Prokaryotes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The first recorded observation were of the bacteria found in the ... large amounts of cyanobacteria (called plankton), that produce much of Earth's oxygen. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Prokaryotes

  • Bacteria were first discovered in the late 1600s
    by Antony van Leeuwenhoek, using the microscope
    he invented.
  • The first recorded observation were of the
    bacteria found in the dental plaque of two old
    men who never cleaned their teeth.

Prokaryote Introduction
  • Prokaryotes are much more diverse in both habitat
    and metabolism than the eukaryotes.
  • However, prokaryotes are not very diverse in body
    shape or size. Much of their classification into
    different species is done by examining their
    internal biochemistry and their DNA.
  • Nearly all prokaryotes are single-celled.
    Differentiation into different cell types almost
    never occurs in prokaryotes.
  • Two major groups the Eubacteria (sometimes just
    called Bacteria) and the Archaea (or
    Archaebacteria). Very different genetically.

Prokaryote Structure
  • Prokaryotes are simple cells. The DNA is loose
    in the cytoplasmthere is no separate nucleus.
    The ribosomes are also in the cytoplasm. In
    prokaryotes, transcription (synthesis of RNA) and
    translation (synthesis of proteins) occurs
  • The cell is surrounded by a membrane, but there
    are no internal membranes.
  • Outside the membrane is a cell wall, and
    sometimes an outer capsule which can have
    structures projecting form it.
  • Bacteria move using flagella whip-like hairs
    similar to the flagellum of a sperm cell.

Bacterial Reproduction
  • Bacteria reproduce by the process of binary
    fission. The circular chromosome replicates its
    DNA. Then, the cell splits into 2 halves, each
    containing a single chromosome
  • No spindle apparatus (as exists in eukaryotic
    mitosis and meiosis).

Growth of Bacteria
  • Under ideal conditions, bacteria grow very
    rapidly some double in number every 20 minutes.
  • Doubling in number 1-2-4-8-16- is exponential
    growth. It starts off slowly, but once going the
    number of bacteria increase very rapidly
  • Usually some nutrient runs short, or waste
    material builds up, and growth ceases.
    Eventually a die-off occurs, reducing the number
    of live bacteria.

Genetic Exchange in Bacteria
  • Bacteria dont have sexes or a regular genetic
    exchange every generation the way most eukaryotes
  • However, there are several means of sharing DNA
    between individuals, even if they are not of the
    same species.
  • Conjugation is one such mechanism the donor
    bacteria grows tubes that project from its
    surface to the surface of a recipient. A copy of
    the chromosomal DNA travels through this tube
    into the recipient, where it become incorporated
    into the recipients genome.

Bacterial Morphology
  • Bacteria only take a few basic shapes, which are
    found in many different groups. Bacterial cells
    dont have internal cytoskeletons, so their
    shapes cant be very elaborate.
  • Shape coccus (spheres) and bacillus (rods).
    Spirillum (spiral) is less common.
  • Aggregation of cells single cells, pairs
    (diplo), chains (strepto), clusters (staphylo).
  • Thus we have types such as diplococcus (pair of
    spheres) and streptobacillus (chain of rods).

Gram Stain
  • A major distinction between groups of bacteria is
    based on the Gram stain. In this method,
    bacteria are treated with the dye crystal
    violet, then washed. Often a second stain,
    safranin is applies to make the unstained
    bacteria visible.
  • Gram stain causes bacteria with a lot of
    peptidoglycan and very little lipid in their
    cells walls to stain purple. The presence or
    absence of peptidoglycan is a fundamental
    biochemical difference between groups of bacteria

Metabolic Diversity
  • Bacteria show far more metabolic diversity than
  • General classification, based on carbon (food)
    source and energy source.
  • autotroph vs. heterotroph. Autotrophs make
    their own food from non-organic sources (usually
    carbon dioxide). Heterotrophs use organic
    compounds from other organisms.
  • phototroph vs. chemotroph. Phototrophs get
    their energy from sunlight. Chemotrophs get
    their energy from chemical compounds.
  • Photoautotrophs get energy from sunlight and
    synthesize their own food from scratch, like
    green plants.
  • Photoheterotrophs ( a rare category) get energy
    from sunlight but need organic compounds made by
    other organisms.
  • Chemoautotrophs get energy from chemicals such as
    hydrogen gas, hydrogen sulfide or ammonia, and
    they use carbon dioxide as the raw material for
    their organic compounds.
  • Chemoheterotrophs get both energy and organic
    compounds from other organisms. We are

Relationship to Oxygen
  • For more than half of Earths history, oxygen
    wasnt present in the atmosphere. Many bacteria
    evolved under anaerobic conditions.
  • Classification
  • strict aerobes (need oxygen to survive)
  • strict anaerobes (killed by oxygen)
  • aerotolerant (dont use oxygen, but survive
  • facultative anaerobes (use oxygen when it is
    present, but live anaerobically when oxygen is

  • Some bacteria can form very tough spores, which
    are metabolically inactive and can survive a long
    time under very harsh conditions.
  • Allegedly, some bacterial spores that were
    embedded in amber for 25 million years have been
    revived. Others, trapped in salt deposits for up
    to 250 million years, have also been revived.
    These experiments are viewed skeptically by many
  • Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof
  • Spores can also survive very high or low
    temperatures and high UV radiation for extended
  • Panspermia the idea that life got started on
    Earth due to bacterial spores that drifted in
    from another solar system. (However, it still
    had to start somewhere!).

  • Sometimes called Archaebacteria
  • Genetically as different from Eubacteria as we
  • One distinguishing characteristic cell membranes
    dont contain fatty acids, but instead use
    branched molecules called isoprenes.
  • Three main type methanogens, extreme halophiles,
    extreme thermophiles.

  • Methanogens convert hydrogen and carbon dioxide
    into methane to generate energy anaerobically.
    Methanogens are obligate anaerobes they are
    killed by oxygen.
  • Methanogens digest cellulose in cow and termite
    guts. Each cow belches 50 liters of methane a
    day. A major greenhouse gas.
  • Methanogens are also in swamps, wetlands, and
    garbage dumps.

  • Extreme halophiles. Grow in very salty
    conditions. Colorful bacteria in seawater
    evaporation beds, Great Salt Lake.
  • Mostly aerobic metabolism.
  • Some have a form of photosynthesis that uses
    bacteriorhodopsin, a pigment very similar to the
    rhodopsin pigment in our eyes. It is also called
    purple membrane protein

  • Extreme thermophiles. Live at very high
    temperatures ocean hydrothermal vents (up to
    113o C, which would be boiling except for the
    high pressure under the ocean), hot springs in
    Yellowstone National Park.
  • Use sulfur to generate energy just like we use
    oxygen donate electrons to sulfur to create
    hydrogen sulfide. Some generate sulfuric acid
    insteadthey live at very low pHs.

  • The most common types of bacteria
  • Many categories we will just look at a few of
  • Enteric bacteria live in the digestive tracts of
    animals. Enterics are facultative anaerobes.
    Best known example Escherichia coli (E. coli),
    found in the human gut and also used as a common
    experimental organism in the lab. Most E. coli
    strains are harmless, but a few pathogenic
    (disease-causing) strains exist, causing food
    poisoning. A common source is ground meat, but
    it gets on unwashed vegetables as well.
  • Related enteric bacteria Salmonella, Shigella.
    Cause food poisoning. Chickens carry Salmonella
    in their guts instead of E. coli.

Pyogenic Cocci
  • Pyogenic cocci. Pyogenic means pus-forming.
    These bacteria produce many of the worse
  • Staphylococcus aureus and Neisseria gonorrheae
    are 2 examples Staphylococcus produces
    pneumonia, toxic shock syndrome, strep throat,
    meninginitis, and various skin diseases, such as
    impetigo. Neisseria produces gonorrhea, a common
    sexually transmitted disease
  • Staphylococcus bacteria normally live on the skin
    and body cavities. Only occasionally cause
  • Some strains of Staphylococcus are resistant to
    all known antibiotics.

Endospore-forming Bacteria
  • Most of these are in the genus Bacillus (named
    after their normal shape).
  • Their spores are very resistant to environmental
    conditions, and may survive millions of years
    before they revive.
  • Anthrax is caused by a Bacillus species. Also is
    this family are the bacteria that cause botulism
    (a very bad form of food poisoning) and tetanus
    (lockjaw--the muscles go rigid).

Rickettsia and Chlamydia
  • These bacteria are intracellular parasites of
    eukaryotic cells. They cant survive outside a
    cell. Sometimes they have very reduced genomes
    they rely on host genes for critical functions.
  • Rickettsia live in the gut linings of insects,
    and they infect mammals through mosquito and tick
    bites. They cause diseases like Rocky Mountain
    spotted fever, typhus, and Q fever.
  • Chlamydia infections are the most common sexually
    transmitted disease in the US.

Nitrifying and Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria
  • All proteins contain much nitrogen. The
    atmosphere is 80 nitrogen. However, we cant
    directly use atmospheric nitrogen, because it is
    in the wrong form N2. We need it in the ammonia
    form NH3.
  • Nitrogen fixing bacteria are able to do this
    conversion. Most of them live in root nodules of
    certain plants, the legumes, such as alfalfa and
    soybeans. Farmers plant these crops to enrich
    their soil by naturally adding ammonia to it.
  • The nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in the soil and
    invade the nodules of young plants.
  • The nitrogen-fixing enzymes are poisoned by
    oxygen. The root nodules function to keep oxygen
    away from the bacteria.
  • Plants also need nitrogen in the form of nitrate,
    NO3. Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia into

  • A major group of photosynthetic bacteria
  • The oceans contain large amounts of cyanobacteria
    (called plankton), that produce much of Earths
  • Cyanobacteria are the source of chloroplasts in
    plant cells. They also have a symbiotic
    relationship in lichens a fungus and a
    cyanobacteria provide each other with shelter and
    food from photosynthesis.
  • Cyanobacteria form cell walls to fossilizeamong
    the oldest forms of life known.
  • Some have cell differentiation they form
    filaments in which some cells become
    heterocysts, heavily walled cells that perform
    nitrogen fixation for the other cells in the
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