating curve,
    can be used to visually show what is occurring
    during a change in enthalpy.

The enthalpy (or kinetic energy) change, ?H or
(?Ek) of a substance will depend on 3 factors
  • 1.  The mass of the substance changing
    temperature (m) or the volume of the substance
  • 2.  The temperature change through which the
    substance passes. (? t)
  • 3.  The ability of that substance to absorb
    heat. (c)  This constant is known as the specific
    heat capacity.
  • The enthalpy change of a substance (?H) that
    undergoes a kinetic energy change is calculated
  •                              ?Ek ?H mc?t
  • This equation is always used when calculating
    the kinetic energy change of a substance as it
    changes temperature.

A few words about specific heat capacity
  • Specific heat capacity is a measure of the amount
    of energy required to raise the temperature of
    1.00 g of a substance by 1.00C.  It is also of
    course, a measure of the amount of heat released
    when 1.00 g of a substance cools by 1.00C. 
    Therefore, the larger the "c" value for any given
    substance, the better it is at storing, retaining
    and later releasing heat.  Liquid water's
    specific heat capacity is 4.19J/gC.  That is,
    it requires 4.19 J of energy to raise the
    temperature of one gram of water by 1.00C.  This
    is one of the higher specific heat capacities in
  • There is an alternative set of units that can be
    used when expressing specific heat capacity.  For
    example, if you wanted to raise the temperature
    of 1000 g of water by one degree, it would
    require 4190 J of energy.  Written in shorter
    form you could say that the specific heat
    capacity of liquid water is 4190 J/1000gC, or
    more properly, as 4.19kJ/kgC.
  • Every substance has its own unique value for "c"
    for each state (solid, liquid, or gas).  See
    page 4 of your data booklet for the specific heat
    capacities of ice and water vapor.  The specific
    heat capacities of all the elements in the state
    at which they exist at room temperature are
    listed on the back cover of your textbook. 
  • The values for selected elements and compounds
    are found on pages 4 and 5 of your data booklet. 

Example 1
  • What amount of energy must be applied to 50.0 g
    of solid silver in order to increase its
    temperature from 25.0C to 300C?  This is a
    kinetic energy change so....
  •  Solution Heating Curve
  • Organizing the given data produces
  • ?Ek    ? m     50.0 g Ag(s) ?t    275C
    cAg  0.237 J/gC  (from the back cover of your
  • Substituting into ?Ek mc?t produces
  • ?H    50.0 g x 275C  x  0.237 J/gC        
      3.26 x 103 J  of energy absorbed by the silver
  • This problem could also have been solved using
    the alternative units, that is kJ/kgC.  But you
    must be sure that all your units are consistent
    with the "c units" you choose to use.

Example 2
  • 4000 J of energy were required to heat a sample
    of solid chromium  from 12.0C to 500.0C.  What
    mass of chromium was heated?  First, you must
    recognize this as a kinetic energy change, which
    requires the use of the formula
  • Solution Heating Curve
  •     Organizing the given data produces
  • ?Ek    4000 J m    ?  ?t    (500.0 -
    12.0)C    488.0C  cCr    0.448 J/gC   
  • Transposing  ?Ek mc?t in terms of mass (m)
  • m    ?Ek          c?t   
  • Substituting
  • m                4000 J                    
    488.0C x  0.448 J/gC
  • m    18.3 g of chromium

Practice Questions
  • Include a heating curve for each question.
  • How much heat is necessary to raise the
    temperature of 150 mL of water by 2.5C? 
    (Answer  1.6 kJ) Note  Water is generally
    considered to have a density of 1.00 g/mL.
  • How much energy is released to the surroundings
    if 140 mL of water at 82.0C is cooled to 21.0C?
        (Answer  -35.8 kJ)
  • If 0.500 kg of ethanol is heated from 25.0C to
  • 26.3C , calculate the heat absorbed. The
    specific     heat capacity of ethanol is 2.45
  • (Answer  1.59 kJ)
  • Textbook p.288 7-11 (HW check)
  • Worksheet 43 (fax in)

Calculating Potential Energy Changes - During
Phase Changes
  • The amount of energy absorbed or released during
    a phase change can also be calculated.  Systems
    that gain or lose energy during a phase change
    are undergoing a potential energy change.  The
    formula to be used for the melting or freezing
    process is
  • ?Ep (moles of substance changing phase) x
    (molar heat of fusion for that substance)
  • ?Ep ?H nHfusion
  • The molar heats of fusion have been determined
    for pure substances and are published in your
    data booklet (some are also on page 293 of your
    textbook).  For example, the molar heat of fusion
    for water is 6.03 kJ/mol, this is the amount of
    heat needed to melt one mole of ice at at 0C.

Example 1
  • How much heat is necessary to melt 25.5 g of ice
    at 0C to liquid water at 0C?
  • Since   ?H nHfusion  and n m/M
                         25.5 g H2O   ?       1 mol
    H2O     ?    6.03 kJ                            
                                 18.02 g H2O
           1  mol H2O                      8.53
  • Heating Curve (include the states of the

Similarly, the formula used for the vaporization
or condensation process is
  • ?Ep (moles of substance changing phase) x
    (molar heat of vaporization for that substance)
  • ?Ep ?H nHvaporization
  • The molar heats of vaporization for many
    substances have also been determined and
    published.  For example, the molar heat of
    vaporization for water  is 40.8 kJ/mol.  This is
    the amount of heat needed to vaporize one mole of
    liquid water at at 100C.

Example 2
  • How much energy is released when 56.5 g of water
    vapour at 100C condenses to liquid water at
  • Since ?H    nHvaporization    
  • ?H    56.5 g H2O(g)    ?     1 mol
    H2O(g)      ?       - 40.8 kJ                    
     18.02 g H2O(g)          1 mol H2O(g)
                  - 128 kJ
  • Heating Curve

Practice Questions
  • Determine the amount of heat lost by the
    surroundings in order to melt 50.0 g of ice at
    0.00C.  (Answer 16.7 kJ lost)
  • Textbook p.295 14-17 (HW check)
  • Worksheet 44 (fax in)

Successive Potential and Kinetic Energy Changes 
  • Many systems will involve a succession of kinetic
    and potential energy changes as a substance
    warms, changes phase, and warms again, perhaps
    through as many as five different steps.   Using
    a warming/cooling curve as a guide, individual
    calculations can be made for each separate step
    in a warming or cooling process. Using water as
    an example, a brief description of how to make
    these calculations follows
  • As water is warmed from below its melting point
    to above its boiling point, it passes through
    three kinetic energy changes and two potential
    energy changes.  So, the energy change for each
    separate step must be calculated using the
    appropriate equations
  •                 Kinetic energy changes are
    calculated using ?H mc?t                
    Potential energy changes are calculated using
                        ?H nHfusion for melting
                        ?H nHvaporization for

Example 1
  • Calculate the heat required to change 90.0 g of
    ice at -30C into steam at 150C.
  • Since ?Htotal Ek1 Ep1 Ek2 Ep2 Ek3 we
    can write that
  •            ?Htotal mc?tice nHfusion ice
    mc?twater nHvap water mc?tsteam
  • Substituting     a) Warming the solid water
    from -30C to 0C. This is a Ek change. (?H
    mc?tice)                                     ?H
    0.0900 kg ? 2.01kJ  ? 30.0C  5.42 kJ
  •     b) Melting the solid. This is an Ep change.
    (?H nice Hfusion of ice )                      
                   ?H 90.0 g ice  ?   1 mol ice    
    ?     6.03kJ    30.1 kJ                       
    18.02 g ice          1 mol ice
  •     c) Warming the liquid water from 0C to
    100C. This is a Ek change. (?H mc?twater)
                                        ?H 0.0900
    kg ? 4.19 kJ  ? 100C  37.7 kJ
                         kgC     d) Boiling the
    liquid. This is an Ep change. (?H nwater
      ?H 90.0 g H2O   ?    1 mol water   ?    40.8
    kJ    203.7 kJ                                 
                                             18.02 g
    water        1 mol water
  •     e) Warming the steam from 100.0C to 150.0C.
    This is an Ek change.(?H mc?tsteam)
    0.0900 kg ?   2.01 kJ  ?    50.0C  9.04 kJ
                              Total Heat required

When solving problems that involve both kinetic
energy changes and phase potential energy changes
you should always follow these steps
  • 1. Always sketch a warming/cooling curve of the
    system before you do the calculations, as this
    will allow you to determine the number of steps
    through which the warming/cooling substance will
    pass.  Place the melting and boiling points on
    the graph as well as the phase at each point.
  • 2. Use the graph to determine how many, and what
    type of energy changes the substance will pass
    through during the warming/cooling process.
  • 3. Look up the necessary constants (e.g. heat
    capacity (c) , and the molar heats of fusion and
  • 4. Set up the formula and perform the
    calculations.  Make sure your units are

Example 2
  • Determine the heat needed to warm a 197 g of Gold
    (Au), from 300C to 2000C.
  • Sketch the graph including all the relevant
    temperatures and constants.
  • Hfusion 12.55 kJ/mol
  • Hvaporization 310.9 kJ/mol
  • Specific heat capacity of Au(s)   0.129
  • Specific heat capacity of Au(l)     0.256
  • The graph should look like this

  • The gold is going through 3 stages, two kinetic
    energy changes and one potential energy change
  • Set up the formula and perform the calculations
    ?Htotal mc?tgold(s) nHfusion mc?tgold(l)
  • All you need to do now is plug in the appropriate
    numbers and perform the calculations. 
  •              You should get an answer of  79.2

Practice Questions
  • Find the heat required to melt 40.0 g of ice at
    0.0?C and raise the temperature of the melted ice
    to 50.0 ?C. (Answer 21.8 kJ)
  • Textbook p.297 21, 22(a,b) (HW check)
  • Worksheet 45 (fax in)

Heat Lost Heat Gained
  • In the questions you have done so far, you have
    only been concerned with the amount of energy
    gained by a substance or lost by a substance. 
    You have not had to consider where the gained
    energy came from or where the lost energy went. 
    The following pages will ask you to consider what
    happens to both the system and the surroundings
    as a change occurs.  Energy lost by one will be
    gained by the other, they are equal as you will
    soon see.
  • If you recall, the first Law of Thermodynamics
    states that energy can neither be created nor
    destroyed.  So energy lost by an exothermic
    system for example, cannot just disappear. It has
    to be absorbed somewhere else in the universe,
    and that "somewhere" is usually the surroundings.
    Equating the amount of energy lost by one part of
    the universe with the amount of energy gained by
    another part of the universe is the key to
    successfully performing a variety of energy
  • ?Hlost by system ?Hgained by surroundings
  • OR
  • ?Hlost by surroundings ?Hgained by system

Calculating Molar Heats of Fusion or Vaporization
  • Although molar heats of fusion and vaporization
    are known for pure substances, it is possible to
    determine them experimentally using basic
    thermochemical principles. If a pure substance
    simply changes phase without any further change
    in temperature, calculations are quite simple.
    However, if a substance changes phase and then
    undergoes a further cooling or warming after the
    phase change is complete, the calculation becomes
    a little more complicated.  Again, it is useful
    to sketch a warming or cooling curve including
    data for both the system and the surroundings.

  • A 70.0 g sample of solid cesium at its melting
    point (28.0C) is sealed in a glass vial and
    lowered into 250 mL of water at 90.00C. Some
    time after the cesium had melted, the final
    temperature of the water and liquid cesium was
    found to be   78.98C. Determine the molar heat
    of melting (fusion) for cesium based on these
    data.  (Note Cesium will react violently with
    water, so it must be in a separate container or
    vial, for this experiment)
  • 1.  Draw the graph illustrating the changes to
    both the system (Cs in the vial) and surroundings
    (H2O in the container)

  • 2.  Write the formula    
  • The cesium (or system) goes through two changes. 
    First it melts (?Ep) and then it warms (?Ek) to
    achieve thermal equilibrium with the water.  
  • The liquid water (surroundings) cools (?Ek).  
  • The first step is to equate the system's gain of
    energy to the surrounding's loss of energy
  • ?Hlost by water ?Hgained by Cs(s) in melting
    ?Hgained by Cs(l) in warming
  • or...  mc?twater n(Cs) Hfusion Cs
    mc?t(liquid Cs)
  • Rearranging the formula in terms of Hfusion
    (requires a little algebra skill) gives
  • Substituting the given values into the equation
  • ?Hfusion(Cs) 20.3 kJ/mol

A few things of which to take note
  • Treat temperature change (?t) as an absolute
    value. In other words, temperature change
    shouldn't be negative.
  • Keep all your values positive and put a sign in
    only at your final answer. You should be able to
    tell whether the heat change is exothermic (-
    sign) or endothermic ( sign).
  • Molar heats should be expressed per mole so
    kJ/mol rather than just kJ.

Heat Lost Heat Gained continued... Ek lost
Ek gained
  • Heat Transfer
  • Sometimes only kinetic energy is involved in an
    energy transfer.  The concept of heat transfer,
    wherein the kinetic energy of a warm body is
    transferred to a cooler body,  (Ek lost Ek
    gained) can be used to solve a number of energy
    related problems.

Example 1
  • Silver at 150.0C is dropped into 500.0 mL of
    water at 5.00C. The final temperature of the
    silver and water at thermal equilibrium  is
    35.0C. Notice that only kinetic energy is
    exchanged.  What is the mass of the silver?   cAg
    0.237 J/gC.
  • 1.  The graph

  • 2.  The equation  Since the silver loses kinetic
    energy and the water gains it...
  • ?Hlost by Ag ?Hgained by water
  •   mc?t(Ag(s)) mc?t(liquid water)
  • 3.  The calculations
  • mAg  ?  0.237 kJ/kgC   ?  (150.0 - 35.0)C 
      0.500 kg  ?  4.19 kJ/kgC   ? (35.0 - 5.00)C
  • mAg    62.85 kJ        
  • 27.255 kJ/kg
  • mAg 2.31 kg

Example 2
  • This is an example of a problem with which
    students often have difficulty.  It asks for the
    final temperature that two substances will arrive
    at when they reach thermal equilibrium.  The
    problem itself is not that difficult but it is
    important to set the problem up correctly.
  • Find the final temperature of the system prepared
    by placing 100.0 g of hot copper metal originally
    at 98.8C into 100.00 g of water at 25.0C. 
    Assume that no heat escapes to the surroundings. 
    Obtain any necessary constants from your data
  • 1.  The Graph
  • The ?t for both the cooling copper and the
    warming water must be expressed as positive
    values, therefore
  • The change in temperature (?t) for the cooling
    copper will be  (98.8 - tf)C. The change in
    temperature for the warming water will be (tf -

  • 2.  The equation  Since the copper loses kinetic
    energy and the water gains it...
  • ?Hlost by Cu ?Hgained by water
  • mc?t(Cu) mc?t(liquid water)
  • 3.  The calculations  Substitute the appropriate
    values into the heat loss heat gain equation
  • copper cooling               water warming
  • (0.1000 kg)(0.385 kJ/kgC)(98.8C - tf) 
      (0.10000 kg)(4.19 kJ/kgC)(tf - 25.0C)
  • Perform the calculations and see if you can get
    31.2C as your final answer.

Practice Questions
  • Water at 50.0C was cooled to 0C by adding 18.02
    g of ice at 0C. Find the mass of the water
    cooled. (Assume the ice just melts) (Answer
    28.8 g)
  • The same quantity of heat that was lost by 13.71
    kg of iron as it cooled from 240.0C to 100.0C 
    was added to 1.00 kg of steam at 110.0C.
  • a)  What temperature change was experienced by
    the steam? (Answer ?t(steam) 424C)
  •     b)  What was the maximum temperature reached
    by the steam? 
  • (Answer 534C)

Chemical ChangesThe Art of Calorimetry
  • It is possible to experimentally measure the heat
    that flows into or out of any chemical system.
    The process, known as calorimetry, is the science
    of measuring heat. 
  • Now here is the tricky part... it is not possible
    to directly measure the amount of potential
    energy lost or gained by a system.  However,
    since the heat lost by a system goes into its
    surroundings, all we need to do is design an
    apparatus that will absorb and trap the heat
    gained by the surroundings and hold it long
    enough for us to measure it.  We can then assume
    that the kinetic energy (heat) gained by the
    surroundings is equal to the potential energy
    lost by the system. 
  • To say it another way, by measuring the
    surroundings' gain of energy, we know the
    system's loss. Such an apparatus is known as a
  • A calorimeter is designed to permit a change to
    occur either in or near liquid water.  Liquid
    water is a superb heat sponge due to its high
    specific heat capacity, it will absorb and retain
    great quantities of energy with little change in
    temperature. It is also readily available,
    nontoxic and economical.  There are basically two
    kinds of calorimeters

1. The Conventional Calorimeter
  • Although some are very sophisticated in design,
    the one you see here is typical of those used in
    a high school laboratory.  It is simple,
    effective and inexpensive.  It is designed for
    calorimetric studies in systems that take place
    in the calorimeter water.
  • The nested styrofoam cups and cork lid prevent
    heat loss or gain from the greater universe and
    the copper wire is used for stirring the contents
    to ensure uniform temperature throughout as the
    reaction proceeds.

2. The Bomb Calorimeter 
  • Illustrated beside, these are designed to study
    changes that do not take place in water. 
    Combustion reactions for example simply cannot
    take place underwater for obvious reasons.  The
    idea here is to have the reaction (usually an
    explosion of a gas or finely divided sample of a
    solid) take place in a steel container near water
    (usually submerged in it), so that the heat can
    flow from the reaction vessel to the calorimeter
    water and be measured there.
  • watch Bomb Calorimeter Video (from Learn Alberta
    site) and complete the handout.

Calculating Enthalpy Changes
  • For an exothermic system, the potential energy
    change that occurs as the system proceeds can be
    summarized as follows
  • Potential Energy lost by a system Kinetic
    energy gained by surroundings     
    ?Ep lost by a system ?Ek (Heat) gained by water
    in a calorimeter
  • Since ?Ep nH  and  ?Ek  mc?t,  substitution
    into the equality above produces the equation
  • nH mc?t
  • Where n moles of substance in the system H
    enthalpy change of the system m mass of
    water in the calorimeter (in g or kg) ?t
    temperature change of the the calorimeter water
    (surroundings) c specific heat capacity of
    calorimeter water, (either 4.19 J/gC or 4.19

Example 1
  • When 2.5 g of KOH(s) dissolves in 125 mL of
    water, the temperature increases by 1.8C.  Find
    the molar heat of dissociation (also known as
    molar heat of solution) of KOH(aq).
  • The system is   KOH(s) -------gt K(aq) OH-(aq)
    The surroundings are the calorimeter water in
    which the KOH dissociated.  It's now a solution.
    Since the water (surroundings) warmed up, we know
    that the system is exothermic, therefore
  • Potential energy lost by the system Kinetic
    energy gained by the calorimeter water
  • n(KOH)?H mc?t ?H 
    mc?t              n
  • Important!!  When the calorimeter water is turned
    into a solution as a result of the action of a
    chemical system, we assume that the specific heat
    capacity and the density of the resulting
    solution is the same as for pure water, since all
    solutions are mostly water anyway.  So don't go
    looking for the specific heat capacity of KOH or
    any other solute, as these solutions are mostly
    water!  Use 4.19 J/gC, or  4.19 kJ/kgC  for
    "c" and 1.00 g/mL for density as you have in the
    past.  So..
  • Substituting
  • ?H 0.125 kg  x  4.19 kJ/kgC  x
    1.8C               2.5 g KOH  x  1 mol
    KOH                                      56.11 g
  • ?H  21 kJ/mol released or - 21 kJ/mol

Example 2
  • 25.0 g of molten aluminum at its melting point
    were dropped into 200 mL of water in a
    calorimeter. When the aluminum has just
    solidified, the water had increased in
    temperature by 15.0C. Calculate the molar heat
    of solidification of aluminum.
  • The system is   Al(l) ---------gt Al(s)The
    surroundings are the water in which the aluminum
    solidified. Since the surroundings increased in
    temperature, it must have gained the heat that
    the reacting system lost so the system is
  • Potential energy lost by the system Kinetic
    energy gained by the calorimeter water n(Al)?H
    mc?t ?H  mc?t              n(Al)
  • Substituting
  • ?H 0.200 kg x 4.19 kJ/kgC x
    15.0C            25.0 g Al x 1 mol Al
                                 26.98 g Al
  • ?H 13.6 kJ/mol released or - 13.6 kJ/mol

Example 3
  • If 100 mL of 0.500 mol/L HCl(aq) and 100 mL of
    0.500 mol/L KOH(aq) are mixed in a calorimeter,
    the temperature of the total solution increases
    from 25.0?C to 55.0 ?C.  Calculate the heat of
    neutralization per mole of HCl(aq) for this
  • The system is  HCl(aq) KOH(aq) -------gt
    KCl(aq) HOH(l), a neutralization reaction
  • The surroundings are  the combined calorimeter
    water in which this reaction is taking place, 
    (200 mL of combined solution).  Since the
    surroundings increased in temperature, it must
    have gained the heat that the reacting system
    lost, so the system must be exothermic
  • Potential energy lost by the system Kinetic
    energy gained by the calorimeter water
  • n(HCl) ?H mc?t?H  mc?t              n(HCl)
  • Subsituting
  • ?H   0.200 kg x 4.19 kJ/kgC x
    (55.0-25.0)C                               0.500
    mol HCl  x  0.100 L                             
  • ?H   - 503 kJ/mol

Practice Questions
  • 1. To raise the temperature of a calorimeter and
    its contents by 1C requires 5028 J. When 0.50
    mol of fuel is burned in the calorimeter the
    temperature increases by 4.0C. Using these data,
    the molar heat of combustion of the fuel is
  • A. - 1.0 x 102 kJ/mol B. - 60 kJ/mol C. - 40
    kJ/mol D. - 20 kJ/mol (Answer C)
  • 2.   When one mole of methane is burned 4000.0 g
    of water are heated by 52.7C. Determine the
    amount of heat involved. (Answer - 883 kJ)
  • 3.   A new sugar was synthesized for use in space
    travel. Its molar mass is 2.50 x 102 g/mol. When
    1.00 g of the sugar was burned in a calorimeter,
    the temperature of 1.00 x 102 g of water
    increased by 30.6C.  Calculate the molar heat of
    combustion for this new sugar. (Answer - 3.21
  • Watch Calorimetry video (from Learn Alberta site)
    and complete the handout.
  • Textbook p.303-8 27,29,32,33 (HW check)
  • Worksheet 46 (fax in)

Energy Changes
  • This covers Chapter 10 in the textbook.
  • Assignments
  • Worksheet 43-46
  • Extra Practice Questions
  • Ch.10 Review p.310
  • Ch.10 Pre-test
  • The Key
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