Title: Chiropractic Action Plan
1Chiropractic Action Plan
- www.protectchiropractic.com
3S. 1955
- Basic Option
- The health insurer may offer a coverage plan in
the small group market, individual market, large
group market, or through a small business health
plan that does not comply with one or more
mandates if the insurer also offers an enhanced
- Enhanced Option
- An insurer issuing a basic option shall also
offer an enhanced option which shall at a minimum
include such covered benefits, services and
categories of providers as are covered by a state
employee coverage plan in one of the five most
populous states.
5- Mandate Exclusion
- This law shall supercede any and all state
laws insofar as such laws relate to benefit
service or provider mandates in the health
insurance market .with respect to coverage
issued to a small business plan.
6Rollout of the Law
- The first 90 days
- The Secretary publishes a list of benefits,
services and categories of providers by the state
employee plans in the 5 most populous states - The first 6 months
- The secretary issues rules for the Benefit
Choice Standards
7Rollout of the Law
- 1 year
- Initiation for small business health plans
- 15 months
- Initiation for groups or individuals that are
not small business
8The Consequences of Defeat
- To win this battle we cannot take anything for
granted because no one is looking out for the
chiropractic profession except us. - If we are not willing to set aside our lives to
defeat this bill, then our lives will change in a
way, which for many, is unimaginable.
9The Consequences of Defeat
- The Marketplace Response
- Health insurers will sell stripped down
insurance policies to - Individuals
- Small businesses
- Associations
- You
10The Consequences of Defeat
- Managed care will
- Offer a basic benefits option
- Require MD referrals
- Expand physical therapy
- Set caps on services
- Raise premiums on chiropractic services
- Intensify quality assurance measures
11The Consequences of Defeat
- Employers will
- Gradually react to marketplace changes
- Determine that full chiropractic benefits are
not necessary - Reduce or eliminate chiropractic benefits
- Add non-chiropractic gatekeepers
- Take the position that chiropractic is not really
a necessary service
12The Consequences of Defeat
- Patients will
- Initially not see a difference in benefits
- Become angry as benefits are cut
- Not complete treatment plans
- Face complications due to truncated care
- Take more CA time on benefits
- May try alternatives like PT
13The Consequences of Defeat
- States will
- Offer basic benefits plan to save money
- Will re-consider chiropractics role in workers
compensation - Consider new laws in PI WC as abuse escalates
14The Consequences of Defeat
- Chiropractic colleges will
- Experience an immediate impact on applications
- See a drastic decline in enrollments over time
- Lose alumni financial support
- See a dramatic consolidation
15The Consequences of Defeat
- Chiropractic organizations will
- See an initial surge of support
- Begin to lose members as political activity to
over turn law is unsuccessful - Face major financial difficulties as their
members income drops and DCs can no longer
afford to support the organization or their
political PACS
16The Consequences of Defeat
- The profession will
- Not experience much of an impact for the first
year - Begin to see the financial effects of benefit
changes in 18 months - Experience significant decline in income around
year 3 - Experience drastic decline in income by year 5
17The Consequences of Defeat
- The profession will
- See gradual but significant increase in fraud and
abuse - Increase political activism
- Believe HSAs are a solution but will be proven
18The Consequences of Defeat
- The profession will
- Attempt to expand the cash portion of their
practice with limited success - Lose ground to PTs as they try to expand their
scope of practice because chiropractic will not
have the resources to fight them.
19Doctor Involvement
- Many DCs have never contacted a legislator
- I dont like politics
- Im too busy
- Talk to my CA
- It takes too much time
- I dont have a fax machine
20Training Chiropractic Assistants
- Many CAs totally understand the importance of
defeating this bill - Key Training Points
- Patients will want to get involved
- It will not happen if the patient is not asked
- You must support the CAs effort
- E-Mail Tree
- Activate your friends and patients in our fight
against a very anti-chiropractic bill. - Congress must be told
- Millions of Americans
- Do not want this law
22DC Communications
- Do not delay
- Fax machines on 24 hours a day
- Ask for patient involvement - carefully
23DC Communications
- Thank your CAs
- Thank your patients
- Stay Positive
24Legislative Communications
- Dont believe everything you hear
- This may be a 5 month battle
- Work until the vote is cast
25National Information Clearinghouse
- Our information will be
- Accurate
- Timely
- Insightful
26National Action Plan
- We have a responsibility to you
- We have a responsibility to other states
- Our only priority is to win!
- This will be very hard work
- But we are going to win