Title: Social Networks
1Social Networks
(b) The network of collaborations between
scientists at a private research institution (
Newman, 2004)
(c) A network of sexual contacts between
individuals ( Newman, 2004)
2Information Networks
Citation Network
World-Wide Web
3Biological Networks
Metabolic Networks
Protein/Protein Interaction Networks - PPI Yeast
4Databases of PPI
- Mammalian Protein-Protein Interaction
Database - http//mips.gsf.de/proj/ppi/
- Database of Interacting Proteins at UCLA.
No species restriction. - http//dip.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/
- Molecular INTeraction database, Univ. di
Roma -
5Various types of networks
6Network Measures Barabási Oltvai, 2004
- Degree Distribution
- Shortest Path and Mean Path Length
- Clustering Coefficient
7Degree Distribution
- The degree of a vertex in a network is the number
- of edges incident on (i.e., connected to) that
vertex - We define p(k) as the probability that a selected
vertex has exactly k links. - The histogram of p(k) is the degree distribution
for the - network.
8Cumulative Degree Distribution
- An alternative way of presenting degree data is
to make a plot of the cumulative distribution
function -
- P(k) ?kk,8 p(k)
- which is the probability that the degree is
greater than - or equal to k.
- Such a plot has the advantage that all the
original data are represented.
9Degree Distribution in Random Networks
- In a random Erdos and Renyi graph each edge is
present with equal probability p. - The degree distribution is, binomial, or Poisson
in the limit of large graph size. - The limit of large n is taken holding the mean
degree - z p(n - 1) constant
10Random Network Generation
- To generate a random network, start with N nodes
and connect each pair of nodes with probability
p, thus creating a graph with approximately -
pN(N1)/2 - randomly placed links.
- The network has a characteristic degree, close to
the average degree of the distribution - There are no highly connected nodes (hubs)
11Scale-free networks
- The degree distribution approximates a power law
- P(k) k? 2lt?lt3
- The term scale-free" refers to any functional
form f(x) that remains unchanged to within a
multiplicative factor under a rescaling of the
independent variable x, i.e. - f(ax) bf(x)
- power-law" and scale-free" are synonymous.
- Power-law degree distribution indicates that a
few hubs hold together numerous small nodes
12Gaussian versus Power Law
- In a Gaussian distribution most observations are
around the average the odds of a deviation
decline faster and faster (exponentially) as we
move away from the average
13Examples fromThe Black Swan by Taleb
- Assume average 1.67 meters, and unit of deviation
10 cm - Height distribution (a Gaussian quantity)
- 10 cm taller than average 1 in 6.3
- 20 cm taller than average 1 in 44
- 30 cm taller than average 1 in 740
- 40 cm taller than average 1 in 32000
- 50 cm taller than average 1 in 3500000
- ..
- 100 cm taller than average 1 in
130000000000000000000000 - 110 cm taller than average 1 in
3600000000000000000000000 - 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
14Scalable Wealth Distribution
- People with a net worth
- higher than 1 million 1 in 62.3
- higher than 2 million 1 in 250
- higher than 4 million 1 in 1500
- higher than 8 million 1 in 4000
- higher than 16 million 1 in 16000
- higher than 32 million 1 in 64000
- higher than 16 million 1 in 6400000
- The speed of decrease is constant
15Wealth Distribution with Large Inequalities
- People with a net worth
- higher than 1 million 1 in 62.3
- higher than 2 million 1 in 125
- higher than 4 million 1 in 250
- higher than 8 million 1 in 500
- higher than 16 million 1 in 1000
- higher than 32 million 1 in 2000
- higher than 320 million 1 in 20000
- higher than 640 million 1 in 40000
16Wealth Distribution assuming a Gaussian Law
- People with a net worth
- higher than 1 million 1 in 63
- higher than 2 million 1 in 127000
- higher than 4 million 1 in 14000000000
- higher than 8 million 1 in 1600000000000000000000
17Power Law A simple property
- P(k) k?
- P(k1)/P(k2) (k1/k2)?
- Example
- Assume ?1.5
- Say that you think that 96 books sell more than
250000 copies. - Then you can estimate that x34 books will sell
more than 500000, - x/96 (500000/250000)-1.5
18Assumed exponents for various phenomena (M.E.J.
Newman 2005)
- Frequency of use of words 1.2
- Number of hits on websites 1.4
- Number of books sold in USA 1.5
- Networth of Amerincans 1.1
- Population in US cities 1.3
- People killed in terrorist attacks 2
19The meaning of the exponent (from The Black
Swan, by Taleb)
20- For ?gt3 in many respects the scale-free network
behaves like a random one.
21Cumulative degree distributions for six
different networks
The horizontal axis is vertex degree k, the
vertical axis is the fraction of vertices that
have degree gt k. (c), (d) and (f), appear to
have power-law degree distributions, (e) has an
exponential degree distribution and (a) appears
to have a truncated power-law degree
22Degree Distribution for different types of
23Clustering or Transitivity
- If vertex A is connected to vertex B and vertex B
to vertex C, then likely vertex A will also be
connected to vertex C. - In social networks, the friend of your friend is
likely also to be your friend.
24Clustering Coefficient
- Assume node i has ki adjacent nodes let ni be
the number of links connecting the neighbours of
node i to each other. Then - Ci 2 ni /ki(ki1)
- Alternative definition
- C 3 ? of triangles in the network/?of
connected triples of vertices
25Average Cluster Coefficient
- Two definitions
- C ?i Ci
- Average clustering coefficient of all nodes with
k links - C(k) ?i Ci (k)
26Clustering Coefficient
- For many real networks C(k) k 1,
- which is an indication of a networks
hierarchical character
27Clustering Coefficients for different types of
28Mean Path length
- The average over the shortest paths between all
pairs of nodes - l 1/(1/2n(n 1)) ?ij dij
- where dij is the length of the shortest path
(also called geodesic distance) between nodes i
and j - A measure of spread of information, networks
overall navigability, etc.
29Small-world effect
- A network has the small-world effect if most
pairs of vertices are connected by a short path
through the network - If the number of vertices within a distance r of
a typical central vertex grows exponentially with
rand this is true of many networks, including
the random graph then the value of l will
increase as log n. - Networks with power-law degree distributions have
values of l that increase no faster than log
n/log log n
30Selective linking Assortative mixing
- Suppose nodes are classified into different types
i, i1, ..n. - Let Eij be the number of edges in the network
that connect vertices of types i and j, and let E
be the matrix with elements Eij . - The normalized matrix e is defined
- e E / E
- where E denotes the sum of all the elements of
the matrix E. The elements eij measure the
fraction of edges that fall between vertices of
types i and j.
31Assortativity coefficient
- r Tr e e2/ (1 - e2)
- where Tr is the trace of matrix e, i.e. the sum
of all its diagonal elements - r is 0 in a randomly mixed network and 1 in a
perfectly assortative network.
32Assortativity based on node degree
- Are nodes with high degree preferentially
connected to each other? - Social networks are assortative, i.e. well
connected - people tend to know each other
- Biological PPI networks and technological WWW
seem to be disassortativity
33Assortativity coefficient
- C Pearson correlation coefficient of the degrees
at either ends of an edge. - C tends to be positive for assortatively mixed
networks and negative for disassortative ones.
34Network clustering
35Hierarchical Measurements
- Two fundamental operations of mathematical
morphology - Dilation
- Erosion
36Hierarchical Measurements
(a) Dilation the dilation of the initial
subnetwork (dark gray vertices) corresponds to
the dark and light gray vertices (b) Erosion
the erosion of the original subnetwork, given by
the dark gray vertices in (a), results in the
subnetwork represented by the black vertices in
- The complement of g is the subgraph implied by
the set of vertices in G that are not in g. - The dilation of g is the subgraph d(g)
- implied by the vertices in g plus the vertices
directly connected to a vertex in g. -
- The erosion of g is defined as the complement of
the dilation of the complement of g
38- The d-ring of subgraph g, denoted by Rd(g), is
the subgraph implied by the set of vertices - N(dd(g)) \ N(dd-1(g))
- The hierarchical degree of a subgraph g at
distance d can be defined as the number of edges
connecting rings Rd(g) to Rd1(g).