Title: Launch of NILS
1Launch of NILS
2Social science is the study of society and the
manner in which people behave and impact on the
world around them. It encompasses many different
disciplines that focus on particular aspects of
society or human nature. Source Lowe,2006
3Some current challenges
- Increasing longevity
- Low long term childbearing
- Increasingly diverse household structures
- Changing patterns of migration
- Future changes in availability of kin
- Marital breakdown
- Inequalities (some proxied by geography) in
health, wealth and education
4Heterogeneity and Homogeneity
- Differentiated by geography
- Differentiated by employment status
- Differentiated by education
- Differentiated by health (over time)?
5Data about life expectancy Actual and
self-reported chances of living to 75
6Proportion not working by age and wealthMen
aged 50 to State Pension Age
Source IFS Banks and Casanova (2003) in Marmot
et al (2003) report on wave 1 ELSA data
50 to 54
55 to 59
60 to 64
7Sources of total wealth
Total wealth decile
Source IFS Banks, Emmerson, Oldfield and Tetlow
(2005), Individuals aged 50 to SPA
8The Census
- The biggest and the best, Diamond, 1998
9The LS One example
- The Healthy Worker Effect
10ESRCs Commitment to LSs
- Support for OPCS LS since 1980s
- Support for ONS LS since birth of ONS
11Some current projects
- Life expectancies and probability of survival by
social class and mortality rates by social class
and cause of death, 1972-2002 Bola Akinwale,
Office for National Statistics - Persistent disadvantage Morten Blekesaune and
Richard Berthoud, University of Essex - Marco Francesconi Intergenerational mobility
among second generation immigrants - Emily Grundy et al Fertility, marriage and
household associations with the health and
mortality of women in later life - Jason Strelitz and Kathleen Kiernan From
immigration to inclusion? A longitudinal study of
immigration and outcomes for children
12The future
- Use of grid technology
- Merging and analysing data of multiple types and
from multiple sources - Virtual safe havens
- Ethical and regulatory issues
13Some future challenges
- Engagement of stakeholders
- Use of data
14ESRC/NI RD Initiative
- KT Programme
- Hopefully announced early in January
15The co-production of knowledge
- Integrating knowledge transfer and economic
impact throughout the research process - Model applies to all new major research and
infrastructure investments - Central to our new KTEI strategy
16Co-production model stage 1
- 1. Scoping and specifying the research agenda
working in partnership to identify the key
research questions - 2. Commissioning the research stakeholders fully
involved in assessment of proposals and decisions
on the research to be funded
17Co-production model stage 2
- 3. Managing the research continual user
involvement in shaping the research as it
develops, monitoring performance and advising on
outcomes, KT opportunities and possible new
directions. Opportunities for people transfer
between sectors. - 4. Impacts and dissemination not only
communicating research outcomes. Involvement of
users in enabling greater economic impact and in
measuring and assessing those impacts.
18- Many of the major challenges facing us in the
21st century are all social science in nature