Title: North West Alcohol Forum
1North West Alcohol Forum
2What am I doing here ? !
3Some children are anxious about their parents
drinking !
Some parents are anxious about their childrens
drinking !
4International league of drinkers..
5International league of drinkers..
At the top !!!
6The practical expression
- A and E -1 in 4
- Mental Health Admissions -2nd most common
- Family dysfunction -25 alcohol
related - Public Order offences -1000 local cases
- Absenteesism
- Unplanned pregnancies
- Self Harm where up to 50 feature alcohol
8Worsening pattern Up 40 per head in ten
years !
9If we are not careful ..we will finish up
where we are heading !
10We need to wise-up and
together, do something about it!
11 We in Ireland have a long standing love
affair with alcohol. ..but that affair has
begun to turn sour ! Denis Bradley
12Who ?
13Who ?
It is beyond the capacity of any one group
14The entire community needs to be mobilised
i NWAF (2004.) What is Community Mobilisation?
16North West Alcohol Forum
- A Portrait of our Drinking
- Tanaistes endorsement
Make it happen!
17Action Plan
- Awareness raising
- Interventions
- Evaluation / transferability
Aggressive campaign
4 Areas -Community -Education -Health -Justice
- Fas Le Cheile
- Gardai
- Education SPHE
- Youth Council
- Responsible Server Training
- Tailored programmes for higher risk groups
- Primary Health Care, GPs
- Acute Hospitals
- Treatment Services
- Working with organisations to develop workplace
related Alcohol Policies - Increase no. of dedicated youth workers
- Interagency liaison
- Develop schools material
- Cross border initiatives
- Advertising bans!
- Hospital Reference / Focus groups
- Portrait of our Drinking
- National injuries study in A and E
- Straight Talk guide for parents
- Teenage Kicksawareness programme with DCC
- Community detox initiative Oct 05
- Out of hours parenting service
- Fas le Cheile
22Engine Room
23Friends ..to help it all happen at a pace
and at a level not possible through public
funding alone
Ownership !
24The impact sought.
- Safer roads
- Mental well-being for all
- Good social life / quality leisure time
- Enjoyed prosperity
25To be known as the country that tackled harmful
drinking and turned the problem around
and why not!!
26Enough is enough a long haul.. We all need
to be at it !
We all need to be at it !