Chapter 5 Programming Languages - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 5 Programming Languages


Can complicate the task of modifying the program should it become necessary ... Coercion is frowned upon by many language designers. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 5 Programming Languages

Chapter 5 Programming Languages
  • COSC 1309
  • Logic Design

5.1 Historical Prespective
  • Before programming languages
  • Programmers had to program using the computers
    Opcodes (native machine language)
  • Assembly Language was created which used
    mnemonics (short phrases like LD for Load, ST
    for Store JMP for Jump etc)
  • Also, special names were given to registers like
    R1, R2, R3 . To registers in the CPU.

Assembly Language
  • In the beginning programmers using assembly
    language would write code on paper and manually
    translate it to machine code.
  • The above translation procedure was recognized as
    something that a computer could do so the
    Assembler was born.

Why other Programming languages
  • Unfortunately programs written in assembly
  • were machine dependent
  • could not be easily transported to another
    machine design because it was built to fit a
    machines particular instruction set and registers
  • Programmer was stuck to think in small steps

Programming Languges
  • First generation --- Machine Language
  • Second generation --- Assembly Language
  • Third generation --- High level languages like
    Fortran and Cobol emerged
  • Grace Hopper created the first compiler ( program
    that translates a high level language to machine
  • Interpreters also emerged as a way to translate a
    high level language into machine code.

Programming Paradigms
  • Programming languages has developed along
    different paths or alternate approaches to the
    programming process (programming paradigms)
  • Imperative paradigm a.k.a procedural paradigm
  • Traditional approach finding an algorithm to
    solve the problem and then expressing the
    algorithm as a sequence of commands
  • Ex Pascal, Fortran, C, Cobol, BASIC

Programming Paradigms
  • Declarative Paradigm
  • Asks the programmer to describe the problem
  • The trick is to discover a general problem
    solving algorithm
  • Problems can then be expressed in a form
    compatible with this algorithm and then applying
    the algorithm
  • Ex Prolog and GPSS

Programming Paradigms
  • Functional Paradigm
  • Views the process of program development as
    connecting predefined black boxes
  • Each accepts inputs and produces outputs.
  • These boxes are referred to as functions
  • The primitives of functional languages are
    elementary functions
  • Ex ML,Scheme , Lisp --- used in AI research

Programming Paradigms
  • Object oriented languages (OOP)
  • Units of data are viewed as active objects
    rather than the passive units envisioned by
    traditional imperative paradigms.
  • A template is used called a Class and from that
    class an object is created which has access to
    member variables and functions
  • Ex C , Java , C , Smalltalk, Visual Basic

5.2 Traditional Programming
  • This section covers concepts found in the
    imperative object oriented programming
  • Look at Appendix D for a more extensive
    background of imperative OO languages

5.2 Variables and Data Types
  • All locations in main memory have to be
    referenced by a descriptive name rather than a
    numeric address this is known as a variable.
  • The type of data and the operations that can be
    performed on that data are called the data
  • Ex int, float, double, char, long, string,

5.2 Data Structure
  • Variables in programs are often associated with a
    data structure --- a conceptual shape or
    arrangement of data
  • For example
  • Text is normally viewed as a long string of
  • Where as sales records may be viewed as a
    rectangular table of numeric values

5.2 Data Structure
  • One common data structure is the homogeneous
  • Which is a block of values of the same type such
    as a one-dimensional list or a two dimensional
    table with rows and columns.
  • Example declaration of a two dimensional array
  • int Scores 2 9
  • A heterogeneous array is a block of data in which
    different elements can have different types.

5.2 Constants and Literals
  • Sometimes a fixed or predetermined value is used
    in a program this called a literal
  • EX EffectiveAlt ? Altimeter 645
  • The 645 is called the literal
  • Often literals are not used because they
  • Mask the meaning of statements in which they
  • Can complicate the task of modifying the program
    should it become necessary

5.2 Constants and Literals
  • To solve the problems of literals, programming
    languages allow descriptive names to be assigned
    specific, non-changeable values.
  • Such names are called constants
  • Ex in programming language Ada
  • AirportAlt constant Integer 645

5.2 Assignment Statements
  • Once variable names and constants are declared
    then the programmer can begin to describe the
  • This is done by using imperative statements
  • Or Assignment Statements which requests that a
    value be assigned to a variable
  • More precisely , stored in the memory area
    identified by the variable
  • Operator Precedence is maintained PEMDAS in the
    assignment statements

5.2 Control Statements
  • A control statement is an imperative statement
    that alters the execution sequence of the program
  • EX
  • If then , If then else
  • While loop
  • Switch statement

Chapter 5
  • 5.4 Language Implementation

The Translation Process
  • The process of converting a program from one
    language to another is called translation.
  • Source program the program in its original form
  • Object Program -- the translated version of the
    source program
  • The Translation Process consists of three
  • Lexical Analysis
  • Parsing
  • Code Generation

Lexical Analysis
  • The process of recognizing which strings of
    symbols from the source program represent a
    single entity.
  • Read the source program symbol by symbol and
    identifies which groups of symbols represent
    single units classifying those units as
  • Numeric Values, words, arithmetic operators,
    skipping over comments and so on.
  • As each unit is classified, the lexical analyzer
    generates a bit pattern known as a token to
    represent the unit and hands the token to the

  • Views the program in terms of lexical units
    (tokens) rather than individual symbols.
  • Groups units into statements
  • Identifying the grammatical structure of the
    program and recognizing the role of each
  • Earlier languages required that statements be
    placed in a certain position on the page these
    were called fixed-format languages
  • Today the position is not critical thus we call
    most programming languages free-format languages

  • In order for the parser to identify statements
    regardless of the spacing key words and
    characters must be added
  • For example
  • Ending each statement with a semicolon and or
    using reserved words like if , else, then, while,
    for ..
  • The parsing process is based on a set of syntax
    rules this defines the syntax of the programming
  • One way of expressing the syntax rules is by
    using a syntax diagram which is a pictorial
    representation of a programs grammatical

Syntax diagram of the if then else statement
Boolean Expression
  • Notice that the terms that actually appear in an
    if-then-else statement are enclosed in ovals
    these are called terminals
  • Those that appear in rectangles such as Boolean
    Expressions and statements require further
    description these are called non-terminals

  • Using the syntax rules described on page 239
    figure 5.18 xy X z can be represented in a
    pictorial form by a parse tree. (see fig. 5.19)
  • The syntax rules describing a programs
    grammatical structure must not allow two distinct
    parse trees for one string, since this would lead
    to ambiguities.

  • As a parser analyzes the declarative statements
    in a program, it records the information in these
    statements in a table called the symbol table.
  • The symbol table contains such information as
    which variables have been declared and what data
    types and data structures are associated with
    those variables.
  • Z?XY if X and Y for example are not of the same
    data type then the parser will choose to convert
    one to the other type like int to real this is
    called Coercion

  • Coercion is frowned upon by many language
    designers. They argue that the need for coercion
    usually indicates a flaw in the programs design
    and therefore should not be accommodated by the
  • Most modern languages are Strongly Typed, which
    means that all activities requested by a program
    must involve data of agreeable types without
  • Parsers for these languages report all type
    conflicts as errors.

Code generation
  • The final activity in the translation process is
    code generation.
  • This is the process of constructing the
    machine-language instructions to implement the
    statements recognized by the parser.
  • One of the issues that code generation faces
    besides translating the statements into machine
    code is producing efficient code.
  • Example consider x?yz w?xz these
    statements could be translated as individual
    statements which would produce inefficient code.
  • The idea is that since x and z are already in the
    CPUs general purpose registers there is no need
    to load them from memory again. Insights such as
    these are called code optimization.
  • Read page 242 Last Paragraph
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