Title: Welcome to Insert Title of Your Session
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2Welcome toPlanned Giving Taking it to the Next
- Please take this time before the start of
- the session to silence your cell phone or pager.
- Your feedback is valuable. At the end of the
session, - we ask that you take a moment to complete an
evaluation form. - Thank you.
- Julie Feely, Director of Gift Planning Oregon
Public Broadcasting - Louise Gregory, Associate Director of
Development, Principle Gifts California
Academy of Sciences - Tell us briefly who you are and your planned
giving experience
4Step One Infrastructure
- Getting organized will save time and avoid
5Components of a Successful Planned Giving Program
- Laying the Foundation
- Marketing/Cultivation
- Prospecting and Solicitation
- Stewardship
- Volunteers and Allied Professionals
- Evaluation
6Partners, Resources, Tools
- Planning
- Tracking and database systems
- Case statement from mission statement
- Policies
- Partners
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12Challenge Message Points
- Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation
pledged 1.5 million to OPB provided that OPBs
endowment grows to 20 million over six years - OPBs endowment is a carefully managed reserve
account, much like a savings account. - OPBs endowment provides a predictable and
stable source of funding for the station. - OPBs endowment ensures that OPB remains
independent and financially strong.
13Brand Message Points
- OPB is Oregon
- Oregonians share common values
- We have curious minds, we care about the world we
live in - We have opinions. We are respectful and
thoughtful - OPB is the force that spreads ideas, serves and
unites Oregonians - OPB is a cause. Join us.
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- Gift acceptance
- What types of gifts will you accept?
- Endowment
- Where does the money go?
- Planned Giving
- How will you do business?
- Community Foundations
- Consultants
- Board
17Step Two Marketing
- Sharing your mission, vision, and values
18Marketing Plan
- Realistic (based on staff, time and financial
resources) - Simple and consistent messaging
- Beauty of bequests
19Goals of Marketing Plan
- Influence new gifts
- Steward existing gifts
- Build relationships
20Know Your Audience
- Analyze current donors and their profiles
- Conduct focus groups
- Poll volunteers
- Understand what motivates
- Personal meetings
- Correspondence
- Gift illustrations Planned Giving Software
- Phone calls
- Invitation to estate planning presentations and
other appropriate events
22Review Marketing Plan Annually
- Planned Giving can be like fishing you dont
always know when theyll bite! - Dont stop your marketing plan
- Evaluate and build on it
23Step ThreeMoves Management
- Prospecting, cultivation, and asking for the gift
24Identifying and Ranking Prospects
- Older 70 plus
- May be modest donors
- Possibly no children
- Longevity on the file
- Rank based on ability and likeliness to give
- Screen with staff and volunteers
- Create tiered solicitation plan
25Prospect list and ranking
Tier Readiness Name Amount Interest Assigned
1 A John Doe 100K Nature JF
2 B Jane K. 50K News LL
3 C Jake L. 25K History JJ
26Ideas for Engaging Prospects
- Invite to special event
- Serve on committee
- Seek their advice/input on an issue
- Ask them to host an event
- Participate in a feasibility study
- Others?
27Solicitation Plan
- Research prospect
- Identify motivations
- Create strategy
- Engage volunteers and/or senior staff
- Personal ask is most effective - 75-80 success
28Strategy Sheet
- John and Jane Doe
- Ask 100,000
- Purpose Endowment Challenge
- Who Julie and David
- When Before Dec. 31
- Why should they give
- Background and next steps
- Timeline
- Proposal deadline Oct. 15
29The Ask
- Use people stories and exciting projects
- Listen to the prospect ask questions
- Hear charitable and personal objectives
- Discuss what their gift will do
- Identify options
- Ask for a specific amount or range
30Conversation Cues
- Anticipating change in ownership of assets
- Might use income for self or another person
- Tired of property management
- Reviewing estate and financial plans
- May want/need to support other charities
- Genuinely wish they could make a gift
31Overcoming Objections
- I need to talk with my spouse
- I dont have that kind of cash
- Time limit on conversation
- Offers smaller gift
- Lost my checkbook
- Others. . .
- Personal thank you note
- Call report
- Database update
- Stewardship and more stewardship
33Step Four Stewardship
- You just cannot say thank you enough!
- Goals
- Deepen relationship with donors
- Solidify gift commitment
- Encourage lifetime giving
- Identify volunteers
- Emphasize recognition and benefits
- Stay in touch with personal contacts and unique
opportunities - Celebrate what their future gift will do
- Invite them to increase their involvement
36Stewardship Plan
- Thank for support
- Regular Insider information
- Recognition events
- Insider experiences
- Advance their individual interests
- Personal attention
- Other ideas?
37Benefits and RecognitionIdeas
- VIP Thank-you letter
- Annual lunch or dinner
- Donor newsletter/e-news
- Behind-the-scenes experience
- Ex. Attend a broadcast
- Liaise with institution VIPs
- Ex. Meet an on-air host
- Donor listing, signage etc.
- Gift Ex. Lapel pin, book
38Donor Circle
- Create a gift club with catchy name
- Outline benefits
- Use volunteers
39Donor Circle Launch Ideas
- Personal letter to donors
- Ads/Announcements
- Follow-up calls
- Involve volunteers
40Donor Circles as Recruiting Tool
- Solicit targeted audience
- Group meetings with follow-up
- Host Committee with prospect identification and
solicitation role
41 Step Five Volunteers
- Essential members of the planned giving team!
- Is it really worth the time and effort?
- YES, if you do it right!
43Volunteer Goals
- Extend staff resources
- Expand the philanthropic network
- Extend the knowledge base
- Increase giving (their own and others)
- Bring credibility to the ask
- Board
- Development advisory committee
- Producers Circle Council
- Steering Committee
- Professional Advisors Council
45Volunteer Roles
- Ambassadors
- Build relationships within community
- Advocates
- Building partnerships with other organizations
- Taking stations case to lawmakers, etc.
- Askers
- Asking peers for time, talent, treasure
46Recruiting and Keeping Volunteers
- Determine what and who you need
- Identify existing contacts (and their contacts)
- Create job descriptions
- Recruit with clear expectations
- Keep engaged meetings, correspondence etc
47Step Six Evaluation
48Planned Giving Program Evaluation
- Evaluate all activities and identify improvements
- Did events accomplish their goals?
- Was follow-up effective?
- Did mailing get a good response? Why?
- Did you do enough personal visits?
- Additional Questions and thoughts
- Contact us
- jfeely_at_opb.org
- lgregory_at_calacademy.org
50On-line resources
- http//majorgiving.cpb.org
- http//www.pg-now.org