Title: Processor Design
1Processor Design
- Computer ArchitectureCS 215
- Special purpose registers
- Accumulators (arithmetic registers)
- Status register
3Machine Types
- Accumulator machines
- Limited number of data accumulators
- 1-address machines
- Stack machines
- No register names
- Registers organized as a stack
- 0-address machine
- General register machines
- Most often used today
- Registers used for almost any purpose
4Instruction Sets
- Each family of CPUs has its own instruction set
- Instruction codes are mapped to instructions
- Data movement
- Arithmetic
- Logic
- Control
- Must contain
- Which operation to perform
- Where to find the operand(s), if any
- Where to put the result, if any
- Where to find the next instruction
6Memory Access
- Each register has a unique address
- Two operations
- Read
- Write
7Memory Access Read
- CPU places an address on the address bus, and a
read request on the control bus - Memory unit receives request, decodes address,
and locate data at address - Memory unit places data on data bus
- Memory unit places a complete message on control
8Memory Access Write
- CPU places an address on the address bus, value
to be written on data bus, and a write request on
the control bus - Memory unit receives request, decodes address
- Memory unit stores data at address
- Memory unit places a complete message on control
9Addressing Modes
- Immediate
- i
- Direct
- Mi
- Indirect
- MMi
- Register direct
- Ri
- Register indirect
- MRi
- Displacement
- MRic
- Relative
- MPCc
10SRC Instructions
- Load instructions
- ld, ldr, la, lar
- Store instructions
- st, str
- Arithmetic
- add, addi, sub, neg
- Logic
- and, andi, or, ori, not
- shr, sha, shl, shc
- Branching
- br, brl
- Miscellaneous
- nop, stop
11Instruction Formats
ld, st, la, addi, andi, ori
31 27 26 22 21 17 16 12 11 4 2 0
ldr, str, lar
31 27 26 22 21 17 16 12 11 4 2 0
12Instruction Formats
neg, not
31 27 26 22 21 17 16 12 11 4 2 0
31 27 26 22 21 17 16 12 11 4 2 0
(c3) unused
13Instruction Formats
31 27 26 22 21 17 16 12 11 4 2 0
(c3) unused
add, sub, and, or
31 27 26 22 21 17 16 12 11 4 2 0
14Instruction Formats
shr, shra, shl, shc
31 27 26 22 21 17 16 12 11 4 2 0
(c2) unused
31 27 26 22 21 17 16 12 11 4 2 0
(c3) unused
nop, stop
31 27 26 22 21 17 16 12 11 4 2 0
- cnt .equ 8
- .org 0
- seq .dc 1
- next .dc 1
- ans .dw cnt
- .org 0x1000
- lar r31, loop
- la r0, cnt
- la r1, seq
- loop ld r2, seq(r1)
- ld r3, next(r1)
- add r2, r2, r3
- st r2, ans(r1)
- addi r1, r1, 4
- addi r0, r0 -1
- brnz r31, r0
- stop
16CPU Design
Control Unit
- Control Unit
- Generates the control signals in the correct
order to effect the correct data path activity - Data Path
- Set of interconnections and auxiliary registers
- Needed to accomplish overall changes an
instruction makes
Control signals out
Control unit inputs
Data Path
17Register Transfer Notation
181-Bus Microarchitecture
- Only one value can be placed on the bus at any
19Abstract Vs. Concrete RTN
- How would accomplish the following instruction
using this architecture? - add(op12)?Rra?RrbRrc
20Abstract Vs. Concrete RTN
- add(op12)?Rra?RrbRrc
- Step RTN
21Abstract Vs. Concrete RTNaddi
- Step RTN
- T0. MA ? PC C ? PC 4
- T1. MD ? MMA PC ? C
- T2. IR ? MD
- T3. A ? Rrb
- T4. C ? A c2lt16..0gt sign ext.
- T5. Rra ? C
22Abstract Vs. Concrete RTNld
- Step RTN
- T0-T2 Instruction fetch
- T3. A ? (rb0 ? 0 rb?0 ? Rrb)
- T4. C ? A (16_at_IRlt16gtIRlt15..0gt)
- T5. MA ? C
- T6. MD ? MMA
- T7. Rra ? MD
23Abstract Vs. Concrete RTNst
- Step RTN
- T0-T2 Instruction fetch
- T3. A ? (rb0 ? 0 rb?0 ? Rrb)
- T4. C ? A (16_at_IRlt16gtIRlt15..0gt)
- T5. MA ? C
- T6. MD ? Rra
- T7. MMA ? MD
24Abstract Vs. Concrete RTNbr
- Step RTN
- T0-T2 Instruction fetch
- T3. CON ? cond(Rrc)
- T4. CON ? PC ? Rrb
25Abstract Vs. Concrete RTNshr
- Step Concrete RTN
- T0-T2 Instruction fetch
- T3. n ? IRlt4..0gt
- T4. (n0) ? (n ? Rrclt4..0gt?
- T5. C ? Rrb
- T6. Shr ( (n?0)?(Clt31..0gt?0Clt31..1gt?n ? n-1
Shr) ) - T7. Rra ? C
26More Detail
27More Detail
ra, rb, rc fields
28Try this!
- Problem
- Extend the SRC instruction set by adding the XOR
command (op19), similar to the AND commandNote
The ALU cannot be altered by adding XOR - Develop both an abstract and concrete RTN for the
29Try this!
30Instruction Register
31Memory Interface
From bus
From memory
To memory
To bus
34Control sequencesInstruction Fetch
- Step Concrete RTN Control Sequence
- T0. MA ? PC C ? PC4 PCout, MAin, Inc4, Cin
- T1. MD ? MMA PC ? C Read, Cout, PCin, Wait
- T2. IR ? MD MDout, IRin
- T3. Instruction_execution
35Control sequencesadd
Step Concrete RTN Control Sequence T0. MA ? PC
C ? PC4 PCout, MAin, Inc4, Cin, Read T1. MD ?
MMA PC ? C Cout, PCin, Wait T2. IR ?
MD MDout, IRin T3. A ? Rrb Grb, Rout,
Ain T4. C ? A Rrc Grc, Rout, ADD,
Cin T5. Rra ? C Cout, Gra, Rin, End
36Control sequencesaddi
Step Concrete RTN Control Sequence T0. MA ?
PC C ? PC 4 PCout, MAin, Inc4, Cin T1. MD ?
MMA PC ? C Cout, PCin, Wait, Read T2. IR ?
MD MDout, IRin T3. A ? Rrb Grb, Rout,
Ain T4. C ? A c2?16..0? sign ext. c2out,
ADD, Cin T5. Rra ? C Cout, Gra, Rin, End
37Control sequencesst
38Control sequencesshr
Step Concrete RTN Control Sequence T0-T2 Instruc
tion fetch Instruction fetch T3. n ?
IR?4..0? c1out, Ld T4. (n0) ? (n ?
Rrc?4..0?) n0 ? (Grc, Rout, Ld) T5. C ?
Rrb Grb, Rout, CB, Cin T6. Shr
((n?0)? n?0 ? (Cout, SHR, Cin, (C?31..0? ?
0C?31..1? Decr, Goto6) n ? n-1 Shr)
) T7. Rra ? C Cout, Gra, Rin, End
39Control sequencesbr
Step Concrete RTN Control Sequence T0-T2 Instruct
ion fetch Instruction fetch T3. CON ?
cond(Rrc) Grc, Rout, CONin T4. CON ? PC ?
Rrb Grb, Rout, CON ? PCin, End
40Clocking Timing
41Control Unit
422-Bus SRC
433-Bus SRC
44Machine Reset
- From a need to initialize processor to a known,
defined state - Control Step Counter ? 0
- PC ? Known Value
- instruction_interpretation (?Run?Strt ? (Run
? 1 PC, R0..31 ? 0) - Run??Rst (IR ? MPC PC ? PC
4instruction_execution) - Run?Rst ? ( Rst ? 0 PC ? 0) instruction_interpre
45Types of Exceptions
- System Reset
- Machine Check Exceptions
- Memory error checking
- Data Access Exceptions
- Instruction Access Exceptions
- Alignment Exceptions
46Types of Exceptions
- Program Exceptions
- Illegal instruction
- Unimplemented instruction
- Privileged instruction
- Arithmetic errors (sometimes)
47Types of Exceptions
- Miscellaneous Hardware Exceptions
- Countdown to zero
- Trace Debugging Exceptions
- Nonmaskable Exceptions
- Cannot be ignored
- Power outage
- Interrupts (External)
48Exception Process
- Interrupt signal asserted
- Determine if interrupt should be serviced Finish
current instruction, if possible
49Exception Process
instruction_interpretation (?Run?Strt ? Run
? 1 Run??(ireq?IE) ? (IR?? MPC PC ? PC 4
instruction_execution) Run?(ireq?IE) ? (IPC ?
PC?31..0? II?15..0? ??Isrc_info?15..0? iack
??1 IE ??0 PC ? Ivect?31..0? iack ? 0)