Title: Section 508 Acquisition Tools Focus Group
1Section 508 Acquisition Tools Focus Group
3What is Buy Accessible?
- A System of Component Applications
- Acquisition Wizard
- Data Center
- Taxonomy
- Glossary
- Technical Architecture
- Known Technical Issues
4Buy Accessible Wizard
- Web-enabled application providing Section 508
acquisition support for agency buyers - Users may include contracting officers as well as
program requiring officials and micro-purchasers - Step-by-step through Section 508 requirements
- Requirements from the law, the standard, and the
FAR in context of a standard acquisition process - Interacts with Data Center for market research
- Requests accessibility information about
EIT-related companies, products, and services
5Buy Accessible Data Center
- Web-enabled application providing accessibility
information support for industry EIT producers - Users include EIT product manufacturers and VARS
as well as EIT-related service providers - Manages references to vendor maintained data
- Users decide how specific the references will be
- Interacts with Wizard for market research
- Responds to requests for accessibility
information about EIT-related products and
6Buy Accessible Taxonomy
- Independent, (but not yet a) component
- Serves as Wizard and Data Center taxonomy
- ad hoc EIT product and EIT-related service
taxonomies crafted by our group - Working to adopt international Standard UNSPSC
- No current application code or API
- Currently a text file loaded at compile/runtime
- Working to implement as web component
7Buy Accessible Glossary
- Not yet a single independent component
- Currently Wizard and Data Center glossaries
- Actually two sets of terms and definitions that
are only slightly out of sync - Working to unify and harmonize glossary content
- No current application code or API
- Simple HTML files displayed via client browser
- Working to implement as web component
- The Wizard
- is easy and efficient to use
- supports effective Section 508 compliance
- provides consistent and complete compliance
documentation - With Intranet configuration
- Wizard information is reusable
- aggregate management compliance reporting is
possible - Extensive Beta Deployment Testing
- The manual process took over a week the Wizard
took less than 20 minutes and the Wizard
identified other applicable provisions from the
standard the use missed with the manual process. - The Buy Accessible Wizard is easy to use. All I
have to do is be able to provide my system
requirements, and the Buy Accessible Wizard will
provide a report of the 508 requirements that
need to be considered when purchasing new EIT.
9Buy Accessible Release and Distribution Update
10Buy Accessible Wizard Release Status
- Release 2.1 in production since May
- EIT product micro-purchases
- Relevance, market researchsource selection
- EIT product macro-purchases
- Relevance, applicability and market research
- Support for EIT-related services
- Relevance and market research
- Section 508 considerations for specific
EIT-related service deliverables - http//www.buyaccessible.gov/
11Wizard 2.2 Plans
- Local Wizard user data
- Public internet Wizard user pause / resume
- XML archive file write / read
- Market research re-engineered
- One page expanded into two
- (1) Search, then (2) conduct market research
- UNSPSC taxonomy browser search interface
- Display filters to manage complexity
- Research results segue into Solicitation
12Buy Accessible Data Center Release Status
- Release 1.1 in production since May
- Vendor provided accessibility information
- COTS EIT products
- EIT-related services
- Feedback on registered information activity
- Data Center administration user interface
- Review vendor and accessibility information
- Supports multi-value vendor status indicator
- Approved, Pending, and Denied (!)
- http//emgbaw.altarum.org/DataCenter/
13Data Center 1.2 Plans
- EIT classification re-engineered
- UNSPSC taxonomy browser interface
- Supports product and service classification
- Wizard search interface (API) enhanced
- Searches within specified taxonomy categories
- Search filters to manage complexity
- Mapping from old to new taxonomy
- Initial seed for vendor review
14Current Wizard Deployment
- Wizard for use by any federal agency via GSA
hosted Internet application - No local user data storage functionality
- Local data save via browser file save as function
- No agency data management capability
- Wizard for deployment to any federal agency as an
Intranet application - Agency hosted Wizard user data store
- Supports users save / pause / resume / review
functionality - Supports user data save / sharing mySQL or
Oracle - Allows agency Section 508 acquisition management
reporting - CA letter available to all agencies
- Centrally distributed / supported via Wizard
Support Website
15Getting Started with Intranet
- Visit the Wizard Product Support
l - Click on Request to Download Current Version
and complete the form - This will generate an e-mail to Skip Crane
- Skip will contact you, walk through the
Deployment Planning Guide with you, and send you
the FTP download information - Skip tracks agency implementations and
coordinates with personnel in key roles
16Future Wizard Deployment
- Wizard for use by any federal agency via GSA
hosted Internet application - GSA hosted Wizard user data store
- Supports users save / pause / resume / review
functionality - Supports user data save / sharing mySQL
- Allows for agency Section 508 acquisition
management reporting
17Review Previous Meeting Notes
18Continuous Improvement
- Issue 1(Nov 17) Independent Glossary
- Status active design/development as continuous
improvement - Target Wizard Version 3.0 October 2006
- Issue 2 (Nov 17) Wizard local file save
- Status active design/development as continuous
improvement - Target Wizard Version 2.2 July 2006
19Continuous Improvement
- Issue 1 (Jan 25) Market research usability
- Status active design/development as continuous
improvement - Target Wizard Version 2.2 July 2006
- Issue 3 (Jan 25) roadmap display
- Status active design/development as continuous
improvement - Target Wizard Version 3.0 October 2006
20Continuous Improvement
- Issue 5 (Jan 25) fit with existing systems
- Status open discussion
- Need user dialogue during Needs Assessment?
- Where in the solicitation are these requirements
reflected (or where should they be)? - Target ?
21Continuous Improvement
- Issue 1 (Feb 8) EIT-related services
- Status closed rename service deliverables
- EIT task performance ? EIT-related labor hours
- Custom EIT product ? Custom EIT end product
- Information content ? Information content
- Target Wizard Version 3.0 June 2006
22Continuous Improvement
- Issue 4 (Feb 8) Data Center promotion
- Status open discussion
- Need prominent display of number (and growth) of
registered vendor, product, and service
information - Need baseline data to measure growth
- Target ?
- Issue 1 (Feb 22) Wizard promotion
- Status open discussion
- Target ?
23Continuous Improvement
- Issue 1 (April 5) in-house development
- Status open discussion
- Agency in house developers dont recognize the
potential utility of the Buy Accessible Wizard - Need to clarify interface for these types of
users - Target ?
24Continuous Improvement
- Issue 1 (June 27) Clarity of EIT-related
- Status open discussion
- Need to help users understand the issue of
acquisitions with embedded EIT - Need to clarify interface for the initial
question Do you intend to acquire a product
or a service? - Product Is your acquisition a micropurchase?
- Will you acquire Electronic Information
Technology (EIT)? - Are you purchasing an electronic or information
technology product, such as .. - Service Will you acquire an EIT-related Service?
26Types of Procurements and Associated Solicitation
27Types of Procurements
- EIT product acquisitions
- micropurchases (lt 2500) vs. macropurchases
- What about simplified acquisitions (lt 100000)
compared to other macropurchases? - EIT-related Service acquisitions
- Producing EIT-related value to agencies
- Which differences matter for the Section 508
compliance process?
28Section 508 EIT-related Service Deliverables
- EIT end products
- COTS EIT product acquisition (micro and macro)
- Custom EIT development / integration services
- EIT labor hours
- Operations and maintenance
- On-site support
- Testing and Validation
- Training
- Information content
- General Information Services
- Consulting, advice, studies, reports, training
29Differences That Matter (v1)
30Differences That Matter (v2)
31Differences That Matter (v3)
32Differences That Matter (v4)
- Break up the one table into two tables!
- Differences based on type of deliverable
- Targeted for Requiring Officials
- Focused on Needs Assessment
- Differences based on acquisition process
- Targeted for Contracting Officers
- Focused on Solicitation
33Differences That Matter (v4)
- Table 1 Different types of deliverables
- COTS product
- Custom product
- Information content
- Labor hours
- Table 2 Different acquisition process
- Micropurchase
- Simplified acquisition
- Macropurchase full and open competition
- Purchase Order/BPA (indefinite delivery/quantity)
- In-house development (is this really acquisition?)
34Differences That Matter (v4) Type of Deliverable
35Solicitation Language
- What are the standard requirements for
solicitation documents? - Which ones are associated with which type of
procurement? - How much detail can be included?
36EIT Product
- Requirements language must include
- Technical provisions 1194.2x
- Functional performance criteria 1194.31
- Information, documentation and support 1194.41
37Macro Product
- For product X, Section 508 technical provisions
(as determined by the Wizard), functional
performance criteria 1194.31 need to be
addressed, information, documentation and support
1194.41 (if determined by the Wizard). The
Contractor must provide a VPAT documenting how
applicable provisions are to be met by their
38Custom (1)
- (This task or objective) will likely include the
development and/or acquisition of EIT products.
Possible products include (a, b, c etc.) - For (a), at a minimum Section 508 technical
provisions (from appropriate section), and
functional performance criteria 1194.31. The
Contractor must utilize the Buy Accessible Wizard
to identify applicable provisions and provide a
VPAT to document how the provisions are met by
(product a).
39Custom (2)
- (This task or objective) will include the
development of (product x). For product X,
Section 508 technical provisions (as determined
by the Wizard), functional performance criteria
1194.31 need to be addressed, information,
documentation and support 1194.41 (if determined
by the Wizard). The Contractor must provide a
VPAT documenting how applicable provisions are to
be met by their product.
40Custom (3)
- This contract will require the acquisition or
development of Electronic Information
Technology products and services that will be
used by government employees and members of the
public. These product and services are subject
to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Some
of these products and services are either known
or considered very likely. These are identified
in the following section and Contractors must
address these requirements directly through
statements about their product or service
accessibility. Others products and services
will emerge as program requirements are defined.
In these cases, the program manager and the
Contractor will define accessibility requirements
using existing tools such as the Buy Accessible
Wizard and to document how these requirements are
to be met.
41Information Content
- Requirements language must include
- Focused subject matter areas (EIT)
- Expected format (web, video, multimedia)
- Intended use and planned publication
42Content (1)
- ltWhere information content is unknowngt
(Information content m publications,
newsletters, web pages, etc.) will contain
information about EIT products and EIT-related
services. (m) must include information
appropriate to specific Section 508 accessibility
requirements for the specified EIT products and
services. The specific requirements that apply
depend upon the specific type of EIT referred to
in (m) as well as the functional performance
criteria detailed in 1194.31. Contractor
personnel providing this service must have
demonstrated training and experience in
accessibility and the Section 508 standard. In
addition, the Contractor should have a
demonstrated commitment to and experience in EIT
accessibility as defined in Section 508. (refer
them to the Data Center)
43Content (2)
- ltWhere information content is knowngt Information
contained in (m) about (product or service n)
must be consistent with the technical provisions
detailed in Section 508, (as determined by the
Wizard), as well as the functional performance
criteria detailed in 1194.31. Contractor
personnel providing this service must have
demonstrated training and experience in
accessibility and the Section 508 standard. In
addition, the Contractor should have a
demonstrated commitment to and experience in EIT
accessibility as defined in Section 508. (refer
them to the Data Center)
44Content (3)
- Information content (m) will be delivered via the
Internet and must meet the accessibility
requirements of the technical provisions detailed
in Section 508, 1194.22 Web-based Internet and
intranet information and applications, and the
functional performance criteria detailed in
1194.31. Contractor personnel providing this
information via the Internet service must have
demonstrated training and experience in meeting
the technical provisions of 1194.22 and
functional performance criteria. In addition,
the Contractor should have a demonstrated
commitment to and experience with Web
accessibility as defined in Section 508. (refer
them to the Data Center)
45Content (4)
- Information content (m) will be delivered via
video and multi-media presentations in support of
the agency mission and must meet the
accessibility requirements of the technical
provisions detailed in Section 508, 1194.24 Video
and multimedia products, and the functional
performance criteria detailed in 1194.31.
Contractor personnel providing this information
via video and multimedia presentation must have
demonstrated training and experience in meeting
the technical provisions of 1194.24 and
functional performance criteria. In addition,
the Contractor should have a demonstrated
commitment to and experience with video and
multimedia accessibility as defined in Section
508. (refer them to the Data Center)
46Labor Hours
- Requirements language must include
- Intended tasks (EIT)
- Expected skills and abilities (EIT-related)
- Desired training and accreditation
47Labor (1)
- (Service Y) requires knowledge about EIT
(software, web development, web content,
computers, etc). Contractor personnel providing
this service must have demonstrated training and
experience in accessibility and the Section 508
standard. In addition, the Contractor should
have a demonstrated commitment to and experience
the technical provisions as defined in Section
508. (refer them to the Data Center).
48Labor (2)
- ltGeneralgt Contractor personnel providing EIT
related services must have demonstrated training
and experience in accessibility and the Section
508 standard. In addition, the Contractor should
have a demonstrated commitment to and experience
in EIT accessibility as defined in Section 508.
(refer them to the Data Center)
49Labor (3)
- Contractor personnel providing (EIT, e.g.
software, web, computer hardware) services must
have demonstrated training and experience in
meeting the technical provisions of (appropriate
section or sections) and functional performance
criteria as defined in 1194.31. In addition, the
Contractor should have a demonstrated commitment
to and experience in meeting the technical
provisions of (appropriate section or sections)
and functional performance criteria. (refer them
to the Data Center)
50Solicitation Documentation
- What are the standard formats for solicitation
documents? - Which ones are associated with which type of
procurement? - Where do Section 508 considerations fit in the
solicitation documents? - Technical Requirements
- Acceptance Testing and Evaluation
- Others?
51Uniform Contract Format
- Part I The Schedule
- Part II Contract Clauses
- Part III List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other
Attachments - Part IV Representations and Instructions
52Part I The Schedule
- Section A Solicitation/Contract Form
- Section B Supplies or Services And Price/Costs
- Section C Description/Specification/SOW
- Section D Packaging and Marking
- Section E Inspection and Acceptance
- Section F Deliveries and Performance
- Section G Contract Administration Data
- Section H Special Contract Requirements
53Parts II and III
- Part II Contract Clauses
- Section I Contract Clauses
- Part III List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other
Attachments - Section J List of Attachments
54Part IV - Representations and Instructions
- Section K Representations, Certifications, and
Other Statements Of Offerors - Section L Instructions, Conditions, and Notices
to Offerors - Section M Evaluation Factors for Award
55Buy Accessible Point 2 Release Sneak Preview
56Data Center 1.2 Plans
- EIT classification re-engineered
- UNSPSC taxonomy browser interface
- Display filters to manage complexity
- Unified Product / Service taxonomy
- Clear language on how Wizard uses classification
- Maybe help to make proper classification?
- Wizard-like EIT characterization dialogue?
- United Nations Standard Products and Services
Code - Single taxonomy for both products and services
- Hierarchical classification having 4 levels
- Segment
- The logical aggregation of families for
analytical purposes - Family
- A commonly recognized group of inter-related
commodity categories - Class
- A group of commodities sharing a common use or
function - Commodity
- A group of substitutable products or services
58Basic UNSPSC Design Rules
- Product or service is classified with others that
serve or support a common function, purpose or
task. - Product is classified with others made by a
similar process and often manufactured by the
same company or a similar company. - If the first two rules do not apply, then the
material from which the product is made will help
determine its classification.
59New Items
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66Wizard 2.2 Plans
- Local Wizard user data
- Public internet Wizard user pause / resume
- XML archive file write / read
- Market research re-engineered
- One page expanded into two
- (1) Search, then (2) conduct market research
- UNSPSC taxonomy browser search interface
- Display filters to manage complexity
- Research results segue into Solicitation
67Local Wizard User Data
- All Wizard users deserve a browser!
- Even guest users without a login id
- Three new controls on Browser page
- Load Prompts user to specify the name of the
Buy Accessible Archive file (xml) they wish to
import into the Wizard. - Save Prompts user to save Wizard data to a
named archive (xml) file - Delete All Prompts user to confirm that all
local Wizard storage data be deleted
68Local Wizard User Data
- Scenario 1 Empty browser, New session
- New user begins a new Wizard session
- Exit system navigates to Wizard Summary
- Return to Browser returns to browser(!)
- Save user exports Wizard archive file
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73Wizard 3.0 Plans
- Both GSA-hosted and local Wizard data
- Public internet Wizard with GSA data store
- XML archive file save / resume
- How do they (or should they) coexist?
- Local storage plus agency-wide database
- Two distinguished browser segments
- Ability to migrate from local to database
74Market Research Usability
- Re-engineering Wizard Market Research
- Flexible taxonomy hierarchy browser
- Taxonomy view filters
- e.g. EIT-related components,
- Combination of search filters
- Taxonomy type
- vendor name
- product / service name
- Search Results on separate second page
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77EIT-Related Services
- Re-engineering Wizard service paths
- Identify types of deliverables for applicability
- e.g. custom, content, and labor
- Identify service type during market research
- Not prior to identifying deliverables as
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85Requiring Office Responsibilities
- Identify program mission and basic need
- Identify / obtain necessary program funding
- Determine how to best acquire
- In-house development, from other government
sources, use of outside contractors, - If contracted, will forward to Contract Office
86Requiring Office Responsibilities
- Specify technical / performance requirements
- Determine Section 508 relevance applicability
- Technical provisions
- Performance criteria
- Documentation and support requirements
- Prioritize overall requirements / trade off
analysis - Pre-solicitation market research / commercial
availability - Program requirements and best meets
- Specify evaluation / acceptance criteria
- Identify tests and performance metrics, if
applicable (e.g. performance-based contracting)
87Contracting Office Responsibilities
- Determine appropriate contract vehicle
- Credit card, purchase order, order against
existing agreement, compete a new agreement - Ensure Requiring Official duties are done
- Specific Section 508 technical requirements
- Section 508 functional performance requirements
- Section 508 documentation, support requirements
- Section 508 testing and acceptance criteria
- Ensure program specifics are incorporated
appropriately into solicitation documents
88Next Steps
89Whats Next?
- Buy Accessible Wizard and Data Center
- New project phase, objectives, technical goals
- After market research and needs assessment, what
now for Buy Accessible?Solicitation! - Focus Group Meeting Schedule
- New goals additional focus group members?
- More representation from the contracting office!
- Next meeting planned for July 25, 2006
90Thank You