Title: SNAP CCD Packaging
1SNAP CCD Packaging Testing
- CCD Packaging
- CCD Testing Characterization
- CCD Radiation Testing
- A collaborative effort between LBL and Yale
- LBL Chris Bebek, John Bercovitz, John Emes,
- Don Groom, Steve Holland, Armin Karcher,
- Bill Kolbe, Hakeem Oluseyi, Natalie Roe,
- Guobin Wang
- Yale Charlie Baltay, Will Emmet, Tom Hurteau,
- Dave Rabinowitz, Andy Szymkowiak
C. Baltay SNAP Collaboration Meeting May 19, 2004
2CCD Packaging - Requirements
- CCD pattern consistent with NIR array
- Mechanical Rigidity, Thermal Stability
- Temperature range 100o C to 150o C
- CCD Flatness tolerance 10 microns
- CCD package thickness tolerance 10 microns
- Thermal Conductivity
- Heat generated by CCD electronics on package
1 watt - Thermal resistance to back plate should be lt 1o
C/watt - Substrate should be opaque to photons not to see
traces on back of substrate - Electrical Connections
- 74 contact pads on CCD
- Will read out 65 of these in the 1st prototype
package. Number may change if we put more
electronics on package
3Approximate SNAP CCD Dimensions
4SNAP Focal Plane
5SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Design
Exploded View of Package
6Thermal Expansion Data for SNAP CCD Candidate
Packaging Materials
7SNAP 4-side Buttable CCD Finite Element Analysis
- Isometric View of Deformation in Z-axis (Invar
36/Aln Package)
8SNAP 4-side Buttable CCD Finite Element Analysis
Selected Result from Dan Chengs Finite Element
Analysis (LBL)
9SNAP 4-side Buttable CCD Finite Element Analysis
Summary of Finite Element Analysis Results
10SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Design
11SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Design
- Aluminum Nitride Substrate-Top View
12SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Design
- Aluminum Nitride Substrate-Bottom View
13SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Design
- Circuit Board-Bottom View
14SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Design
15SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Assembly Sequence
- Step 1 Bump-bond CCD to AlN Substrate flow
Epotek 301-2 between - components (50 um space)
Developed in consultation with Michael Lesser,
University of Arizona.
16SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Assembly Sequence
- Step 2 Glue Wirebond Circuit Board Subassembly
to CCD/AlN
17SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Assembly Sequence
- Step 3 Subassembly from Step 2 to Invar 36 Base
- Precision-ground spacers set overall thickness to
within /-5 um during bonding - Thickness of Hysol EA9361 is sufficient to absorb
all tolerances
18SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Design
19Package Prototypes
- Mechanical Mockup to test thermal properties,
glues, flatness, etc. - Prototype 1
- Test as many features of design and assembly
procedures as possible - Serve as package for testing first batch of CCDs
- Invar pads will be fabbed at Yale, shipped to
Lesser - Circuit boards to be processed and assembled at
Yale then shipped to Lesser - Contract with Mike Lesser at the Imaging
Technologies Laboratories for procuring the AlN
substrate with the required traces and bump
bonding and assembly of the whole package
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD Assembly Sequence
- Step 3 (contd) Precision-ground spacers set
overalthickness to within /-5 um during
bonding - Thickness of Hysol EA9361 is sufficient to
absorb all tolerances
23SNAP 4-Side Buttable CCD
Mechanical Prototype Thickness and Flatness
Measurements Following Immersion in Liquid
Nitrogen (all dimensions in mm)
Prototype 1
Prototype 2
Prototype 3
Range 7.219-7.222 mm 3um spread
Range 7.214-7.220 mm 6 um spread
Range 7.211-7.218 mm 7 um spread
24Open Questions
- Invar pad to Moly back plate attachments
- Assembly procedure of CCDs into detector array
- Electronics on package
- Electrical connections
25Moly Interface Plate
- Monolithic EDM (spark erosion) construction
- 0.75mm thick flexures
- Notch cutouts to eliminate in-plane torsion
constraint - Tapped holes for M3 mount to cold-plate
26Moly Interface Plate
- Monolithic EDM (spark erosion) construction
- 0.75mm thick flexures
- Notch cutouts to eliminate in-plane torsion
constraint - Tapped holes for M3 mount to cold-plate
- Thermal resistance 10oc/watt
27Individual Molybdenum Mounting Scheme
4-side Buttable CCD Package
Molybdenum Mounting Plate (1 CCD per Plate)
28Individual Mounting Scheme (cont'd)
Thermo-mechanical Behavior of Molybdenum Mount
from 293oK to 153oK
Thermal Resistance 0.44oc/watt
Quarter model of CCD with 2.9 Oz.force at mount
293 oK to 153 oK 7 um relative displacement at
each mount point This results in a force of 2.9
ounces at each corner of the CCD package
Von Mises Stresses in Silicon CCD
29CCD Modular Mounting Scheme
Molybdenum Mounting Plate (9 CCDs per Plate)
4-side Buttable CCD Package (1 of 9)
30CCD Modular Mounting Scheme (cont'd)
Steady-state Thermal Model of Molybdenum Plate
(Quarter model) with Heat Load of 0.2 W per CCD
Boundary Temp 153.0 oK
Max. Temp 153.8 oK
31CCD Testing and Characterization at Yale
- Modification of Leech electronics now complete
- Large test dewar ready with 10 inch diameter
window - Will allow us to test 9 CCDs at a time
- This will be important both for testing large
numbers of CCDs, and to test simultaneous
operation of a 3x3 CCD array (crosstalk, etc. ) - Testing to start soon
- Well understood SARNOFF CCDs (from
Palomar-QUEST) - Small LBL CCDs we have at Yale
- The real thing
32CCD Test Lab 2 at Yale Showing Modified Leech
33CCD Test Lab 1 at Yale
34Test Dewar in Lab
- Test dewar to read out multiple cold CCDs for
SNAP CCD testing and - characterization (dewar has 10 inch diameter top
35CCD Radiation Testing at Yale
- We now have a beam line assigned to SNAP for CCD
testing at the Yale Tandem Heavy Ion Accelerator - Plan to irradiate CCDs while cold could
actually read out CCD during the exposure - Dewar for cooling CCDs with feed through
connections, etc., has been designed and built at
Yale - Starting to understand details of intensities,
exposure times, etc. Have designed and are now
building scattering chamber - Plan to get some test beam in June, 2004
- Can schedule beam time after July, 2004
36The SNAP Beam Line at the Yale Tandem Accelerator
37Test Dewar for Radiation Tests
- Dewar to allow the CCD to be read out cold during
irradiation at the - Yale Tandem Accelerator
38The Radiation Environment for the Next Generation
Space Telescope
From a document by J. Barth, J. Isaacs and C.
100 mils Aluminum Shielding
Protons/cm2/7 years
Protons/cm2/7 years
Proton Energy (Mev)
Proton Energy (Mev)
39Radiation Exposures at the Yale Tandem Heavy Ion
- Beam from Accelerator
- 1010 to 1013 protons/sec, 5 to 40 Mev
- Up to 1012 alphas/sec, 5 to 60 Mev
- Up to 1012 heavy ions/sec, up to 400 Mev/ion
25 micron gold foil target (0.05 grams/cm2)
- Scattered beam
- 3x103 to 3x106 protons/cm2/sec at 10 Mev
- 107 to 1010 Protons/cm2/hour
Flux Meas
Faraday Cup
40SNAP CCD Radiation Testing Setup
Copper Cold Head
Target Manipulator
Beam In
4-Side Buttable CCD
Beam Dump
Scattering Chamber
Electronic Feedthroughs
Source Insertion
CCD Test Dewar
Valve/Vacuum Pump Out
Standard 25 Liter LN2 Dewar
Scattering Chamber Plan View
41Radiation Dose in 250µ Thick CCD
250µm thick Si 0.06 grams/cm2 1 rad 6x107
Energy Loss Mev/gr/cm2