Title: Sleuthing
1Sleuthing Your Way Through The Kentucky
Writing Handbook
2There is state regulation that addresses the
issue of cluster leader. Name the section
number and item number from 703 KAR 5010.
Writing Portfolio Procedures.
3 As a new cluster leader it is important that
you know and communicate the key supports
needed for a successful writing program. On
what page does the Ky. Writing Handbook provide
a diagram that outlines those supports?
4 If you do not have a schoolwide writing
program, the Ky. Writing Handbook provides a
set of Guidelines to support you in developing
one. How many Guidelines (bolded text) are
5 On what page of the Ky. Writing Handbook can
you find a visual that demonstrates what should
be included in a high school working folder?
6 The Ky. Writing Handbook gives detailed
information that supports teachers in guiding
students in producing three types of writing. In
the section titled Writing for Publication,
there is a list of ways that writers can help
readers by creating audience awareness. How
many ways are listed?
7Authenticity is an essential element that
qualifies a piece for publication and for
inclusion in the assessment portfolio. On what
pages does the Kentucky Writing Handbook
provide examples of authentic purposes,
authentic audiences, and authentic forms?
8Schools that want a high quality schoolwide
writing program can benefit by analyzing and
learning from student work. What is the first
tool listed in the Ky. Writing Handbook that KDE
provides to assist schools with the analysis of
student writing?
9Student writing sometimes reveals information
that can be determined to be an alert
situation. The Ky. Writing Handbook provides
a chart of examples of alert situations and the
appropriate response to that alert. On what
pages do you find this chart?
10Portfolios are the only portion of the statewide
assessment developed under the direction of, and
evaluated by, classroom teachers. Therefore
schools must follow an Administration Code in the
development of the student portfolio. Guidelines
for what is NOT OK in the development of the
assessment portfolio are listed on what page of
the Ky. Writing Handbook?
11What page of the Ky. Writing Handbook gives
help to responders to student writing in the
area of editing concerns?
12The writing process involves several stages
that lead to quality writing. The Ky. Writing
Handbook describes these stages. What is the
first step listed in the writing process?
13The Ky. Writing Handbook provides information
about helping students to use resources to
enhance their learning and to support their
ideas. There are circumstances that require
students to document the sources used in their
pieces. On what pages does the handbook describe
what should be considered as plagiarism?
14The assessment portfolio must contain certain
categories of writing of which reflective
writing is one. On what pages of the Ky.
Writing Handbook is the purpose for reflective
writing described?
15Another category of writing that is required by
the assessment portfolio and is discussed in the
Ky. Writing Handbook is transactive writing.
What form of transactive writing might not
likely be the best choice for the assessment
portfolio and why?
16 On what pages of the Ky. Writing Handbook can
sample prompts for On-Demand Writing be found?
17As a new cluster leader you will most likely
have many questions, some of your own, and some
that your colleagues bring to you. Which
Appendix can serve as your first source of
answers when questions arise?
18 The Ky. Writing Handbook, Part 1 Appendices
has something for everyone even your
administrator. What appendix would you most
likely copy for your administrator and what
will it help him or her to do?
19In the Appendices of the Ky. Writing Handbook are
several entries that are critical to the cluster
leader in fulfilling the roles of leading the
writing instruction and overseeing the scoring of
the schools portfolios. Which appendix contains
the forms needed for the portfolio completion?
20Part II of the Ky. Writing Handbook addresses
issues related to what?
21On what pages can you find a listing and
description of the tools that you can use in
training and scoring?
22In the Appendices for Part II of the Ky. Writing
Handbook, what support document is available to
help you complete an Instructional Analysis of
the writing in your school after you have
completed the scoring process?
23You did it!