Title: ASAP Timeline
1To Understand and Protect Our Home Planet An
Overview of the NASA Aviation Applications
Program John A. Haynes Program Manager,
Aviation Applied Sciences Program Science
Mission Directorate
2Over 6 billion people to serve.
32006 NASA Strategic Plan
NASA Strategic Goal 3 Develop a balanced overall
program of science, exploration, and aeronautics
consistent with the redirection of human
spaceflight program to focus on exploration.
NASA Sub-Goal 3A Study Earth from space to
advance scientific understanding and meet
societal needs.
NASAs partnership efforts in global modeling and
data assimilation over the next decade will
shorten the distance from observations to answers
for important, leading-edge science questions.
NASAs Applied Sciences program will continue the
Agencys efforts in benchmarking the assimilation
of NASA research results into policy and
management decision-support tools that are vital
for the Nations environment, economy, safety,
and security. NASA also is working with NOAA and
inter-agency forums to transition mature research
capabilities to operational systems, primarily
the polar and geostationary operational
environmental satellites, and to utilize fully
those assets for research purposes.
4Remote Sensing Spacecraft Observatories
5Future NASA Remote Sensing Observatories
6Mission Overview - CALIPSO
First polarization lidar in space Joint NASA-CNES
- Objectives
- Improved understanding of aerosol and cloud
effects on radiation budget - Improved understanding of cloud-climate
feedback processes - Improve aerosol and cloud information from
other A-train sensors - Improved predictive capability for climate,
weather, and air quality
- Approach
- Produce a global uniformly-calibrated aerosol
and cloud dataset - - Profiles, optical properties, microphysical
properties - - Identify cloud ice-water phase, aerosol type
- Combine CALIPSO and other A-train observations
- Provide profile data/validation to other
A-train sensors
7The Objectives of CloudSat
CloudSat Mission Objective Provide, from
space, the first global survey of cloud profiles
(height, thickness) and cloud physical
properties (water, ice, precip) needed to
evaluate and improve the way clouds, moisture and
energy are represented in global models used for
weather forecasts and climate prediction (uses 94
CloudSat 1sts FIRST global estimates of the
fraction of clouds on Earth that produce
precipitation FIRST global detection of snow in
air from space FIRST statistics on the vertical
structures of clouds FIRST vertically resolved
estimates of mass of water and ice content of
clouds FIRST indirect but validated estimate of
how much clouds contribute to the vertical
distribution of atmospheric radiative heating
8Future Observatory Launch Dates
- OSTP has committed to LDCM being a free-flyer.
Launch expected in 2011. - Ocean Surface Topography Mission (2008)
- Glory (2008)
- Orbiting Carbon Observatory (2008)
- Aquarius (2009)
- NPOESS Preparatory Project (2009)
- Global Precipitation Mission (2013)
9(No Transcript)
10Earth System Models
11Integrated System Solutions
12Applications of National Priority
Public Health
January 25, 2005
Integrated System Solution
- Weather WRF, RUC
- Convective Weather CIMSS Convective Cloud Mask,
FAA NCWF OCWF - Ceiling/ Visibility FAA NCVP
- Turbulence FAA GTG, ITFA
- NAS-AWRP (National Airspace System- Aviation
Weather Research Program)
- Convective Weather
- Turbulence
- Icing
- Ceiling and Visibility
- Volcanic Transport
- Oceanic Winds
- Winter Storms
- Tropical Cyclones
- Key weather observations
- Nowcasting Products
- 24 Hour precise continuous atmosphere
- Weather warnings and predictions
- Accurate and easily accessible weather forecasts
- Increase in understanding of atmospheric
conditions - Real time interest fields
- Comprehensive image library
- Improved Safety
- Improved Airline Efficiency
- Earlier warnings of hazardous weather
- Reduction in the cost of flying
Supported Non-NASA Model
- Atmospheric Temperature
- Atmospheric Water Vapor
- Atmospheric Winds
- Storm Cell Properties
- Volcanic Gas Ash
- Cloud Properties
- Global Precipitation
- TRMM,QuikScat (SeaWinds), Terra,
- Aqua (MODIS, AIRS)
- GIFTS Imager and Sounder
- NPP, NPOESS, etc
- CrIS, IASI, NOAA-series
- Airborne/Field Ex. -- PIREPS, TAMDAR
- IPO -- NAST, CPL, MAS, Wind Lidars
- DOD Assets GPS, DMSP, IAEAsats
- Management Decisions
- Routing of Flights
- Turbulence/convective weather avoidance
- Fuel/Landing loads
Future Mission
14Advanced Satellite Aviation-weather Products
ASAP A partnership between NASA, FAA, and NOAA
to infuse Earth science satellite observations
and model predictive capabilities into aviation
weather products for ground and airborne users.
15Current Icing Potential (CIP) Icing Severity Index
Areas of high LWP
Original estimate at 825 mb. Severity index
increases from bottom to top of scale. Areas
outside the colored pixels have negligible icing
potential at this level. (16 Feb 2005)
Modified by inclusion of satellite-derived phase
and liquid water path products from GOES, AVHRR,
and NASA MODIS. Note improved spatial resolution
and increased values of severity index
corresponding to high LWP. (16 Feb 2005)
16Computing Capacity Project Columbia
- Based on SGI NUMAflex architecture
- 20 SGI Altix 3700 superclusters, each with 512
processors - Global shared memory across 512 processors
- 10,240 Intel Itanium 2 processors
- Current processor speed 1.5 gigahertz
- Current cache 6 megabytes
- 1 terabyte of memory per 512 processors, with 20
terabytes total memory
Using Columbia's extraordinary capability to
increase the time to solution, analysis of
shuttle anomalies that used to take two months
can now be accomplished in one day.
17NASA Modeling, Assimilation, and Prediction (MAP)
Environment Integrating Earth System Modeling
and Observations
Coupled Earth SYSTEM Modeling and Data
Assimilation System for Earth-Sun Science
2006 NASA Modeling Environment
2005 Project Hurricane
Project Columbia
18Tracking Volcanic Effluent
Reventador, Ecuador
Mt. Etna, Italy
NASA MODIS Zoom into Landsat 7 Datasets (July 13,
2001 and July 29, 2001)
- Data collected by NOAA GOES on 4 November 2002
- Algorithm output at 30 min intervals
- Ash cloud is extrapolated
- Purple current position
- Orange 60 minute extrapolated position
19Volcanic Ash Detection and Height Estimates from
Satellite Observations
ASAP Improved Detection (Red -ash, Green -
Convectional Detection (Ash missed)
Re-analyzed Mt Spur volcanic eruption observed
from NOAA-11 in August 1992 indicating improved
detection (implemented in research mode in NOAA
CLAVR-X tool used at the Washington VAAC)
compared to conventional reverse absorption
Mt Manam volcanic eruption observed from NASA
MODIS on 24 October 2004 in a more difficult
tropical environment (above).
Convectional Detection (White - cloud)
ASAP Improved Detection (Red -ash, Green -
Satellite Volash Derived Cloud Top Height Estimate
20Enhancement of Convective Weather Products
through Satellite Observations
ASAP Satellite CI Product
CI Nowcast Pixels
Red Pixels are forecasted CI locations in next 60
- Satellite-based CI indicators provided 30-60 min
advanced notice of CI in north, and eastern Kansas
DFW AutoNowcaster with ASAP CI products
21Enhancement of Turbulence Products through
Satellite Observations
CIT and Mountain Wave Identification Algorithms
to be tested and implemented in the GTG.
MODIS Water Vapor Image With Turbulence Reports
MODIS Visible Image over Colorado Front Range
6.72m 245K 261K
Enhanced MODIS Imagery
Overshooting Cumulus CIT Signature
11 x 11 Laplacian of Gaussian
Wave Gradient Strength
Gradient detection methods create mask of waves
22Projects Selected through the NASA Decision
Solicitation in 2005
- NASA microphysical data applications from MODIS,
VIIRS, AVHRR, and GOES to improve the NOAA
operational mesoscale forecast (RUC-Rapid Update
Cycle) model and NCEP/AWC in-flight icing hazard
warning products. - UMBC volcanic aerosol and gas tools derived from
NASA Aura/OMI observations to replace NASA TOMS
observations and the NOAA/CIMSS CLAVR-X tool for
ash cloud detection, height and transport
analysis for the NOAA Volcanic Ash Advisory
Center (VAAC) in Washington. - NCAR convectively induced turbulence (CIT) tools
derived form GOES and MODIS satellite
observations to enhance the NCEP/AWC Graphical
Turbulence Guidance (GTG) product. - Evaluation of Aqua/AMSR-E and QuikSCAT
observations over the Gulf of Mexico for
enhancement of convective weather forecasts in
products developed by the FAA/AWRP Oceanic
Weather Product Development Team.
23Project Selected through the ROSES 2005
- Cathy Kessinger / NCAR
- Oceanic Convective Weather Diagnosis and
TRMM, CloudSAT, and NOAA GOES) - Deep convection over the oceans presents a safety
hazard to aircraft and is a costly impediment to
efficient flight routing across long oceanic
routes. The Convective Diagnosis Oceanic (CDO)
and Convective Nowcasting Oceanic (CNO) products,
under development within the FAA Aviation Weather
Research Program (AWRP) Oceanic Weather Program
Development Team (OW PDT), will help to mitigate
these impacts by providing real-time, current and
predicted locations of convection. Using these
products, pilots, dispatchers and controllers
will be able to assess the distribution of
oceanic clouds and efficiently plan flight tracks
that avoid regions where convective hazards may
exist. As a result, the exposure of oceanic
traffic to damaging turbulence, lightning and
icing will be minimized. Inclusion of NASA Earth
science data sets into the CDO/CNO products will
improve their performance through better
understanding of the atmospheric and oceanic
environments, better wind vector measurements,
and by providing a second independent
verification data set.
24Aviation with FAA NOAA
Digital Airspace for National Airspace System
Synthetic Vision System display
25Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO)
- Next Generation Air Transportation System
(NGATS) will triple capacity by 2025 through
extensive redesign and automation
- Congress has mandated 17M in the FAA budget
allocation for JPDO, other agency contributions
TBD - National Aviation Weather Strategy submitted to
congress in Dec 2004
- FAA, NASA, NOAA, DOD, and DHS staff JPDO Weather
IPT interagency teams for observations and
sensors, forecasting, integration, dissemination,
mitigation and training - The Weather IPT plans and coordinates Observing
System requirements out to 2025 with NASA, FAA,
NOAA, OSTP, USGEO, OFCM, and the aviation
26Applied Sciences Program
- http//science.hq.nasa.gov/earth-sun/applications/
index.html - http//aiwg.gsfc.nasa.gov/