Title: Netball case study
1Netball case study
- Team names
- Team locations where theyre based
- Game venues Venue name and what the stadium is
called - Draw whos playing who and in what rounds
- Games played games played so far
41 to M
cityid city -------------------- 1
Canberra 2 Melbourne 3 Hobart
venueid cityid
stagename --------------------------------------
----------------------- 1 1 AIS
Arena 2 1 Subway ACT Netball
Centre 3 2 State Netball Hockey
teamid cityid teamname ---------------
------------------------ 1 1
Canberra Darters 2 2 Melbourne
Kestrels 3 2 Melbourne Phoenix
drawid hometeamid awayteamid venueid
round -----------------------------------------
------- 1 2 3
4 1 2 7 1
11 1 3 8 5
12 1
6simple query
Shows all rows in the hsteam table.
- teamid cityid teamname
- ---------------------------------------
- 1 1 Canberra Darters
- 2 2 Melbourne Kestrels
- 3 2 Melbourne Phoenix
- 4 4 Hunter Jaegers
- 5 5 Adelaide Thunderbirds
- 6 6 Perth Orioles
- 7 7 Queensland Firebirds
- 8 9 Sydney Swift
7natural join
- select from hsteam natural join hscity
Shows which city each team is based in.
- cityid teamid teamname city
- -----------------------------------------------
--- - 1 1 Canberra Darters
Canberra - 2 2 Melbourne Kestrels
Melbourne - 2 3 Melbourne Phoenix
Melbourne - 4 4 Hunter Jaegers
Newcastle - 5 5 Adelaide Thunderbirds Sydney
- 6 6 Perth Orioles Perth
- 7 7 Queensland Firebirds
Brisbane - 9 8 Sydney Swift
8cross product
- select from hsteam, hscity where hsteam.cityid
Shows which city each team is based in.
- teamid cityid teamname cityid
city - -----------------------------------------------
----------- - 1 1 Canberra Darters 1
Canberra - 2 2 Melbourne Kestrels 2
Melbourne - 3 2 Melbourne Phoenix 2
Melbourne - 4 4 Hunter Jaegers 4
Newcastle - 5 5 Adelaide Thunderbirds 5
Sydney - 6 6 Perth Orioles 6
Perth - 7 7 Queensland Firebirds 7
Brisbane - 8 9 Sydney Swift 9
9group by
- select teamname, count() as home_games
- from hsdraw natural join hsteam
- where hometeamid teamid
- group by teamname
Shows how many home games each team has.
- teamname home_games
- -----------------------------------
- Melbourne Phoenix 7
- Perth Orioles 7
- Adelaide Thunderbirds 7
- Hunter Jaegers 7
- Melbourne Kestrels 7
- Queensland Firebirds 7
- Canberra Darters 7
- Sydney Swift 7
- select teamname, awaypoints, homepoints
- from hsdraw natural join hsgame, hsteam
- where awayteamidteamid and
- awaypoints gt (select max(homepoints)
from hsgame)
Shows the most points an away team has had over a
home team.
- teamname awaypoints homepoints
- -----------------------------------------------
- Adelaide Thunderbirds 69 40
11cross product
- select home.teamname as home_teamname,
away.teamname as away_teamname - from hsdraw, hsgame, hsteam home, hsteam away
- where hsdraw.hometeamid home.teamid and
- hsdraw.awayteamidaway.teamid and
- homepoints gt awaypoints and
- round 1 and
- hsgame.drawidhsdraw.drawid
Shows the home teams that won in round 1.
- home teamname away teamname
- ---------------------------------------------
- Queensland Firebirds Canberra Darters
- Sydney Swift Adelaide Thunderbirds
- Hunter Jaegers Perth Orioles
constraint check_hshomepoints check (homepoints gt
0), constraint check_hsawaypoints check
(awaypoints gt 0) constraint validhscity check
(city in ('Canberra', 'Melbourne', 'Hobart',
'Newcastle', 'Sydney', 'Perth',
'Brisbane', 'Wollongong',
'Adelaide', 'Grafton'))
13delete cascades
- constraint fkhscityid foreign key (cityid)
references hscity (cityid) - on update cascade
- on delete cascade
- constraint fkhshometeamid foreign key
(hometeamid) references hsteam (teamid) - on delete cascade
- on update cascade,
- constraint fkhsawayteamid foreign key
(awayteamid) references hsteam (teamid) - on delete cascade
- on update cascade,
- CREATE view hshomepointstable (team, points)
- as select teamname, count()2
- from hsgame natural join hsdraw, hsteam
- where homepoints gt awaypoints and hometeamid
teamid - group by teamname
- CREATE view hsawaypointstable (team, points)
- as select teamname, count()2
- from hsgame natural join hsdraw, hsteam
- where awaypoints gt homepoints and
awayteamidteamid - group by teamname
- CREATE view hspointstable (team, points)
- as select team,
- CASE WHEN home.points is
null THEN away.points - WHEN away.points is
null then home.points - ELSE
home.pointsaway.points - END
- from hshomepointstable home FULL JOIN
hsawaypointstable away