Title: P1252428255YoRWK
1Classification of Underwater RGB Images with
Applications in the Study of Coral Reefs
José A. Díaz Santos, Graduate Student (UPRM),
Raúl E. Torres Muñiz, PhD. (UPRM) and Roy A.
Armstrong, PhD. (UPRM)
- Abstract
- Coral Reefs ecosystems are complex
communities in which life diversity surpass all
ecosystems on planet. Moreover, in the last
decades these ecosystems have been dying
excessively, declining the coral communities
worldwide. The objective of this research is the
development of a classification algorithm with
applications in the study of coral reefs RGB
images in order to monitor those communities
automatically. The main problem in the
classification is that some classes are
overlapped (Figure .4), for that reason typical
classifiers that used primary order statistics
like mean and covariance cannot be used. The
classification algorithm developing in this
research use the Local Homogeneity Coefficient
(LHC) algorithm 5 as first stage to find the
different regions of interest in the image like
corals, rocks and sand among others classes.
Then, using different texture features like
spectral features and statistical features the
classification of each region will be perform.
Finally, the performance and the results of the
algorithm will be validated with the manual
classification done with the Canvas software
(Figure .3). In this research, a set of 100
images are used to test the algorithm. At this
moment, some classifiers as Euclidean, neural
networks and maximum likelihood 6 failed in the
classification, with classification percent
around 50 (Table .1). - Introduction
- One important tool in image analysis that
is investigated in CenSSIS (The Center for
Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems) is image
classification that is the main objective of this
work. In this research, an automated underwater
vehicle (AUV) (Figure .1) performed optical
sensing using a 12-bit 1280x1024 monochrome CCD
camera at approximately 30-80 meters depth
8,9. These images have low contrast, and are
very noisy. Also, they are extremely rich in
both spectral variability and texture (Figure
.2). - Figure .1 The Automated
Underwater Vehicle 8,9. - In image classification, the acquisition
process is a crucial step, especially in image
rich in texture variability. This acquisition
process is affected by many factors like change
in environmental conditions, noise contamination
by the water and the sensor, varying
illumination, change in view point of the sensor
and geometry of the sea bed, converting this
process in a random process. For that reason, a
robust feature selection method is needed,
invariant for those kinds of disturbances, indeed
of traditional first order statistics as mean and
covariance. At this time, texture features have
being studying for further implementation. There
are some textures approaches in the literature of
image classification as statistical with the use
of co-occurrence matrices, spectral with the use
of different filters response like Gabor filters
and the multiresolution approach with the use of
the wavelet transform 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
- Objectives
- Develop a classification algorithm based on the
segmentation of the images. - Evaluation and comparison of different feature
extraction and feature selection techniques in
order to improve the classification performance
of the classifiers. - Evaluate the error percent of the classification
algorithm by the comparison of the classifiers
results and the classification results of the
Canvas software (Figure .3). - Methodology
- There are 21 different classes for classification
in the 100 images, where some of them are
overlapped (Figure .4).
Classifier Results With 100 Images Mean Percent (True/True) (False/False) Better Percent Worst Percent
Euclidean (Linear) RGB 56.70 75.30 44.20
Euclidean (Linear) HSI 39.96 64.28 23.03
ML (Quadratic) RGB 49.98 77.15 33.09
ML (Quadratic) HSI 57.34 73.75 29.34
Angle RGB 50.73 84.53 31.22
Angle HSI 38.70 64.65 23.17
Euclidean and Texture RGB 61.92 78.36 31.20
Neural Networks RGB (3 layers 27-27-21) 47.97 57.49 37.80
Table 1.Classification Results
- Conclusion
- The classification results in Table .1 show
that the high variability in texture of these RGB
underwater coral reefs images cannot be
classified using first order statistics. The
feature space is not enough for the proper
classification of these RGB images, for that
reason methods that can increase the parameters
in the feature space are needed, and the texture
features may be a possible solution to overcome
this problem in the classification. - Present and Future Work
- Classify the difference classes of coral
separately, because there some classes that can
be classify easier than others and also include
the confusion matrices of all the classes. - Explore different color spaces like HSI,YIQ and
XYZ 4 among others, looking for the best
discrimination of the classes. - Implementation of the different texture features
selection as the statistical approach, the
spectral approach and the multiresolution
approach. - Combine these new feature selection techniques
with spatial characteristics of the sea floor,
for improve the classification accuracy of the
classification algorithm. - References
- 1 J.K Shuttleworth, A.G Todman, R.N.G
Naguib, B.M Newman, M.K Bennett, Colour texture
analysis using co-occurrence matrices for
classification of colon cancer images Proc. IEEE
CCECE. Canadian Conference on Volume 2, 12-15 May
2002 Page(s)1134 - 1139 vol.2, 2002 - 2 Liu Xiuwen and Wang DeLiang, Texture
classification using spectral histograms IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, Volume
12, Issue 6, Page(s)661 670 June 2003. - 3 M. Soriano, S. Marcos, Caesar Saloma,
Image Classification of Coral Reef Components
from Underwater Color Video MTS/IEEE Conference
and Exhibition, Volume 2, 5-8 Nov. 2001
Page(s)1008 - 1013 vol.2, 2001. - 4 R.Gonzalez and R. Woods, Digital Image
Processing, 2nd ed. New Jersey Prentice Hall,
2002. - 5 Rivera Maldonado Francisco J.,
Segmentation of Underwater Multispectral Images
with Applications in the Study of Coral Reefs,
MS Thesis, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Campus, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, 2004. - 6 R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart and D. G.
Stork, Pattern Classification, 2rd ed. New York
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2001. - 7 Xiaoou Tang and W.K. Stewart, Texture
classification using wavelet packet and Fourier
transforms,IEEE Conference Proceedings.
'Challenges of Our Changing Global Environment'.
Volume 1, 9-12 Page(s)387 - 396 vol.1, Oct.1995.
- 8 http//soundwaves.usgs.gov/2003/05/
- 9 http//www.whoi.edu/DSL/hanu/seabed/
- Figure .4 Classes
Patterns Distributions - The first stage of this research is the
implementation of the Local Homogeneity
Segmentation algorithm, for image segmentation
5. - Next, using the segmented resulted image (Figure
.6) from the first stage, a square of each
segment in the image is selected. Feature
selection is performed in this squares to perform
the further discrimination. The features that
will be implemented are texture features using
three different approaches as spectral,
statistical and Multiresolution 1, 2,
Figure .5 Classification Algorithm
- The classification of each segment in the image
is performed using the features selected with
different classifiers as Maximum Likelihood among
others. - The performance of the classification algorithm
(Figure .5) is compared with the classification
using the Canvas Software (Figure .3).
Figure .2 Underwater original coral reef image
Figure .6 Segmented Image
Figure .3 Image classification in Canvas Program
This work was supported in part by CenSSIS, the
Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging
Systems, under the Engineering Research Centers
Program of the National Science Foundation
(Award Number EEC-9986821).