Microscopic Evolution of Social Network - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Microscopic Evolution of Social Network


Microscopic Evolution of Social Network Zheng Jiangchuan – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Microscopic Evolution of Social Network

  • Microscopic Evolution of Social Network

Zheng Jiangchuan
Method Overview
  • Conventional social network study
  • Primarily focus on the static structure of social
  • Reveal statistical network properties observed in
    real-world data power-law degree distribution,
    small world property, community.

  • What is missing or rarely studied
  • How does the social network we have observed come
  • What force drives the social network to exhibit
    the noted static macroscopic structural
  • How would the social network evolve in the

  • Basic Intuition
  • The answer lies in the laws governing the
    temporal evolution of social network
  • Since the social network is a self-organized
    network, such laws are primarily hidden in the
    temporal behaviors of individual nodes

  • Temporal Behaviors of Individual Node

At what rate does a new node arrive?
Node Arrival Process
How long will a new node stay active during its
life time?
When a node creates a new edge, which target will
this node most likely connect to?
Edge Initiation and Selection Process
How long will a node sleep before creating a new
  • Individual node behavior overview
  • Node arrives at some rate
  • The newly arrived node decides its active
  • The node initiates its first edge to a specific
    target node
  • The node goes to sleep for some time
  • The node wakes up, if its life time has not
    expired, then it selects a target node to connect
  • Each node carries out the above process
    simultaneously, collectively leading to the
    macroscopic evolution of social network

  • Basic Task
  • Develop a generative model that is capable of
    describing the evolution of a social network
  • This model is specified by the process in the
    previous slide at an intuitive level
  • Need to quantify every step in this process
    mathematically from empirical observations

  • What can this generative model be used for
  • Provide mathematical insight into the question of
    how the social network with the static properties
    we have observed come about
  • Predict the future evolution of the current
    social network
  • Explain the temporal behaviors of humans in
    social domain

Method Overview
  • How to quantify each step in the generative
    process mathematically?
  • Figure out the mathematical expression for each
    step by estimating from empirical temporal social
    network data based on Maximum Likelihood
    Estimation principle.
  • For each step, select a model with certain
    parameters that maximize the likelihood of the
    data we have observed

Data Set
  • Four data sets with temporal information
  • Flickr (03/2003-09/2005)
  • Delicious (05/2006-02/2007)
  • Answers (03/2007-06/2007)
  • LinkedIn (05/2003-10/2006)

Edge Attachment Process
  • Basic method
  • Evolve the network edge by edge, and for every
    edge arriving into the network, measure the
    likelihood that the particular edge endpoints
    would be chosen under some given model
  • Pick the model and associated parameters that
    maximize the sample likelihood

Edge Attachment Process
  • Candidate models
  • Before proceeding to the MLE experiments, need to
    propose some candidate models
  • Edge attachment by degree
  • Edge attachment by age of the node
  • Carry some simple experiments to justify the
    effectiveness of the proposed models

Edge Attachment Process
  • Edge attachment by degree
  • The probability that a new edge connects to a
    specific node is proportional to the degree of
    that node at the moment
  • This is intuitively consistent with common sense
    as people are more likely to know those
    influential individuals

Edge Attachment Process
  • Edge attachment by degree
  • Simple experiments for justification, not MLE.
  • Plots the probability that a new edge connects to
    a node with a certain degree

The experiments match well with the degree
preferential attachment model
Edge Attachment Process
  • Edge attachment by age of the node
  • The probability that a new edge connects to a
    specific node is proportional to age of that node
    at the moment
  • The intuition is older, more experienced users
    of a social network are also more engaged and
    thus absorb more edges

Edge Attachment Process
  • Edge attachment by age of the node
  • Depicts how many number of edges are absorbed by
    nodes of specific age normalized by the number of
    nodes that have achieved that age

The experiments do not match well with the
proposed model, but anyway it is a possible choice
Edge Attachment Process
  • Maximum likelihood estimation
  • Four models
  • D degree preferential attachment
  • DR combination of degree preferential attachment
    and uniformly at random attachment
  • A age preferential attachment
  • DA combination of degree preferential attachment
    and age preferential attachment
  • For each model and for each data set, plot the
    sample likelihood w.r.t model parameters

Edge Attachment Process
  • Maximum likelihood estimation

Conclude that model D performs reasonably well
compared to more sophisticated variants based on
degree and age
Locality of edge attachment
  • Basic Intuition
  • While the degree preferential attachment model
    appears to be a reasonable model, it fails to
    take into account the locality of edge attachment
  • Intuitively, people are more likely to connect to
    people with common friends, that is, a new edge
    tends to span a small number of hops

Locality of edge attachment
  • Experiments that empirically justify this
  • Plots the probability that a newly created edge
    spans a certain number of hops

The experiments on real data do not match well
with PA model in terms of decreasing rate
Locality of edge attachment
  • Insight from the experiments
  • The double exponential decrease of
    suggest that newly created edges are very likely
    to span only a small number of hops, forming
  • So the degree preferential attachment model
    should be replaced by triangle-closing models,
    i.e., each new edge connects to a node two hops

Locality of edge attachment
  • Mathematical model of triangle-closing
  • The edge creating process can be decomposed into
    two steps select the neighbor by some random
    rule, then select the neighbors neighbor by
    possibly another rule
  • There are many possible triangle-closing models,
    depending on how to select neighbor at each step

Locality of edge attachment
  • Select best triangle-closing model using MLE

On average, the random-random triangle-closing
model performs relatively well, and will be used
to describe the evolution.
Node life time
  • Selected Model
  • By performing similar maximum likelihood
    estimation experiments, found that node lifetimes
    are best modeled by an exponential distribution

Time gap between edges
  • Selected Model
  • Intuitively, individuals with more friends are
    likely to make new friends in a shorter time,
    meaning the gap distribution for nodes with
    different degrees should be different.
  • More precisely, the gap distribution should be
    conditional on the degree of the node

Time gap between edges
  • Selected Model
  • For a specific data set, by estimating and
    for each using maximum likelihood estimation,
    we are able to find the possible function of
    and with , respectively.

While a is a constant, independent of d, k is a
linear function of d, although the linear
coefficient b varies among different data sets
Complete Model
  • Very novel and rigorous evaluation method
  • Basic ideas For a specific data set, if the
    evolution model is correct, then the static
    properties of the final network that are computed
    mathematically by such an evolution model should
    be close to what we have observed in the data set

  • Very novel and rigorous evaluation method
  • 1. Based on the proposed evolution model,
    analytically derive a mathematical expression for
    the degree distribution of the final network as a
    function of the parameters in the evolution model
  • 2. For a specific temporal social network data
    set, estimate the parameters needed by the
    evolution model.
  • 3.Substitute the estimated parameters into the
    mathematical expression for the degree
    distribution of the final network
  • 4. Compare the result with the true degree
    distribution observed in the final snapshot of
    this social network data set.

  • Analytic derivation

Estimate and from the temporal social
network dataset, respectively
Compare this with the parameter of the degree
distribution directly estimated from the real
data set
  • Results

Surprisingly Similar!
Thank you!
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